as if和as though的区别

作者&投稿:圣栏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

as if和as though的区别为意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同,使用区别如下:
一、意思不同 if意思:好像…一样,仿佛,似乎,(表示判断)好像,似乎,(表示类比)好像,仿佛,似乎。 though意思:好像。
二、用法不同 if用法:if作为从属连词,可引导条件状语从句、让步状语从句和名词从句。if引导条件状语从句,从句可为真实条件从句,也可为虚拟条件从句。如为真实条件从句,谓语用陈述语气,表示可能性很大,通常用一般现在时代替一般将来时,如果if从句中用will,表示意愿。 though用法:though引导让步状语从句时表示一种假设的情况或含有推测的意味,从句的谓语动词可用陈述式,也可用虚拟式,有时为了强调让步的意义,可采用倒装语序。在用though连接的从句中,谓语是be,而从句的主语与主句的主语相同时,从句的主语与be可同时省略。
三、侧重点不同 if侧重点:侧重于口语形式,简练。 though侧重点:侧重于书面语形式,正式。

这两个连词as though和as if没有什么区别。as if用得普遍些,却可引导方式状语从句和表语
e.g.He closed his eyes as though he were too tired.
She acted as though nothing had happened.
当从句主语和主句主语一致,从句谓语中又含有动词to be时,可以把主语和to be
e.g.He looked about as though (he was)in search of something.
He paused as if(he was)expecting Tom to speak.
He listened as though he was turning to stone.
e.g.It looks as if it"s going to rain.
It seems as if I"m the first one here.
as though和as if从句用虚拟语气,还是用陈述语气。完全根据具体情况而定。如果
a pencil is partly in a glass of looks as if it were broken.
You look as if you are friends.

这两个词组的区别我懂,as if:强调推测的不确定性,可能性较低。as though:强调推测的可能性较高。给大家简单总结了两个词的含义、发音以及用法,先大概的了解一下~~

接下来让我们看下as if和as though的其他区别:

1. 用法和结构:

- as if: 后面接谓语动词的虚拟形式(虚拟语气)。

- She looks as if she were lost. (她看起来好像迷路了。)

- as though: 后面接的动词不改变形式,仍然是实际形式。

- It seems as though it will rain tomorrow. (好像明天会下雨。)

2. 推测的程度:

- as if: 强调推测的不确定性,可能性较低。

- He talks as if he knew everything. (他说话好像什么都知道。)

- as though: 强调推测的可能性较高。

- It looks as though they are planning something. (看起来他们好像正在计划某事。)

3. 语气的差异:

- as if: 较为常见,语气中性。

- He acts as if nothing happened. (他行为就好像什么都没发生一样。)

- as though: 语气稍微更加形象生动。

- She sings as though she were on stage. (她唱歌的样子好像在舞台上一样。)

4. 口语和书面语用法:

- as if: 口语和书面语均可使用。

- He talks as if he knows everything. (他说话好像什么都知道。)

- as though: 更常用于书面语,有些正式且文学性。

- It felt as though time had stopped. (感觉时间好像停止了一样。)

5. 习惯用法:

- as if: 更常用于习惯用法。

- He is always acting as if he owns the place. (他总是表现得好像他是这个地方的主人一样。)

- as though: 用于习惯用法较少。

- She acts as though she's in charge. (她行事就好像她是负责人一样。)

"as if"和"as though"都用于描述虚拟、假设或比喻的情况,但"as though"通常跟随形容词或副词短语,而"as if"通常引导从句。除此之外,它们可以互换使用,没有本质上的区别。

以下是关于"as if"和"as though"区别的解答,大家可以先看下面的表格简单了解一下这两个词组:

as if和as though的区别:

  • 结构形式:

as if 是常用的固定短语形式;as though 是 as if 的同义词,但在形式上更接近于完整的比较从句。

例子1:She looked at me as if I were a stranger.(她看着我,好像我是个陌生人。)

例子2:He acted as though he knew everything.(他表现得好像他什么都知道。)

