
作者&投稿:慕费 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

We are looking forward to(期盼) this summer holiday. Now it is coming ,so l am very happy .
l like summer holiday ,because it is a long holiday in summer . l can do my homework ,go swimming and play computer games during this time .l can also lose weight and play with my friends .so l would like to have a fantastic(极好的) holiday!

The summer holiday is coming.I want to have a rest in two months.Maybe sleep longer than before and watch films are good ways.But I can't forget to read some books and work hard to learn more knowledge.It's necessary to help my parents do some housework as a daughter.I will go to Hongkong Disneyland with my family and the best friends.I'm sure it will be a meaningful holiday.

The summer vacation is coming soon.We will have a two-month holiday.
After a tiring school year,I’m going to relax myself.I will spend my vacation with my grandparents.I will stay with them for about three weeks.Of course,I am going to help them do some housework.Perhaps we will take short trips.Besides,I am going to visit some of my old friends.I think we will have a happy time together.What’s more,I will be a senior student in the new term,so I am going to make some preparations.How will you spend your vacation?

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爱尔兰文学的英 文作品

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潘菁怡诺:[答案] The summer holiday is comming.The place I plan to go is the beach. There are several reasons why I want to go there. The summer will be quite hot, while the temperature is cool near the sea.There are various kind of activities to do near the beach, such ...

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潘菁怡诺: The summer vacation is coming. I am going to have a good rest. Then I will finish doing my homework as quickly as possible. I am going to hellp my parents with the housework. Of course my parents will take me to the beach because we all like ...

遵化市15660779542: 英语作文.暑假即将来临,谈谈你将在假期做些什么事情,拟定一个计划. -
潘菁怡诺:[答案] The summer vacation is coming soon.We will have a two-month holiday.After a tiring school year,I'm going to relax myself.I will spend my vacation with my grandparents.I will stay with them for about ...

遵化市15660779542: 英语作文.暑假即将来临,谈谈你将在假期做些什么事情,拟定一个计划. -
潘菁怡诺: The summer vacation is coming soon. We will have a two-month holiday. After a tiring school year, I'm going to relax myself. I will spend my vacation with my grandparents. I will stay with them for about three weeks. Of course, I am going to help ...

遵化市15660779542: 即将来临 英语暑假即将来临 用英语怎么说 我要写作问用!急 -
潘菁怡诺:[答案] The summer vacation is just around the corner.

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潘菁怡诺: We are looking forward to(期盼) this summer holiday. Now it is coming ,so l am very happy .l like summer holiday ,because it is a long holiday in summer . l can do my homework ,go swimming and play computer games during this time .l can also ...

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