
作者&投稿:别种 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
来个英语高手 帮妹妹我翻译一小段文章, 的。在线翻译的不要来了。 谢谢~

嗯 祝快乐

1.Hotel usually cut their prices in winter.
2.Some readers said they were going to eat more vegetables.
3.He wants to know what she thinks of the transportation.
4.It is interesting to hear what the class think about action movies.
5.She asked me if she could borrow these books.
6.My shoes had holes where you could see my feet.
7.There are a few shops and restaurants that sell food just for us.
8.We did a survey of what movies students like watching.
9.My sister Isabel is the funniest person I know.
10.My mom gets really angry when I forget to clean my room.

What do you usually have for breakfast?
Do you want to have a part time job on summer vacation?

Some preliminary school students with severe poverty are in deep trouble with their study .
In some undevoloped parts of China, there are not schools or classrooms for studying, the learning conditions is rather bad, and even no desks or stools available for the students to use. But the students still study hard.
Their parents spare every bit of money to support their children, but still most of the students are at the edge of losing the learning opportunity. The only thing that they could do is just seizing the precious chance of learning to absorb as much knowledge as they could. Because they know they will lose the chance very easily.
But in contrast, in the wealthier parts, children are used to living a convenient and comfortable life and care little about the money they spend and the opportunity of learning. If each of the wealthier children just saves a little of their daily expense of money and donate it to the poor parts, there will be a great amount in sum.
Also, we can send our used books and clothes to the poor parts. In one way, the knowledge that the books carry will not fade.In another,the old clothes is a big help to the poor students and can save them a great deal.
At last, I want to say, the quicker all these deeds be carried out,the better.


As we all know, there are many children who quit school because of financial difficulties. They had no school buildings, no desks or chairs, the only thing they have is the dream for school. It is not the children’s fault to be born in a poor area, and it is their rights to continue study. I believe many of the poor children are talented and smart, and they have to study harder than kids in cities to change their living environment.

For us, we have to try all our best to help them. We can save money to donate to them, so that they can continue their study and improve their school conditions.

what should we do ?

额 这个......嗨......帮你写篇吧
Nowadays,we live in a happy live.But when we look into the countryside, we can find that there are so many pupils can't study in the classrooms.Though they have no desks and chairs even a new book,they study very hard.
What should we do to help them? In my opinion, we should not only depend on the society, the government also gives help to them,we can give then the things that we have no use.
And what should them do? I think the most important things they must do is to study hard ,to try their best to be a great person.


那人却在灯火阑珊处---伙 渴望---干瞪眼 苏南改革 展新容---变 十---横冲直撞 发言--- 生财之道或生财有道 皮---生龙活虎 佳人面貌 朗满意---男睬女貌 世上无水不向动---川流不息

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请精通日语的高手回答,最好要准确些不是硬拼到一起。我刚注册,分不多,回答的有用一定给分。谢谢...妹妹——依毛偷 爷爷辈——欧吉依桑 奶奶辈——欧巴阿桑 阿姨辈——欧巴桑 叔叔辈——欧吉桑12、


哪个高手帮妹妹想个穿越战队好听的广告语战队名字 守yi句灬誓言 谢谢...

当然了 韩语读音,韩语高手进!
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回答:哥哥 お兄さん 兄(あに)弟弟 弟(おとうと)姐姐 お姉さん(おねえさん) 姉(あね)妹妹 妹(いもうと)爷爷 お爷さん(おじいさん)奶奶 お婆さん(おばあさん)老爷 お爷さん(おじいさん)姥姥 お婆さん(おばあさん)表兄弟姐妹:従兄弟...

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宿豫县17871764667: 英语高手们来看看?帮小妹峨一个忙哟、这里为什么没有人、应该说成是why there is nobody?还是 why is there nobody、应该是there is only one country 、... -
房咐氨酚:[答案] 第一个应该是why is there nobody,有这样的说法 第二个应该是there is only one country

宿豫县17871764667: 各位英文高手请进~~帮一下忙啦!各位帅哥靓妹请进!因有一篇英语短文不知该怎样翻译,所以请各位英文高手帮忙,如能搞定,小妹我必当感激不尽!全文... -
房咐氨酚:[答案] 大家好:我叫XXX,XXX是我的英文名,你可以叫我XXX,我是来自于XXX小学的.在小学里,我喜欢每一门学习的科目.我知道在初中,我会学到许多科目.我会努力学好每一科,并且我一直努力学习英语.我的爱好很广泛.我最喜欢听歌和...

宿豫县17871764667: 英语高手们帮小妹一个忙!
房咐氨酚: 金先生跟他的女儿没有在家吃午餐而金夫人有. She usually goes to visit her friends in her spare time. They go home by bus.

宿豫县17871764667: 请英语高手帮个忙. -
房咐氨酚: 小明坐在我后面Xiao Ming sits behind me, Xiao Hua sits in front of me, Xiao Gang sits on my right side. 小刚坐在我的右面 Xiao Li sits next to me.小丽紧挨着我旁边坐. 保证正确!,小花坐在我的前面, Xiao Hong sits on my left side, 小红坐在我左面

宿豫县17871764667: 英语高手进,帮个忙
房咐氨酚: 1:c;2.B;3.C;4.B; 1.the去掉;2.has-have;3.a后加apair of;4.we-us;5.have a去掉 1.How does your mother spend her weekends? 2.Excuse me,can you show me the way to the cinema? 3.Tohn goes to school at half past seven. 4.Do you want to visit the Great Wall?

宿豫县17871764667: 各位英语高手进来!谁能帮帮小妹我? -
房咐氨酚: hello every body,my name is shang rong,you can call me lisa as wel...

宿豫县17871764667: 高一 英语值日报告 各位英语高手进啊 帮帮小妹我!!! -
房咐氨酚: hello dear fellows , good morning! i would rather to say happy year first .during the new year's day ,i read some books about how to improve our spoken english . i got a great impression of it.And i also learned much from it. it says that recitation is the ...

宿豫县17871764667: 英语高手进来帮我个忙吧
房咐氨酚: 1,it can bring me a lot of knowledge,这句话语法对 2,还有听音乐是listen to the music 问题补充:改了几处小问题和连词后的结果:I have a lot of hobbies, such as reading, swimming , listening to the music and so on(such as举例时不能把所有的...

宿豫县17871764667: 英语高手进来帮个忙啊!急等..题有点多,正确率高的追加分,1.“What happened in that new area?” “New houses - ____ - recently over there.”A.are built... -
房咐氨酚:[答案] 答案纯属个人意见...1.D...考的是被动语态...happened表示是过去时...所以A不符合..2.C...其它的情态动词后还加了个动词...last night表示是过去时..3.D...intent表示打算...是动词...后面加to来用...其他的语法上的...

宿豫县17871764667: 英语高手进来帮小弟一个忙举出几个后面只能加动名词的词并且每词写出一个例句 -
房咐氨酚:[答案] finish v.完成 I finish doing my home work. 我完成了作业. enjoy v.喜爱,享受 I enjoy swimming. 我喜爱游泳.

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