请帮忙翻译成英文" 我不清楚你所指的PI是什么,请给我具体的格式,谢谢"

作者&投稿:城缪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
帮忙翻译成英文:我已经在系统里重新提交了,请批准! 是我解释的不够清楚,谢谢老板理解!~

I have resubmitted in the system, please approve it.
it is my fault not to explain it clearly, thanks for your understanding , my boss.


I don't understand what the meaning of PI is. Please explain the detailed format to me. Thank you.

I don't know what you mean about PI, so please give me some specific format, thanks!

I don't feel clear about what you mean the PI, please offer me the particular form, thanks very much.

I don't know what you said PI means.Please kindly give me the detail form.

Is not bound by anything, leaving no evidence existed. World rainbow color alone does not, but I want to be colorless wind. 望采纳 参考资料:本万也

"with Prejudice is in the world famous work novel Arrogant" a book, I like it very much. I like in the book Iraqi Lisa being white, her person is attractive and intelligent. West reaches gentleman, he is not only a gentleman is also intelligent has the ability and wisdom. ...

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"Twilight" is the first book I read ,the one lead me to the charming English world. I thought that I fell in love with English ever since.In the book ,the sentence and word are no longer that stodgy, I can tell the author's simple and special American English. After ...

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Adult education for professional life in education theory and practice of the practical problems that need to be resolved, the establishment and improvement of adult education and training of adult education market is to adapt to the socialist market economy, the inevitable choice. This ...

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我是一只咸鱼,不想承认,也不能否认 不要同情我笨又夸我天真,还梦想着翻身 咸鱼就算翻身,还是只咸鱼,输得也诚恳 至少到最后我还有咸鱼不腐烂的自尊 我没有任何天分,我却有梦的天真 我是傻不是蠢,我将会证明我的一生 I am one salt fish , do not think of admit that, can deny neither...

余干县17762468089: 请帮忙翻译英文 -
貂湛凯斯: 非常抱歉我不能参加你的聚会,尽管我十分想来参加.由于最近忙于准备高考,工作十分繁忙,没有空余时间,第二个原因是最近患上感冒,身体十分不适,不方便出门.希望能得到你的谅解,希望我的缺席不会让大家扫兴,祝福你们有一个快...

余干县17762468089: 请帮忙翻译成英语
貂湛凯斯: I don't know the love you need is like this .And I don't know how to make you happy.

余干县17762468089: 请帮忙 翻译 英文
貂湛凯斯: Please don't tell me how much you love him, because I love you much more.

余干县17762468089: 英语翻译请帮忙翻译英文!要准确无误!十分感激!“原本我不想去理会,但更不想别人误会” -
貂湛凯斯:[答案] I didn't want to pay any attention to it at first,but what's more was that I didn't want to give other people the wrong impression.

余干县17762468089: 请帮忙英语翻译:我不知道确切的时间去看你们,也许要等我上大学以后吧,但是我相信我以后肯定是要去的! -
貂湛凯斯: I don't know the exact time to see you, maybe it will be not until my entrance to a university. However, I believe that I will definitely go to see you some day.

余干县17762468089: 请帮忙翻译成英文
貂湛凯斯: I m your service,I would dutifully clean the room during your staying in the hotel. I hoestly wish you go lucky with everything.if there is any need plz call 8123 to keep me informed.

余干县17762468089: 我不懂英文,请你说中文好吗?帮忙翻译成英文. -
貂湛凯斯: 我不懂英文 可以简洁地说 I don't know English 请你说中文好吗? 我觉得 could you please speak Chinese? 或 do you mind speaking Chinese? 是比较好的翻译. 用 could 和 do you mind (你介意吗?) 表示 恳求, 是很礼貌的请求语气. I don't know English. Do you mind speaking Chinese?希望对你有帮助.

余干县17762468089: 请帮忙翻译英文.
貂湛凯斯:楼主请看答案 希望采纳 No matter how kind the future, I must insist on the be

余干县17762468089: Thanks for staying awake for me 请帮忙英文翻译 不 -
貂湛凯斯: 直译的话是谢谢你为了我一直醒着

余干县17762468089: 英语翻译请帮忙翻译成英语:“如果项目上没有重大紧急的事情的话,我想在下周一请一天假.因为我有些私人事情只能在下周一才能办”. -
貂湛凯斯:[答案] 如果项目上没有重大紧急的事情的话,我想在下周一请一天假.因为我有些私人事情只能在下周一才能办If there's not any emergent thing,I want to ask for one-day leave for next Monday because of some personal aff...

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