
作者&投稿:皮航 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.China's first astronaut,Yang Liwei, also very excited, spoke highly of this event.
2.Some female astronauts will receive strict training after passing several exams.
3.We believe that China, making rapid progress in science and technology, will have a bright future.

分词具有2 种词性:形容词性和副词性

1) 形容词性:

a) 用作表语(现在分词表示主语“具有的特征”,过去分词表示主语“所处的状态”)

  The story is very interesting. 那个故事很有趣。(故事的特征)
  The crowds in the street are flowing past in an endless stream. 街上的人川流不息。(人群的特征)
  Her right hand was burned in the severe fire. 她的右手在那场大火中被烧伤了。(右手所处的状态)
  He is interested in the story. 他对那个故事很感兴趣。(他所处的状态)

b) 用作定语(相当于省略主语的定语从句。现在分词表示被修饰词所具有的特征,过去分词表示主语所处的状态)

The trees were planted last month. They grow well. (合并句子,用分词作定语)
  现改为定语从句:The trees (which grow well) were planted last month.
  省略主语并把grow 变为分词:The trees (growing well) were planted last month. (树木的特征)

c) 用作宾补(现在分词表示宾语所具有的特征,过去分词表示宾语所处的状态)

All the work was finished in two hours. (改写句子,用分词作宾补)
  — They had all the work finished in two hours. (宾语all the work 最后的状态是finished)

  — I had mywallet stolen on the bus. 【wallet 的状态是 stolen】

2) 副词性(用作时间、原因、条件、让步、伴随方式)

He was laughed at everyone, but he didn't give up.(改写句子,用分词作状语)
  — He didn't give up though laughed at everyone. (让步状语)

He was depressed.He didn't feel like going to work. (合并句子,用分词作状语)
  — He was depressed, not feeling like going to work. (伴随状语)

  — I will not go although invited.

【特别说明】分词不具有名词性,作宾语的 doing 称作动名词

句子怎么改过去分词做定语?(方法说明) 最好有句子改的前后对照._百度...
2、过去分词(短语)作后置定语,相当于一个定语从句,表示“被动”或“完成”的意思.分词作定语可以改成一个定语从句.例如:1) I like the food cooked by my father 我喜欢爸爸做的饭 Cooked 在这个句子中就是过去分词作后置定语,这个句子可改成一个含有定语从句的复合句.如:I liked the food ...

1、表示进行时态 现在分词常常被用于构成进行时态。进行时态表示的是一个动作或者状态正在进行,即持续性动作。例如,“I am studying English now.”(我正在学习英语。)这句话中,"studying"就是现在分词,用来表示正在进行的动作。2、作修饰语 现在分词也可以用作修饰语,用来修饰名词。例如:“The ...

你学过非谓语动词吧?分词作状语时,其逻辑主语与句子的主语应该一致,如 Turning around,an old woman was seen walking towards the river. [×]Turning around ,we saw an old woman walking towards the river. [√]我们转过身,看见一位老太太向河边走去。在第一句中,分词短语 turning ...

宾语补足语用现在分词表示动作正在进行,如:I saw the boy crying just now.表明当时正在发生crying这个动作.不定式作宾补,表示将来的时间含义,动作尚未发生,如:I want you to fetch the book for me.句中的to fetch发生在说话之后的“将来”.

当时间状语从句,原因状语从句的主语与主句的主语一致时,均可将从句变为分词状语短语。变化后的句子主语(原主句主语)又成为分词的逻辑主语。具体改写方法如下:1 当从句的谓语动词是主动语态的一般时态或进行时态时,变从句为一般式的现在分词短语。例如:When she saw the jewels , she jumped with ...

高二英语 过去分词作宾语补足语 急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急急...
making it the most popular sport in the world. 这句中开头用making表示这项运动在世界各地被开展,使得这项运动成为受欢迎的运动,宾语补足语用V-ing形式表明是主语主动完成这件事的.另外,如果宾语补足语是过去分词的话(V-ed),表明这件事是被动作用在主语上的.

1.现在分词的形式:现在分词(present participle)(又称-ing形式,现在进行式) ,是分词的一种,分词又分为现在分词和过去分词,它们都是非限定动词,现在分词在句子里面不能单独充当谓语,但能充当其它的一些成分(定语,表语,补语,状语),并且它们具有动词的性质,所以又是类动词的一种。一般式:doing; 一般被动式:being ...

