
作者&投稿:田妮 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

We all want to grow up happily and healthily, and for this goal we must do several things. Firstly, we should develop a good attitude to life. Life consists of not only sunshine but also hard times. We should be brave in front of difficulties. Secondly, we must study hard because knowledge is power. If we have the power. We can help to build our country and enjoy life better. In order to study well, we need to do sports so that we can keep fit. We can go running, play ball games or simply take a walk after a day’s study. If we do those things well, we will be able to grow up happily and healthily.

A Warning 一个警告
Last night, it is said that someone got robbed. My mother is scared, she tells me not to go outside very late, or go to the place that without many persons. I listen to her words, so I get home early, though I want to play with my friends for more time. But safety comes first. I hope the robber get caught soon

ZHAO LINwei2014真心为您解答~~
Joe fowler said: "a wise man is always seize the opportunity to turn it into a better future." Yes, chances are the perishable, we must firmly grasp,. , as Shakespeare said: "it with flowers in full bloom, pick wisely. Don't stay beautiful scenery difficult again, otherwise the moment, it will fade fade, fall in the dust." Opportunity is like the flower, you are not a good time to grasp the opportunity, it will be with you.

Opportunity is everyone some, but many people did not go to fight for, did not go to catch. Take time while time is, for lost no longer. I used to pass time and time again opportunity, always think there next time, but life is like a live show, will you come again the second time, can only regret, after the village, didn't the shop. You have added a kind of regret in life.

Life is the secret of success is a good chance comes, seize it immediately. The opportunity to let us better step to success, waved to the future, no longer follow the footsteps of the past. When opportunity to smile to you, you in the past and embrace it! Don't just indifferent.

Only a fool waiting for chance, while a wise man will make. Opportunity does not have to look for you, but you have to actively look for opportunities, waiting for the opportunity, is a very stupid behavior. We are looking for opportunities to create opportunities, and let the chance to be your friend, forever cannot leave you!

Life, not a lack of competition, the competition force, the source of power is a chance.

Friend, grasp the opportunity, will give you a future full of more spirit!

把握机会作文范本篇1 是湛蓝宽宏的天,给了鸟自由飞翔的机会。 是广宽无垠的草原,给了草茁壮生长的机会。 是深邃澄澈的大海,给了鱼畅游生活的机会。 而我们面对机会时,没有他人的给予,就要靠自己把握。 爱因斯坦的老师,没有给他上学的机会,而他自己把握住机会,靠自己学习,最终走上科学的道路,成为举世瞩目的科学...


有关把握机会的作文1 机会如风,来无影去无踪,但它却经过每一个人的身旁,就看你是否感觉的到。机会在每个人面前都是平等的,有的人总以为机会来临时还要先打个招呼,这样空等,不知错失了多少机会,所以说机会不是等来的。但是机会再等着所有的人,所以机会需要主动去寻找,我们需要正当第一个...

把握机遇优秀作文1 机遇,如云朵,飘忽不定;如流星,稍纵即逝。但当我抓住它,就开启了成功之门...“国戏杯”比赛开始报名,学校准备推送《太真外传》参赛,老师决定在我和小袁中挑选一名主演。这个消息令我既忐忑不安又兴奋不已,我暗下决心:一定要把握住机遇,脱颖而出。正值国庆长假,我恳...

抓住机会的作文范文一 人生,是一场戏,看你能否捉住机会,成为主角;人生,又是一盘棋,把握时机,打败敌人,创造生命辉煌;人生,还是一条路,路上布满荆棘,要靠你抓住机会走过…… 哎,又生病了!无奈的我拿起药物,截住两粒药,把其中的两粒药往外倒,可却没倒出来!这时,被截住两粒药穿过我的指头,落到我手上,望着袋...

把握机遇作文1 抓住机会,就相当于抓住了成功,机遇是成功的前提,等到机遇就成功了一半,但能否成功就在于你是否抓住了它。一个明智的人总是抓住机遇,把它变成美好的未来。 比如陈胜:秦末,陈胜出身贫苦农民家庭,但少有壮志,。公元前210年,秦始皇病死,宦官赵高伪造秦始皇遗诏,立秦始皇小儿子胡亥当傀儡皇帝,赵高篡夺大权...