  • 使用习惯:

as if 更常见于口语和书面语中;as though 在书面语中稍微正式一些。

例子1:She speaks as if she's the boss.(她说话的口气像是老板一样。)

例子2:He talks about the past as though he was there.(他谈论过去的事情,好像他亲身经历过一样。)

  • 否定形式:

as if 后面可以直接接否定形式;as though 在否定形式时需要在 though 后添加 not。

例子1:He acted as if he didn't care about the result.(他的举动好像他对结果不在意。)

例子2:She looked at me as though I had done something wrong.(她看着我,好像我做了什么错事一样。)

  • 句子位置:

as if 可以位于主句或从句中;as though 更常出现在从句中。

例子1:It looks as if it's going to rain.(看起来好像要下雨了。)

例子2:She speaks as though she's an expert.(她说话的口气好像她是个专家一样。)


as if 引导的方式状语从句或表语从句,用虚拟语气。

例句: He acts as if he knew me. 他显得认识我似的。

as though 表示与现在事实相反,谓语动词,用would (might, could)+动词原形。

例句:They treat me as though I were a stranger. 他们待我如陌生人。


as if 表示与过去事实相反,用过去完成时。

例句:This meat tastes as if it has already gone bad. 这肉吃起来似乎已经坏了。

as though 表示将来的可能性不大,用一般过去时。

例句:I feel as though I’m floating on air. 他感到好像漂浮在空中。


as if 用来描述比较悲惨的境遇或者状况。

例句:It is not as if he were poor. 他不像穷的样子(或他又不穷)。

as though 语境属于中性,可以用到很多情境中。

例句:It is not  as though you were going away for good. 又不是你离开不回来了。

没区别,as if与as though是一组同义词,两者意思相同,用法也相同。

as if = as though,常用来引导一个让步状语从句或表语从句,常译为“俨然”“仿佛”“好像”“犹如”,都可引导方式状语从句。例如:

He closed his eyes as though he were too tired.他闭着眼睛,好像太累了。

当从句主语和主句主语一致,从句谓语中又含有动词to be时,可以把主语和to be一起省去。

as if在使用时应注意

1、当as if引导的从句所表示的内容并不是事实或真实性很小时,一般该从句要用虚拟语气。但如果表示的内容真实性较大,就要用陈述语气。

在as if或as though引导的从句中,谓语动词用过去式(be的过去式一般用were,在口语中,主语是一、三人称时也可以用was)表示与现在实事或情况相反的虚拟:用“had+过去分词”表示与过去实事或情况相反的虚拟。

2、在非正式文体中,尤其在美国英语中,常用like代替as if。

3、as if后有时可直接跟动词不定式(短语)、分词(短语)或介词短语等。这实际上可以看作从句的简略形式。不过,as if后是虚拟语气,还是陈述语气,从字面上不易看出,要根据上下文加以判断。

4、as if前可用程度副词加以修饰或加强语气。

从释义,用法,使用环境,形象和影响范围五个维度分析as if和as though的区别,详细内容如下。

1. 释义区别:

- As if: 表示某种比喻、类比、猜测或假设,通常用于描绘不真实或想象中的情况。

- As though: 与"as if"意义相同,表示某种比喻、类比、猜测或假设,形式上稍微更正式。


- As if: He looked at me as if I had said something offensive.


- As though: She acted as though she owned the place, bossing everyone around.


2. 用法区别:

- As if: 更为常见且口语化,用于正式和非正式场合。

- As though: 稍微正式一些,多见于书面语和正式场景。


- As if: He talks to his dog as if it can understand him.


- As though: She behaves as though she knows everything.


3. 使用环境区别:

- As if: 刻画一种情感、态度或方式,常用于描绘对比、夸张或不真实的情况。

- As though: 用于描述一个可能不真实、不合乎实际或想象中的情况。


- As if: The little girl ran away screaming as if she had seen a ghost.


- As though: He spoke to her as though she were a queen, using all the right manners.


4. 形象区别:

- As if: 略带口语化,更加接近口头表达,稍显随意和隐晦。

- As though: 较为正式,稍微更书面化,语气更加明确和正式。


- As if: He smiled at me as if he knew something I didn't.


