
作者&投稿:焦俘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
爱宠大机密 英文台词~

1、Can’t be bothered unless you’ve got food.
2、Lady-killer on the inside, dopey pug on the outside.
3、You're not just my owner,You're my primary caregiver.
4、A sarcastic dachshund.
5、50% fluff, 110% tough.
6、You're in love.How gross for everyone.Now move it!
《爱宠大机密》是环球影业、Illumination Entertainment联合出品的一部动画电影。由克里斯·雷纳德、Yarrow Cheney执导,艾丽·坎伯尔、凯文·哈特、蕾克·贝尔、艾瑞克·斯通斯崔特、艾伯特·布鲁克斯主演。



1、Can’t be bothered unless you’ve got food.


2、Lady-killer on the inside, dopey pug on the outside.


3、You're not just my owner,You're my primary caregiver.


4、A sarcastic dachshund.


5、50% fluff, 110% tough.


6、You're in love.How gross for everyone.Now move it!


r new dog, Duke]
Katie: Max, this is Duke.
[Max looks horrified]
Katie: He’s going to be your brother.
[Duke sloppily licks Max’s face]

[Max goes up to the next apartment to visit Chloe the cat]
Max: Chloe! Chloe! I got a bad situation. Katie brought home a psychopath from the pound! I don’t even have a bed now! I’m sleeping on the floor, like a dog!
Chloe: I’m your friend and as your friend I gotta be honest with you, I don’t care about you or your problems.

[we see Max barking like crazy at Katie whilst she’s brushing her teeth]
Max: Duke is just ruining our lives. He’s ruining… ! It’s an emergen …!
[not understanding what Max is barking about Katie just pats him on his head]
Katie: Aah, you little cutey pie.

Duke: This is my apartment now, and my new bed.
[he slumps down on top of Max who’s lying down in his bed]

[after Duke breaks the vase]
Max: Oh, Duke, Katie’s going to be so upset when she sees that… Katie’s going to flip out.
Duke: It’s just one vase.
Max: Is it, Duke? Is it?
[suddenly Max kicks out to break the vase on the coffee table]
Max: Ah, that’s a shame.
[he then starts kicking out the paper on the table as Duke watches in horror]

[referring to Duke]
Gidget: Hi, Max. who’s your new roommate?
Max: He’s gonna be gone soon.

[as they end up in a back alley]
Sphynx Cat: What’s going on here?
Duke: Mind your own business! Oh, my gosh. What happened to you?
[we see him look in horror at the emaciated stray alley cat]
Duke: Aaahhh! Run!

[to the other neighborhood pets]
Gidget: Max is missing! We’ve got to find him.

[she grabs the Sphynx cat that last saw Max and Duke]
Gidget: Where is Max? Tell me!
[she starts slapping the alley cat]
Sphynx Cat: Help me! Ow!
[referring to Tiberius, who’s standing by watching]
Gidget: Don’t look at him, look at me!

[as they are being taken away in an animal rescue truck]
Max: Katie’s going to be worried sick.
Duke: And we had a great thing going. I blame myself.
Max: Yeah, me too. I blame you a lot.

Chloe: Look Max I’m your friend, okay, and as your friend Ive got to be honest with you I don’t care about you or your problems!

Chloe: Katie is a dog person, and dog persons do inexplicable things, like get dogs instead of cats.

Snowball: Look at my plans, it’s all laid out, right here.
[we see a piece of cardboard stuck on the wall with incoherent lines drawn all over it, suddenly Snowball jumps up and stabs into two red pens into it and does an evil laugh]
Pop: That ball of fluff’s got a screw loose.

[two animal rescue men see a cute little bunny, Snowball in the middle of the road, one of the gets out the truck]
Animal Rescue Guy: Hey, you see that? Hey, there, cute little bunny.
[suddenly Snowball attacks the delivery guy, beating him up]
Animal Rescue Guy: Save yourself!
Snowball: Shut it human! Let’s do this now!

Snowball: Rupert! Rupert where are you at?
[he sees a massive bulldog locked up in one of the animal cages]
Snowball: Let’s go! I’m busting you out of here.
[he quickly bites down on his carrot into the shape of a key and frees Rupert]
Snowball: Liberate forever! Domesticated never! Yeah!

Snowball: The revolution has begun! Liberated forever, domesticated never!

[to Max and Duke]
Snowball: I’m gonna bust the both of you out of here, but from now on you work for me.

爱宠大机密 英文台词
1、Can’t be bothered unless you’ve got food.无美食朝贡者速速退下。2、Lady-killer on the inside, dopey pug on the outside.外表是逗比的哈巴狗,内心却是所有妇女的梦中情人。3、You're not just my owner,You're my primary caregiver.你不仅是我的主人,你还是我的首要养育员。4、A...

