
作者&投稿:天宽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
小学五年级英语练习题 帮忙找些- -!谢!~



1. How old are you? a. 20yuan.
2.What do you have for lunch? b. It’s 9:50.
3. How much is the T-shirt? c. I’m 13.
4. What can you see? d. Beef.
5.What time is it? e. I can see 5 windows.

Read and write. (读句子,选出划线单词的反义词。)

1. This is a duck. ____ is a goose. (The That)
2. My socks are big. Your socks are ____ . ( tall small)
3. It’s warm in Kunming and ____ in Beijing. (cold cool)
4. Her coat is too short. His coat is too ____ . (long tall)


( )1.橡皮用英语怎么说:
A. eraser B. pen C、ruler
( )2. 熊猫用英语怎么说
A. Kangaroo B. Panda C. Tiger
( )3. 美国的自由女神像矗立在哪个大城市?
A. New York B. Washington(华盛顿)
( )4. 衣服上的标签M代表中号, 那L代表 ,S代表 。 A.大号;小号 B. 小号;大号
( )5. 当你想知道那个女孩是谁,会问:
A. Who’s that girl? B. Who’s that boy?
( )6. 当你想吃块蛋糕时,会说:
A.Can I have a cake? B. Have a cake, please.


1. The girl is my sister. 中文:__________
2. I like the yellow T-shirt. 中文:____________
3. Here is the rabbit. 中文:_________
4. I have lunch at 学校. 英文:________
5. My bag is 黑色的。 英文:_______


①P.E. ②VCD ③A.M. ④ WTO ⑤ TV
电视( ) 中国( ) 世贸组织( ) 上午( )
英国( ) 肯德基( ) 光碟( ) 体育( )
求救信号( ) 遗传基因( )


1. The girl is my sister. 中文:__________
2. I like the yellow T-shirt. 中文:____________
3. Here is the rabbit. 中文:_________
4. I have lunch at 学校. 英文:________


What(does ) his sister (have)?
She (has)some dolls.


What 【does 】his sister 【have】?
She 【has】some dolls.


What does his sister have (have)?
she has (have) some dolls.

What his sister have (have)?She has (have)some dolls.

望采纳!……(*^__^*) ……


  1. has

  2. has

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28、C 本题主要考查介词的用法区别。根据句子中的felt unhappy可知,句子中表示一种心理状态,于是,正确答案为C。 29、D 本题主要考查名词的意义区别。根据后面的resulted in failure可知,她没有专心于工作,而keep one’s mind on意思为“专心于”,于是正确答案为D。 30、A 本题主要考查英语交际用语的应用。根据...

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江海区18470118069: 一道小学五年级英语题,学霸们帮忙解下... -
符蚂普芬: What(does ) his sister (have)?She (has)some dolls.************************************************************ 加油!不明白再问!如果帮到你,请采纳,谢谢!***********************************************************

江海区18470118069: 一道英语题,五年级的哦,谁来帮忙解答一下!What is the date today?Is January - ---. -
符蚂普芬: 选22nd,第一个是念twelve,没有two这个单词,应该是12th,第三个应该是23rd,第四个应该是21st .还有你题目好像抄错了,应该是“It is January-----”.

江海区18470118069: 小学五年级的一道英语语法题,Many - ___ - are going to the party答案写在横线上,三个选项A.children B.childs C.pupil -
符蚂普芬:[答案] A many 后跟名词复数,child 的复数形式不规则- children,所以答案:A children 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢 !

江海区18470118069: 一道小学五年级的英文选择题We drink milk - ----break. A.with B.in C.ct -
符蚂普芬: break在这里是指两件事之间的间隙,课间,小憩,休息等,这句话的整体意思就是说我们在课间喝牛奶.break用作这个意思的时候,通常使用in做介词搭配,选B

江海区18470118069: 一道小学五年级的英语题 -
符蚂普芬: to my friend doesn't have Does like

江海区18470118069: 五年级的一道英语题!!速答!!
符蚂普芬: donkey 驴 antilope 羚羊 bat 蝙蝠 bear 熊 crocodile 鳄鱼, 非洲鳄 crow 乌鸦 crucian 鲫鱼 cuckoo 杜鹃,布谷鸟 cuttloefish 乌贼 giraffe 长颈鹿 glowworm, firefly 萤火虫 goat 山羊

江海区18470118069: 一道小学五年级首字母填空的英语题 -
符蚂普芬: which here 是这个,上面的都 不对 你看看吧·

江海区18470118069: 小学英语题,求各位学霸解答 介词填空 Many people worked( )the ships. She r -
符蚂普芬: Many people worked(on )the ships.She reads a book( about)the famous Chinese explorer.He was( in)China.Don't spit( into)the sea.He went(to)many places(in )the world.

江海区18470118069: 一道小学五年级英文题.用所给单词的适当形式填空.谢谢. -
符蚂普芬: we usually go(因为是we,不是第三人称单数不用加s或es) on an egg hunt.someone hides (加S是因为后面是eggs,是复数)a lot of eggs.

江海区18470118069: 一道五年级英语题
符蚂普芬: 1 goat ---boat 2 hen ---pen 3 pig ---big 4 sing ---king 5 in ---an 6 head --- dead

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