谁能帮我写一篇 “ 我长大想当古筝老师的英语作文 ”?急急急急急急急急急急急急!!!!!!!!

作者&投稿:阳俩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My Dream
To be an English language teacher, is my own dream
But it has to be in English, that I dream my dream
If I have been dreaming in Chinese, all the time
My dream will never come true, for a long, long time.
Good luck.

I want to be a teacher after I grow up

  I love a lot, but my favorite is playing the zither.
  When I saw it on TV zither playing dashing figure who, melodious pop song that, I also want to be a good zither playing by it!
  Mom and Dad finally agreed when I went to Zheng Course registration, I am pleased the dancing, almost unable to control that happy mood. However, who was able to think, to learn to play the zither, easy! Zheng school began, I realized the worth of difficult.
  First, the correct position to release the handle. I started playing, the hand is not placed too low, is placed too high. Besides playing pull, the more the strings zither, and each string is white, only the standard, and have a sweet, beautiful music, if you accidentally did not wear nail, then press a finger on the often a Road Honghen, it seems to be oozing blood here. So if you want to be lazy, but also criticized by the teacher, the parents blame. Once, I almost want to give up. However, the teacher taught us: No pain, no gain. Parents also encouraged me is victory. The teacher. Parents help, I struggled to come a step by step. Guqin, deep deep; erhu, tearjerker; Xiao, dreary. The zither is a gentle, is beautiful; sometimes is magnificent, is strong. It can be expressed in "Mountain and Flowing Water", "Jackdaws playing in the water" or "Red Beans Love" in a beautiful and lively like bridges, or it can be "Battling the Typhoon," "Bury Me" or "Linan grudge," the thunder and lightning-like the magnificent atmosphere; It can be in the "Miluo River" in imitation of the cheerful drum can also be in the "Moonlit Night Red bells and drums" in imitation of the bells buzzing. Playing zither, made me into a colorful world. "Battling the Typhoon," so I know what it meant to "unite," and a dock worker and tenacious fighting spirit of the typhoon deeply shocked me; "Lin Night Flight", I felt the Lin "driven to revolt" type of choice; "splashing", so I feel I've come to the joy of the crowd, the Songkran festival in this special way with people with special blessings of each channel.
  I decided towards this path, not halfway.

I want to be an English teacher one day
Do you know?I like English very much.I can speak English very well.So ,I want to be an English teacher one day.I'm very exciting.
I think I will try to speak english every day. And I will try to learn many different things .I think we may learn much from it.
fFom today on, I will be prepared to learn English hard.I will try my best.Come on!I can't hardly wait!

济阳县17139935363: 我的梦想是当一名古筝教授的作文八百字 -
慎鸣醒脑: 爸爸妈妈经常问我:“你长大了想干什么呀?”每次我都会开心地回答:“我想做老师.”我的梦就是当一名老师,为祖国培育有用之才. 为了实现我的梦,在课堂上,我会专心听讲,好好学习,掌握本领;在课外,我会大量的阅读课外书籍,...

济阳县17139935363: 我爱古筝的作文
慎鸣醒脑:古筝,大家都不陌生吧,它可以弹出优美的音乐,可以跳出优美的舞蹈! 我爱古筝,我的梦想是能成为一个出色的古筝演奏家. 古筝是一个很古老的乐器了,韩国叫伽耶琴,越南叫十六玄琴,最晚也在200秦朝以前.在战国时期已经广为流传...

济阳县17139935363: 【我的学筝之路】作文谁能帮个忙写一下?300字左右 -
慎鸣醒脑: 这个题目我已经想好很久,但一直都没有继续下去.也许很多人看了这个题目之后,都不知道我究竟想写些什么,但我很清楚,这是我心中永远的遗憾,不可磨灭的遗憾.但也因为这个遗憾,让我真正学会珍惜眼前的人,珍惜现在拥有的幸福. ...

济阳县17139935363: 我的理想作文600字古筝老师,很急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
慎鸣醒脑: 理想是人生导航的灯塔.因为有了理想,人们才会为自己的理想而奋斗,而努力.我的理想就是当一名辛勤的园丁——一名老师,一名光荣的人民教师.老师像蜡烛,他们燃烧了自己,照亮了他人;老师像园丁,把幼小的树苗培育成参天大树....

济阳县17139935363: 我是个小学生现在在学古筝我以后长大想当音乐老师、我想要怎么做? -
慎鸣醒脑: 你的大目标确定了.现在只需要确定当音乐老师的每一步小目标,然后去实现它.比如你可以先把乐理知识,学精通,当做第一步的小目标,把弹好古筝某一只考级曲子当做第二部的小目标.这样你就会一步一步往你的大目标靠近.

济阳县17139935363: 《我长大以后》作文200字关于古筝 -
慎鸣醒脑: “妈,我回来了!”我开心地拿着包袱走进了自己的家门.又是一个假期,一个月的辛苦终于可以放松一下,找妈妈去玩吧.“回来了,桌子上有点心,妈妈出去一下,晚上回来,你自个儿在家,不要出去啊.”我放下包袱,只见妈走出门外,...

济阳县17139935363: 我今年过了暑假就要上6年级了,我想长大做一位演员,家庭普通,会弹古筝我该从那就开始培养 -
慎鸣醒脑: 有想法很好,但是一切想法的最终实现除了靠自身的天分和努力的付出之外,还有诸多的社会因素需要考虑,你现在还小,只需要认真努力的朝着自己的理想目标努力认真和扎扎实实的付出即可.因为不管你将来想从事什么职业和能从事什么职业,做人都是第一位的.不要考虑家庭的原因,或许会随着你年龄的增长和阅历的增加,你会改变自己的当初的梦想而更加贴合实际的用心生活好自己的生活也说不一定呢.做演员固然很光鲜亮丽和扬名立万,但是背后的艰辛和屈辱也是非常人所能想象理解和接受.其实做一个普通平凡认真踏实的人也是很好的.

济阳县17139935363: 我的梦想作文,不要俗的,别当老师,别当医生,警察,宇航员……最好新颖,特殊职业. -
慎鸣醒脑: 我的梦想(1)每个人的心底都有属于自己的梦想,但大多数人都觉得自己的梦想只不过是梦想,它虚幻得可想而不可及,于是将它深深地埋在心底,连破土的机会都不给它,这样,梦想怎么会开出绚丽芬芳的花儿呢? 众所周知,邓亚萍从小就...

济阳县17139935363: 我想写一部关于青春,热血的小说,内容是一个女孩学习古筝,最终成为 -
慎鸣醒脑: 筝弦清歌 个人想法

济阳县17139935363: 我今年13岁,是个乐观,开朗,不斯文的女生,我七岁的时候我妈让我去学古筝,学了两年 ,就不想学了,我那 -
慎鸣醒脑: 好好学习是你现阶段的主要任务 其实那些什么都会的人 他们只是都懂一些皮毛 不精 而且 特长并不是只有用钱才能教出来 我们可以自己培养 比如学校经常会有一些演讲比赛之类的 你可以通过演讲练好普通话 大部分的学校都有校园广播 你可以去应征 在哪些地方 你不只是在工作 而是在学习 在这时 身边多才多艺的人就是你免费的老师和人生的挚友 一说自己不斯文 呵呵很豪放的女生都会去练跆拳道 既酷 又可以防身 不必要求什么都会 21世纪需要的是专一性人才 而不是百科全书 所以 找准自己感兴趣的 从一而终 从一而精 这才是硬道理!!!!!!!!!!!

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