爱宠大机密中英文句子:1、Can't be bothered unless you've got food.无美食朝贡者速速退下。2、50% fluff, 110% tough.蓬松度50%,战斗力110%。3、I like what you've done with the place.我喜欢你给这地方弄的新装潢。4、A sarcastic dachshund.一只走腹黑刻薄路线的达克斯猎狗。5、Lady...

1、有情狗终成眷属,单身狗们听着,我们继续前进。2、作为你的朋友,我得坦诚,我不关心你和你的麻烦。3、他是我的朋友,也有人说他是我的男朋友。4、Can't be bothered unless you've got food.译文:无美食朝贡者速速退下。5、我可是猫!顶天立地的猫!我可以用我的肉垫着地!6、“你...

Getting out of bed in winter is one of life’s hardest mission.


爱宠大机密经典台词 1. 有情狗终成眷属,单身狗们听着,我们继续前进。2. 我可是猫!顶天立地的猫!我可以用我的肉垫着地!3. 他是我的朋友,也有人说他是我的男朋友 4. 作为你的朋友,我得坦诚,我不关心你和你的麻烦 5. 如果杀一个主人就有一毛钱,我现在...就有一毛钱啦 6. 凯蒂...

神偷奶爸3经典台词 1、Time can never stop the pace of dreams, he a stubborn persistence, learn to make dreams grow a little bit every day.时间从来不能阻挡梦想的脚步,有着一份固执的坚持,学会让梦想每天壮大一点点。2、Since my wife Debbie died, everything has been so lonely. ...

(3)大主角小白兔,它和新来的黛西一起拯救了一只被马戏团虐待的白虎。这一段虽然说不上惊心动魄,但外表可爱内心跳脱的小白兔还是很有反差魅力,时不时笑料频出。最后大结局完美合家欢,一如既往的happy ending,一个半小时看罢,心满意足,轻松畅快。虽说整体性上《爱宠大机密2》不像《寻梦环游记...

Some men get the world...others get ex-hookers and a trip to Arizona.有人赢得了全世界 有人则赢得了从良妓女 以及亚历桑那之旅 参考资料:本片中英文字幕


永泰县19744177965: 爱宠大机密(2016年克里斯·雷纳德、亚罗·切尼联合执导的电影) - 搜狗百科
侨管三七: 你好! 爱宠大机密 Pet big secret

永泰县19744177965: 急求 爱宠大机密英文台词 -
侨管三七: i服了u

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侨管三七: 回答和翻译如下 :爱宠大机密兔子墙纸 .The big secret Pet Rabbit Wallpaper .

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永泰县19744177965: 萌宠大机密剧情介绍英语 -
侨管三七: 昨天去看了《爱宠大机密》,如热评所说,这才是真•疯狂动物城:两只因为闹矛盾走失的小狗把隐匿在城市各个角落的小动物们都引出来了,上天入地下海,最后在布鲁克林桥上演禽兽大作战.整部电影几乎没人类什么事,展现的是完全动物视角的纽约城.小动物当主角的电影,萌的卖点就不必多说了,更何况《爱宠大机密》是出自小黄人的“爸爸”照明娱乐-把几个黄色圆柱体打造成全球超级IP的卖萌高手,形象自带招疼体质,对他们来说都是基本功.

永泰县19744177965: 请问谁有爱宠大机密资源,英文发音,中英文字幕的,分享一下谢谢 -
侨管三七: 爱宠大机密 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1pL3HbSZ 密码: bg8n

永泰县19744177965: 爱宠大机密2的台词剧本! -
侨管三七: 爱宠大机密2在纽约一幢热闹的公寓大楼里,有一群宠物,每天主人出门后、回家前这里就变成了它们的乐园——有的和其他宠物一起出去玩;有的聚在一起交流主人的糗事;还有的在不停捯饬自己的外貌,使自己看上去更可爱以便从主人那里...

永泰县19744177965: 谁有爱宠大机密英文中字的完整的高清的百度云资源,求求求!!!! -
侨管三七: 您好,爱宠大机密【720p】资源如下:链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1dFLVu0p 密码: cvy7 如果得到资源请采纳,谢谢!首先链接如果没失打效,在电脑端是可以打开的,有的手机可能打不开链接或者提示错误.链接没有失效,请不要扰我百度云,谢谢!加我百度云是没有用的,我不接受陌生人的消息.我只对知道上的提问者们免费分享资源,想要资源的请点击我进行求助,看到求助我会给链接的.PS:近期有很多“我有,加百度云”“不免费”,要V信发的,大多都是没有资源的,请不要相信!

永泰县19744177965: 爱宠大机密英语完整版百度云 -
侨管三七: 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1i6yps6D 密码:98h8

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