- As though: The sky looked as though it would rain any minute.


5. 影响范围区别:

- As if: 更偏向于描绘情感、态度或方式,通常描述个体之间的互动或情境中的情感反应等。

- As though: 更倾向于描述虚拟情况或一种与实际情况相对立的设想。


- As if: She smiled at me as if she forgave me for my mistake.


- As though: He acted as though he already knew the result of the test.


潜江市13878334033: as if和as though的区别 -
月诚福欣: as though和as if没有什么区别.as if用得普遍些,却可引导方式状语从句和表语从句,其从句谓语常用虚拟语气. (1)引导方式状语从句 e.g.He closed his eyes as though he were too tired. 他闭着眼睛,好像太累了. She acted as though nothing ...

潜江市13878334033: as if 与as though 的区别 -
月诚福欣: as if和as though是一组同义词,两种意思相同用法也相同,都是似乎.、好像的意思.但口语中人们用as if比较多. 1、as if 引出的方式状语从句所表示的情况是事实或具有很大可能性时,通常用直陈语气.名子的谓语我为look,seem,taste,smell,...

潜江市13878334033: as though和as if的区别 -
月诚福欣: asas if,as though的用法: 这两个复合从属连词的用法和意义完全一样,但as if 在当代英语中比 as though 普通得多. 1)as if 引出的方式状语从句所表示的情况是事实或具有很大可能性时,通常用直陈语气.名子的谓语我为look,seem,taste,smell,...

潜江市13878334033: as if与 as though的区别, -
月诚福欣:[答案] 两者区别不大,都用来引导表语从句或方式状语从句,从句均可能使用虚拟语气. 主要区别就是:as if从句可以使用省略语法,而as though不能. 如:He sat there quietly as if (he was/were) sleeping.

潜江市13878334033: 请问 as if与as though ,even if与even though,so far as 与 as long as各有什么区别? -
月诚福欣: as though 是书面语比as if正式,意思上没有区别; even though 和even if 同理. so/as far as;as/so long as 如果是用于表示“只要”时,用法上没有区别.只是它们各自还有各自的用法:so/as far as I know据我所知;A is as long as B.A和B一样长.

潜江市13878334033: asif与asthough的区别?
月诚福欣: 在as if从句中表达与现在事实相反从句用过去时. He felt as if he alone were responsible for what had happened . 他感到仿佛他要独自为所发生的一切负责. 2.在as though从句中,表示过去想象中的动作或情况,从句用过去完成时. The machine operated as though it had been repaired . 这台机器运行起来好像已被修理过似的.

潜江市13878334033: 引导方式状语从句时as ,as if ,as though有什么区别 -
月诚福欣: as按照.Do as Romans do.入乡随俗. as if/as though仿佛,好像.A pencil looks as if it were broken when it is partly put in a glass of water. where引导地点状语从句意思是“在.....的地方”.I will go where he studies now. wherever 表示“任何一个地方,不论何地.”You can go wherever you like.

潜江市13878334033: as if和as though的用法有区别吗? -
月诚福欣: 是一样的,如果你碰到这样的题不用管,正规考试不可能出现这种有争议的烂题,老师解释不清楚不怪他,因为他也不容易,告诉你一样那题这么出了,告诉你不一样但又没法说为什么因为的确一样.

潜江市13878334033: 短语区分as if 和as through都有好像,仿佛之意,请问具体区别在哪里? -
月诚福欣:[答案] as if 与 as though 可以互换使用. They look as though they've been quarreling. They look as if they've been quarreling. 他们看起来仿佛/好像吵过架. 但是,as if 在口语中也有“才怪”的意思 A:You're so beautiful.你真美丽. B:As if.才怪.

潜江市13878334033: as if和as though有什么区别? -
月诚福欣: 没有区别.完全一样.只是as if 稍微更口语化.祝:学习进步,更上层楼! (*^__^*) 如有不明白的地方,请继续追问!百度英语达人竭诚为你解答!

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