篇一:把握机遇作文600字 托·富勒曾说过:“一个明智的人总是抓住机会,把它变成美好的未来。”机会是指针,指引我们前进的方向;机会是灯塔,照亮我们前行的路程;机会是铺路石,引导我们一步步走向成功。记得又一次,临近期末时,爸爸给我买了一份练习,帮助我提高其考成绩。当我...

把握自己的机会的作文1 长埋于地下数十年,甚至更久,为的只有两个字:生存;但它终归有一天会钻出地面。那,这就表示它只有短短的几个月生命了;为了能依偎在柳树身上歌唱,它,终于从地底出来了。这就是蝉,为了追求自己的梦想,毅然放弃了上天赐给它一次仅有的机会:生存的机会。机会,不光...

把握机遇的作文600字(一) “此时,我是否要把握这个机会。是向前看,还是向后退,我犹豫不决……” 我们坐在舒适的大巴上,看着窗外温哥华的秀美景色,脑中不断暇想下一个美景……“好了,同学们,我们现在到了温哥华有名的吊桥公园……”我们下了车,走进了公园,里面有着许多具有民族传统的雕像及房屋,走到尽头的时候...


永春县15133391019: 以、抓住机会,为话题写篇120词的英语作文 -
前试二维: 紧紧的抓住,不放开

永春县15133391019: 把握现在英语作文120 -
前试二维: 托·富勒曾说过:“一个明智的人总是抓住机会,把它变成美好的未来.”没错,机会是易逝的,我们要牢牢的把握住,.正如,莎士比亚说的:“好花盛开,就该尽先摘,慎莫待美景难再,否则一瞬间,它就要凋零萎谢,落在尘埃.”机会就...

永春县15133391019: 写一篇关于人人都会得到机会的英语作文,120字左右 -
前试二维: Help others is helping ourselves Everyone needs help and if we help others,we may also get something that is valuable like a beautiful star which shines in our life.When we help our classmates,we feel friendship,when we help some old people,we ...

永春县15133391019: 把握现在英语作文120 -
前试二维:[答案] 托·富勒曾说过:“一个明智的人总是抓住机会,把它变成美好的未来.”没错,机会是易逝的,我们要牢牢的把握住,.正如,莎士比亚说的:“好花盛开,就该尽先摘,慎莫待美景难再,否则一瞬间,它就要凋零萎谢,落在尘埃.”机会就像这朵花...

永春县15133391019: 有没有关于机会的英语作文啊
前试二维: My View on Opportunity Different people have different views on opportunity. Some think that there are only few opportunities in this world while others believe that everyone will have one kind of opportunities in his or her life. As far as I am ...

永春县15133391019: 英语精英进,写一遍题为My view on opportuity的作文,120词左右. -
前试二维: Opportunity does not come easy, therefore, I view opportunity is rare and important to one's destiny. When opportunity strikes, we must not hesitate to grab it. Otherwise, the opportunity would be gone or even worst , the opportunity goes to someone...

永春县15133391019: 求一篇以成功为话题的英语作文 字数120字左右 最好有翻译 谢谢......速度...
前试二维: TO Success: Opportunity or hard-working? Every body wants to succeed. But when it comes to the question that which factor leads to success, opportunity or hard-work, different people will offer different answers. Some people think that opportunity ...

永春县15133391019: 学习机会英语作文 -
前试二维: th in the playground during recess, tinged with tall buildings, capacious space, instead of crazy run.If give me a chance, I will gently into the music room, let one note leaped up on the keys, compose a beautiful melody, my heart easily. But not to ...

永春县15133391019: 求,三篇英语作文,分别是关于机会,私家车,运动与游戏.每篇120词左右 -
前试二维: The opportunity is always difficult to grasp, a lot of people when the opportunity before us, you are missed. So back we find the grasp, are lost.

永春县15133391019: 把握机会,翻译英语怎么写?
前试二维: seize the opportunity. seize the chance. seize the right moment. 都可以

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