
作者&投稿:扈金 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


我是来自Hilal Makina的穆斯塔法,我们是土耳其皮革缝纫机械的领军者,每年销售超过1200台 postbed机械、制鞋机械等。

穆斯塔法 巴拉丁

interviewer: Hello! Nice to meet you! I am the school principal, James Black.

interviewee: Mr Black, nice to meet you! I am xxx, you can call me Cherie.

interviewer: OK, Cherie, do you have a bachelor degree? And which school did you graduate from?

interviewee: Yes, I have a bachelor degree. I graduated from Beijing University. My major is Chinese, so I got the educational degree.

interviewer: Your oral English sounds very good. You know we need a teaching assistant, and both the oral English and Chinese are needed.

interviewee: Thank you. I often listen to BBC and VOA to practise my English. I have learned English for more than ten years, maybe since I was in kindergarten. In Beijing there are lots of foreign people. I have two friends from USA in our class. I like to talk with them in English. I am from Beijing, and my Chinese is also very good.

interviewer: Do you like working with children?

interviewee: Sure. I like them very much. I have a little brother. He is five years old. I often play with him, teach him something. I am very patient. Last year I have worked in a kindergarten in Bejing. The children were so cute and curious. I like to share my knowledge with them.

interviewer: What do you think about "cooperate"?

interviewee: In modern society, cooperating is important and necessary. No body can succeed alone. We must try to work together with our partners. I am very cooperative.

interviewer: Good. Do you have work experience?

interviewee: Yes. I have worked as a teaching assistant in an international school in Beijing for one years.

interviewer: You are a good teacher in my mind. Would you like to join us?
interviewee: Yes, I'd like to.

interviewer: Welcome !
interviewee: Thank you!


后天就要考试了,口语的第4,6题几乎每次都说不完怎么办。在考试时说不完对口语成绩影响有多大?抓狂啊!!:'(... 后天就要考试了,口语的第4,6题几乎每次都说不完怎么办。 在考试时说不完对口语成绩影响有多大?抓狂啊!!:'( 展开  我来答 1个回答 #热议# 有哪些跨界“双奥”的运动员?手机用户33172 ...

1.照片后面写中文名字就可以了 2.考官会在考场门口看你的IDCARD,看你半天然后你把照片给他就可以了(他会用英语问你:要不要去厕所和你有没有带手机在身上)3.口语的话早点去比较好,可以提前问问考完的学生考什么题目了,自己可以准备下,即便没有考这个题目,你也可以提前适应下环境。考试是要...



英语对话 8个都要写 给高分!!!一定高分!!!在线等 急 这周口语考试用
11. 你小的时候你的父母让你自已做决定吗? 对你父母的行为你怎么想?12. 在个人成长过程中哪一个更重要, 本性或教育? 为什么?13. 和你的搭档讨论你是否赞同"才能必须通过多年的教育"的陈述. 给出你的理由.14. 请谈论你学习英语的有关经验.15. 和你的搭档讨论为什么人们要旅行.16. 你仔细想过...



二、自创一个合适的口语环境 很多雅思托福考试很高分的人,去到外国,却依然无法开口说,是因为他们在国内用的太少,不够灵活。因此口语环境只是让你有个适应的过程与使用的机会。现在科技如此发达,关于语言学习的APP很多,我们也能够通过网络找到合适的语伴,我们大可以自创一个合适的口语环境,让英语用...


雅思口语考试时间 怎样分配口语时间
作为一名有经验的留学顾问,我在此为您提供全方位的专业咨询和指导。欢迎随时提问!https:\/\/liuxue.87dh.com\/ 准备雅思的口语考试,大家尤其要注意时间的规划,一定要保证够用吃,才能够更好的完成自己的考试。接下来看看雅思口语考试时间 怎样分配口语时间?时间安排雅思口语考试有6个部分,所以雅思口语...

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柳江县13868799717: 一个英文的2分钟自我介绍,明晚的口语考试要用.急!!! -
臧选愈三: 自我介绍而后谈谈自己的爱好和考雅思的原因还要梦想之类的.我会说(自创的,并不完美) My name is XXX and I am XXX old. I come from XXX. My hobbies are XXX. Actually, I really like learning English(你最好说对英语有兴趣) because ...

柳江县13868799717: my favourite 急求一篇英语作文!!!明天口语考试... -
臧选愈三: There are many different kinds of in the word,like juice,coke,milk,coffee,tea and so on.And my favorite drink is milk.Every day,no matter whether I thirsty,I drink a glass of milk. There is some sweet in it. When I drink milk,I like to eat some pieces of ...

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臧选愈三: 呵呵,和你一样着急,只是我在求一篇电磁论文.我自己写的,试试有用就用!A:What is your opinion about homoerotism in China?B:Well,it is much more mentioned now.and there are several countries have pass the law to allow the gays ...

柳江县13868799717: 急,大一英语后天口语考试,考试是两人对话,两个男生.考题在下面,还是AB的形式.话题:\x05TelevisionA:You think that watching TV is a very good way to ... -
臧选愈三:[答案] A: What do you think of watching TV? B:I think watching TV is bad to us because it occupies our spare time which we should spend on our study. A But we also need to relax ourselves and watching TV is a best way. B:I think watching TV endangers our ...

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臧选愈三: 1. it's not meet any people, it should be: meet as many as students as you can, so you can get more chances to find your partner.2. break up is only use for boy friends and girl friends, for normal friends, you say : stop being friends.3. you should go ...

柳江县13868799717: 急求口语考试自我介绍对话
臧选愈三: a; hello. my name is XXXX,i'm from XXXXX(学校或者城市).nice to meet you. b:nice to meet you too. my name is YYYYY. i come from YYYYY(学校或者城市). a:i have heard your school, but never been there. b:ha, i can take you to visit if you ...

柳江县13868799717: 英语口语考试 急需一篇自我介绍 -
臧选愈三: Hi everyone,Thanks for this opportunity to introduce myself. I am XXX, a 9th grader at XXX junior high. My favorite subjects are XXX, and I have made many good friends in my class and outside my class. Besides taking classes, I also participate in ...

柳江县13868799717: 求一篇大学英语口语考试2人对话范文……………………急求!1,what are the essential qualities to success?2,do you think there is a friendship between ... -
臧选愈三:[答案] 对话范文就没有了 有篇自创的原文,你参考一下 Well, actually, everyone wants to achieve success as we all have our own dreams. However, success in life can be achieved in different ways. Many magazines and television programmes show us that ...

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