
作者&投稿:邵利 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



1.In 2.in 3.in 4.during 5.In 6.at 7.at 8.from 9.till
10.At 11.in 12.In 13.on 14.in/during 15.on 16.in

There isn't any sugar in my tea.
2.I've been nowhere today.
3.The childre haven't (got) anything to do this afternoon.
4.I didn't meet anyone I know in the town this morning.
5.There was nobody left in the office at 7 0'clock.
6.She doesn't ever go anywhere or do anything!

in: 1995,the summer,January,the evening,the morning,February,the autumn,6 moths' time
at: night,the moment,10.30
on: 13th March,Sunday,New Year's Eve,1st September
1 at 2 in 3 on 4 in 5 in 6 on

D(A possible answer)
I arrived here on Friday.I am stadying at my aunt's.Her house is not far from the sea.Every morningI get up at 8 o' clock.Then I go to the beach.I swim all morning.At 12 o'clock I go back to the my aunt's.She cooks a lot of food for lunch. I have large lunch and sleep all afternoon.In the evening I walk into the town with some friends.We are enjoying ourselves.

the shore.Sunddenly a strong hand took my arm and pulled me into the shore. The stranger swam away and I never saw his face. I was sorry that I wasn't able to thank him or her, the person who saved my life.参考答案: http:\/\/zhidao.baidu.com\/question\/298726332.html ...

A private conversation 私人谈话 练习答案 Key to written exercises 1.关键句型练习答案 A I (1) got (2) very angry (3) . I (1) could not hear (2) the actors (3) . I (1) turned round (2) . I (1) looked at (2) the man and the woman (3) angrily (4) . They...

two museums on Thursday and I went to the zoo on Friday. People here are very friendly. I have made a lot of new friends. I am enjoying myself very much.这就是第二课和第三课的练习册答案,希望对您有帮助!祝您英语学习步步高升!有不懂的地方可以问我!很乐意为您解答!

1 said 2 said 3 told 4 said 5 told 6 told 7 said C 2 He said that he lived in a small village.3 She told us that Mr.Green had just arrived.4 He said that he had promised the workers a rise last month.5 He told me that he would be there very soon.6 She said ...

48的答案是 A 1 The aeroplane is flying over the village.2 The ship is going under the bridge.3 The children are swimming across the river.4 Two cats are running along the wall.5 The boy is jumping off the branch.6 The girl is sitting between her mother and her father.7 ...

away.4.Take care not to wake them up.5.They have pulled it down.D.1.made in2.made by 3.made of 4.made from E.分别代替为 a letter of mine, a film of this , Some friends of mine , a letter of his 打字打得我累死,多给点分啦。标准答案哦,我自己买的书里的。

新概念英语第二册的练习册49课 美梦告终 答案急求 谢了!
1. d 根据课文的情景,只有d. The bed was blown off the roof, but the man was not hurt 最能概括整篇课文的中心内容,其他3个选择都不全面,因此应该选d.2. a 根据课文第9-11行Glancing at the bits of wood and metal…he promptly went to sleep again 可以判断只有a. he went back...

(答案未对)B Irregular verbs Put in the simple past form of the verbs in brackets.用括号中动词的一般过去时形式填空。Last week my sister lent(1lend) me her new cookery book. Yesterday I sat(2sit)in my kitchen and read(3read)it. Then went(4go)to the shops and buy(5buy)...

lesson12:A:1:It’s 2:we're 3:I'm 4:It's 5:we've 6:she'll 7:isn't 8:hasn't 9:doesn't 10:don't 11:didn't 12:won't B:1:He will spend Wednesday night with his family 2:They will visit him to say goodbye 3:He will get up at 3 a.m. on Thursday 4:...

Lesson 43 A 1. Can I 2. Could we 3. aren't able to 4. has been able to 5. can't 6. Can I 7. were able to 8. were finally able to B 1. I wasn't able to speak to him on the phone last night.2. I will be able to see you at 10.30 ...

佛山市13041059880: 新概念2册练习册答案第九课 -
赫奔夏枯: A 1.In 2.in 3.in 4.during 5.In 6.at 7.at 8.from 9.till 10.At 11.in 12.In 13.on 14.in/during 15.on 16.in B There isn't any sugar in my tea. 2.I've been nowhere today. 3.The childre haven't (got) anything to do this afternoon. 4.I didn't meet anyone I know in ...

佛山市13041059880: 新概念英语2练习册第九课答案 -
赫奔夏枯: 就一课嘛,那也不多. 我是有学新概念的,这个练习册嘛以前也是在做的=.= A 1.In 2.in 3.in 4.during 5.In 6.at 7.at 8.from 9.till 10.At 11.in 12.In 13.on 14.in/during 15.on 16.in B There isn't any sugar in my tea. 2.I've been nowhere today. 3.The childre ...

佛山市13041059880: 新概念2册第9课填空答案(好的+100分)如果是选择题,就不要了,已经写好了.需要:摘要写作 关键句型后的练习AB 难点后的练习AB大家看好答,答得... -
赫奔夏枯:[答案] 上有关键句型,难点的答案,至于摘要还是自己写吧. 关键句型:A.1.We went to the town hall on Wednesday evening/New Year's Eve. 2.The clock would strike twelve in twenty minutes'time. 3.The clock stopped at five to twelve. B.1.in 2.On 3.during/in ...

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佛山市13041059880: 新概念二第9课练习答案,全部都要
赫奔夏枯: 1.摘要写作: We went to the Town Hall on New Year's Eve.There were a lot of people there.The Town Hall clock would strike twelve in twenty minutes's time.It stopped at five to twelve.It refused to welcome the New Year.Then the crowd began to ...

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赫奔夏枯: >上有关键句型,难点的答案,至于摘要还是自己写吧.关键句型:A.1.We went to the town hall on Wednesday evening/New Year's Eve.2.The clock would strike twelve in twenty minutes'time.3.The clock stopped at five to twelve.B.1.in 2.On 3.during/...

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佛山市13041059880: 新概念英语第二册89课难点的答案 -
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