学生公共场所使用文明手机有关的英语作文 80字左右

作者&投稿:通锦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Mobile phones bring us a lot of convenience. However, as is shown in a survey of social practice in summer vacation, an increasing number of people use mobile phones in improper situations, such as driving cars, crossing the roads or attending conferences. Such inappropriate behavior is likely to bring bad consequences. On one hand, using mobile phones this way may cause terrible accidents, which is really dangerous. On the other hand, talking loudly on the phone in public places is far from being polite.
Personally, I think we shouldn’t use mobile phones where attention or silence is needed, for instance, in libraries, hospitals, or in a plane. Besides, relevant laws are supposed to be passed in order to guide people’s use of cellphones so that they will acquire good habits in public. Only when everybody has the awareness of the negative impacts of improper use of phones can we create a more civilized society.


现在祖国各地都在争创和谐文明城市,我们中学自然也不应当落后。这不,学习好正在开展“争当文明中学生”的主题活动。我认为,想要当好一个合格的文明中学生。首先应该在课前认真预习,上课认真听讲,课后好好复习。上课不迟到,不早退。而且还要热爱祖国,热爱集体,尊师敬老,团结同学,乐于助人,热爱劳动,积极锻炼等等。在社会上,要学会处处为别人着想,例如:在等汽车时遵守秩序,在车上给老弱病残孕让座。不在公共场所大声喧哗,不随地乱扔垃圾……都是一个文明中学生应该做到的事情。 Now motherland each region is creating the harmonious cultured and civilized city, our middle school cannot fall behind naturally. Look the study is good is developing “the struggle works as the civilized middle-school student” theme activity. I believed that the wish works as the good qualified civilized middle-school student. First should before the class earnest preparing a lesson, attends class listens earnestly, after the class, reviews well. Attends class is not late, does not leave early. Moreover must deeply love the motherland, deeply loves the collective, respects authority the reverence for elders, unites schoolmate, is glad helps the human, deeply loves the work, exercises positively and so on. In the society, must learn everywhere to consider for others, for example: When and so on automobiles observes the order, the old, weak, sick and disabled is pregnant on the vehicle for offers one's seat to somebody. Does not clamor loudly in the public place, throws trash not anywhere ......Is the matter which a civilized middle-school student should do.



1. 在公共场所,应保持言行得体,避免大声喧哗和嬉闹,以维护良好的社会秩序。2. 为了保护他人的健康和环境,应减少吸烟,遵守在禁止吸烟的公共场所或区域内不吸烟的规定,并且不随意丢弃烟头。高要城区已设置禁烟标志,提醒市民注意。3. 不要随地吐痰或便溺,同时应妥善处理废弃物,如纸屑、果皮等,保持...

1. 共享单车等物品应在指定的公共区域有序使用,遵守相关规定,做到文明骑行和停放,以维护公共秩序和城市形象。2. 从点滴小事做起,保持公共环境的整洁卫生。不乱扔垃圾,不随地吐痰和口香糖,共同保护我们生活的环境。3. 珍惜公共空间中的一草一木,不随意攀折损坏花草树木,展现公民的良好素质。4. 爱护...

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公共场合的文明礼仪1 1、在公共场所里要自觉遵守纪律。特别是年夫妻、情侣一起外出,更要讲文明,讲礼貌。例如:走在马路上,要举止适度,仪表端庄,不要过分亲昵,甚至搂抱抱。在公共汽车上,不要挤上据下争抢图位,要主动扶老掷动,协助曹票员做好工作。2、到剧场看剧时,按时进入剧场,尽快...


1. 在日常生活中,我们应该自觉地遵守排队等候的原则,无论是在银行、车站还是超市等公共场所,保持秩序井然。2. 在指定的非吸烟区域,我们应避免吸烟,以维护他人的健康和遵守相应的法律法规。3. 维护环境卫生是每个人的责任,我们不应随意丢弃垃圾、烟头,或随地吐痰,而应使用垃圾桶,保持环境的整洁。

法律依据:《学习文明行为促进条例》 公民应当遵守下列公共场所文明行为规范:(一)言行得体,不大声喧哗、嬉闹。(二)减少吸烟,不在禁止吸烟的公共场所或者区域吸烟,不随意丢弃烟头。高要城区禁烟标志。(三)不随地吐痰、便溺,不乱丢纸屑、果皮等废弃物。(四)乘坐厢式电梯时先出后进,乘坐扶手电梯时...

1、在公共场所的大厅需要注意的礼仪 在公共场所的大厅,比如酒店的大堂、剧院的休息厅、车站的候车室等场所,都不宜逗留过久,大多数场所更不适合过夜。办完事情应该尽快离开。如果需要等人或者等车,也应该尽量保持安静,不能大声喧哗,嘻笑打闹。2、注意不要阻挡、妨碍他人通过 若不是万分必要,不要在...

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逄弦产妇: 参考:The scientific evidence does not show any danger to mobile phone users, whether you're an adult or child. The government does, however, recommend limiting the use of mobile phones by children as a precautionary measure. 1 Use mobile...

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逄弦产妇:[答案] 请节约用水(在水龙头边) please turn off 请不要随地吐痰 NO spitting 请不要踩踏草坪 please keep off the grass 禁止吸烟no smoking 请爱护花草 care plants ,please 请排队 queue here

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通州市17630746924: 英语作文关于中学生要不要带手机
逄弦产妇: 手机有很多用途,如玩游戏,上网,听音乐等;我们应该在合适的场合和时间使用手机,比如要教室或图书馆最应该关机,不应该在公共场所用手机大声说话等.

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逄弦产妇: 感谢光临! Thank you so much for coming.l 欢迎再来! Hope you'll come again.l 欢迎以后多来北京! Hope you'll visit Beijing more often.l 请留步,不用送了! I will see myself out, please.l 多保重! Take care!l 祝您一路平安! Have a nice trip!l 愿为您效劳! At your service!看完了采纳我哦~~

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