
作者&投稿:鄘贾 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)




After twenty years I
Time flies, blink of an eye I had from a child, now 20 years later, I became a teacher. Wearing glasses, carefully correcting the students sit in front of the desk work. "Report!" Mathematics Learning Committee disrupted my train of thought. "Come in!" I smiled and said to her, "how are you? The homework together?" She frowned: "poor classmates." "He is what reason?" "I don't know." "Well, you go and get him, I'll ask him." "Well!" She said, and went away. After a while, the students came, I put down my pen, glasses, calmly said to him: "Why are you don't hand in the homework?" He expanded his face flushed, his head very low, very not easy from the teeth squeeze out a few words: "i...... I...... Because the play, forget homework." The smile on my face right away: "play to play, learn to learn, you should finish your homework to play!" I sighed deeply, the students burst into tears. I consoled him and said: "your homework up well, next time do not allow."

The future life in 20 years In 20 years, every home will have a robot. It can help us do lots of things. We will have more time to study and have fun.Sometimes we will visit the Underwater World。We might even fly the rocket to the moon on vacation。In addition,students won`t go to school anymore and they will study at home on the Internet at home。So what do you think ?

我们看着不断变化的世界,心中都会有很多感慨,那么当家乡经过20年的岁月,你能想象会发生怎样的变化吗?下面是我给大家带来的二十年后的家乡作文400字范文7篇,以供大家参考! 二十年后的家乡作文400字(一) 二十年后,你们的家乡会是什么样子的呢?让我来给你们介绍一下我家乡二十年后的样子吧。 我家乡的房子应该...

岁月会侵蚀每一个人,他的面容、他的思想,而我只能用现在的想法去畅想一个二十年后的我。下面给大家分享一些20年后的我 作文 600字5篇,希望对大家有帮助。 更多关于20年后的我的相关内容推荐↓↓↓ 20年后的我作文精选10篇 20年以后的我小学作文 20年后的我作文600字 写20年后的我日记 20年后的我...

二十年,家乡变成了一幅优美的画!写二十年后家乡的作文3 历经沧桑,时光飞逝,20年后,我已从当年的顽皮的小孩子变成了学业有成的博士生,趁着祖国华诞,我终于有机会回到了那朝思暮想的故乡。下了机场,便赶紧叫了一辆20年后的出租车,那出租车司机居然是一个机器人,而且那个机器人还会讲各国...

未来是遥遥无期的,但是我们心里想到的二十年后又是什么样呢?今日我就为大家整理了关于二十年后的我的作文,仅供参考学习,一起来看看吧! 二十年后的我:篇1 我是一个阳光的小男孩,我已经十岁了,上小学四年级。二十年后的我已经三十岁了,是上着大学呢?还是有了一份安稳的工作?我静静地思索起来…… 我的理想...

二十年后的我初二作文7篇 20年后我是一位杰出的男侦探,我可是现实生活中的“柯南”,可不是什么动画虚构的哦!今日我就为大家整理了关于二十年后的我的作文,仅供参考学习,一起来看看吧! 二十年后的我:篇1 二十年后的我也许是工程师、大老板、发明家…… 如果我是发明家的话,我会发明出世界上最好玩的、最...

“起床啦!”妈妈的声音突然响起。原来是一个梦呀,虽然这只是一个梦,但我想:为了实现我20年后的梦想,我一定会努力学习,长大后真正成为一名发明家,造福于人类。二十年后的我作文250字(四) 一转眼,就到了20xx年,自从xx岁那年我发明了“天气定位仪”。地球的环境就变得非常好,四季如春,不...

而现在,我只有踏踏实实地学习,20年后实现我的愿望。二十年后的我作文500字作文【三】 星星勾靳出夜的宁静,路边幽幽的灯光透过茂密的香樟树,化作一点点碎银洒在我窗前。我已经不是20年前那个懵懂的孩子了,因为此时我做了一个惊人的决定,一个所有认识我的人都反对的决定——去非洲当一名医生...