这个句子应该是定语从句吧?当先行词在从句中充当主语时,可以将从句改成分词,方法是去掉关系代词,动词改为ing形式。例如: The book that consists of twenty pages is interesting. 可以改成:The book consisting of twenty pages is interesting.

2、在上面结构的基础上省略介词 with,即“ 逻辑主语(名词或代词)+ 分词\/形容词\/不定式”,因此上面的句子可以改写如下:My father often sleeps, the windows open.【注:形容词 open 表示“处于打开的的状态”,如果用分词 opening 就成了窗户执行的动作,意思是“窗户自身进行打开动作”,所以不能...

主语 谓语 宾语 English is spoken by us 宾改主 谓语动词 be PP 主by 宾 主动变被动,先找主、谓、宾,宾改主、主by宾,代词变格要细心,谓语动词be pp,时态随主、数随被 PP 是及物动词的过去分词加ed 或不规则详见表 被动句的时态(be)随主动句的时态(do)人称和数应随被动句的主语(am、is、are、was...

池州市19782044948: 用分词改写句子和分词短语改写句子用分词改写句子1.He rushed into the room and his face was covered with sweat.2.We didn't worry too much,since we knew ... -
宓哀博璞:[答案] 1,He rushing into the room,his face was covered with sweat.分词独立结构作状语2Having known she would soon get over it,we didn't worry too much.现在分词的完成式作原因状语.1.We were frightened by the explosion,so we telephoned the station at ...

池州市19782044948: 用分词改写句子和分词短语改写句子 -
宓哀博璞: 1,He rushing into the room,his face was covered with sweat.分词独立结构作状语2Having known she would soon get over it,we didn't worry too much.现在分词的完成式作原因状语.1.We were frightened by the explosion,so we telephoned the ...

池州市19782044948: 请用英语的现在分词造一个句子加中文 -
宓哀博璞: Having nothing to do, I wandered around. 我无事可做,所以四处溜达.

池州市19782044948: 英语翻译英语翻译句子(用分词结构) 1.如果你认真考虑下,你你就能发现你的问题在哪里 2.Tom只能向老师求助 -
宓哀博璞:[答案] Thinking about it carefully, you will find out your problem. Not knowing how to work out this math question, Tom had to turn to the teacher for help.

池州市19782044948: 用分词改写下列句子1.They did not go to the Summer Palace because they had a lot of work to do.2.when he heard a cry for help,he rushed out.3.The boy Cater ... -
宓哀博璞:[答案] 1.Having a lot of work to do,they did not go to the summer palace.2.Hearing a cry for help,he rush out.3.Being greatly touched by his words,the boy cater went up to his teacher and said "sorry".4.Deep...

池州市19782044948: 用现在分词改写句子1.when i saw the building was on fire2.when i went into the house3.as i have saved enough money .4.when we climbed to the top of the ... -
宓哀博璞:[答案] 1.The building I seeing was on fire. 2.going into the house 3.having saved enough money 4.climbing to the top of the mountain 5.standing on the top of tower 6.jumping off the tree and hurting his leg seriously 7.being tidying up my room 8.A man calling ...

池州市19782044948: 用分词改写下列句子1.Because the villagers had beenwarned against the earthquake,they moved outside to see a film 2.After he had finished hishomework,the ... -
宓哀博璞:[答案] ,Having -been- warned- against- the- earthquake,- the- villagers -moved -outside -to -see- a film2. Having -finished- hishomework,- the- little- boy- began- to- play- Internet- games3. Being- stil...

池州市19782044948: 急.非常急.给几句现在分词的英语短句(初中三年级) -
宓哀博璞:[答案] go shopping go fishing go hiking go trekking go boating

池州市19782044948: 用现在分词改写下列句子:1.When night came on,we started for home.2.After he finished his work,Henry went home.3.Look round when you cross the street.4.... -
宓哀博璞:[答案] We started for home with night coming on. Having finished his work,Henry went home. Look round when crossing the street. ... he turned to her for help. LiMing sat at the desk,writing an article in English. Having made the beds,she started making ...

池州市19782044948: 用现在分词改写下列句子1.As it was a wet day,we could not go for a walk.2.Because he did not know how to do it ,he went to her for help.3.As soon as she had ... -
宓哀博璞:[答案] 1.it being a wet day,we could not go for a walk.2.not knowing how to do it ,he went to her for help.3.Having made the beds ,she started making breakfast.4.hearing the news,they jumped with joy.5.not k...

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