在平日的学习、工作和生活里,大家都经常看到作文的身影吧,作文一定要做到主题集中,围绕同一主题作深入阐述,切忌东拉西扯,主题涣散甚至无主题。那么一般作文是怎么写的呢?以下是我为大家收集的20年后回故乡作文,希望能够帮助到大家。 20年后回故乡作文1 一眨眼20年就这样过去了,时间过的真快啊!我坐着火车从军校回...

20年后的我优秀作文5 20年以后的我,已经拥有了一套豪华的别墅,这座别墅里的设计非常先进,里面也有很多设施,比如:花园,游泳池,健身房,高尔夫球场等,我平常总是在健身房里健身,要不就又变成以前的大胖子,到了晚上我总是在花园里散步,呼吸新鲜空气;在炎热的夏天我可以在游泳池内游泳;到了秋天,天气凉爽,我可以打...

篇六:20年后的家乡作文500字范文 20年后的家乡会山清水秀,一点污染都没有。 20年后的家乡,会到处都是人们的欢声笑语,鸟儿们的歌唱声,还有其他动物的欢叫声! 20年后的家乡,一眼望去都是绿色的海洋! 20年后的家乡,春天,万物复苏鸟儿们穿着春天的暖风中的新衣裳,在散播着人们开心的欢笑声! 20年后的家乡,...

五华县13886785058: 初三英语作文带翻译二十年后的我60词 -
宓泄逸林: about my future job I have never thought of my future job before, not because I don't care, but because I don't even have a clue. This morning, when I woke up, suddenly, I felt a kind of worry. If I work in a company, then the work wounld not exhaust my ...

五华县13886785058: 英语作文,初二水平,二十年后的自己,带翻译 -
宓泄逸林: I will become more and more richer after twenty years .Everything will change.For example: I will not go to school for study,I won't go out to work. Because I will become an egineer in computer.I will only stay at home to teach ourselves with computer....

五华县13886785058: 初二下册英语第一单元作文.题目是'二十年后的我'!急求!在线等!只有一天时间啊! -
宓泄逸林:[答案] I think I will be an office worker in ten years.I like working with different people,because I like challenges.I will live in a big house with my husband and my daughter.we will live a happy life.We w...

五华县13886785058: 初二英语作文— — — 20年后的我(是英语还是初二的!!!) 满意的话还可以加分 -
宓泄逸林: It's exciting to imagine what I would be like in twenty years' time. I think I will be a good English teacher then. All my students like me and my lessons. I can speak good English and have fun with my students every day. And I guess I will be a father/...

五华县13886785058: 初二英语作文20年后的我带翻译 -
宓泄逸林: 我想当一名医生,在20年后.医生能医治很多的人,让人们健康和快乐.我认为它是很好的职业.从现在开始我要好好学习去实现它,我相信20年后的我一定能做到.

五华县13886785058: 初一英语作文我20午年后的生活情况 -
宓泄逸林: his future life in 20 years Perhaps,my idea on the life in 20 years is quite different from the others.I would like to say that we will have a very miserable life in the 20 years while the other people are dreaming about the future in the same 20 years.It is ...

五华县13886785058: 初二下册英语第一单元作文.题目是'二十年后的我'!!急求!在线等!!只有一天时间啊!! -
宓泄逸林: I think I will be an office worker in ten years. I like working with different people,because I like challenges. I will live in a big house with my husband and my daughter. we will live a happy life. We will live in a big city, like Shanghai. I fell in love with this ...

五华县13886785058: 初二:英语作文 十年后的我 80词 -
宓泄逸林: In ten years, think my life is very good. I will be a doctor, so I will help people in ten years. In the future, I think I will live to be 200 years old .And I will have a sports car and I will have a big house. AND in ten years people won't use money, everything will be free. The city is very big and too dirty.

五华县13886785058: 英语作文.初二下册的..第一单元robot的...题目是:二十年以后的我..要有机器人.快快快..... -
宓泄逸林: If I have a robot called Alfa My name is Mark.I have a dream and I want to have a robot. If I have a robot ,I will call it Alfa.I think Alfa will look like people and do same things as us. If you ask me why I want to have a robot,I'll tell you because robots can ...

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