
作者&投稿:长兴景 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
跪求写一篇英语的邀请函 谢谢 要速度点啊~

May 5,2012
Dear Mike,
This Saturday is my birthday and my parents will hold a simple celebrating party for me. I am glad to invite you to come to the party. Blair, Emma and Roan will also be invited. I am sure we will have a good time. We will have dinner at 18:30 so that you are wished to come at 18:15. My mother is a good cook and you will enjoy the dishes. After the dinner, we will play some small games and then eat the cake. My parents and I sincerely expect you to come and hope to see you then.
True yours,

Dear Karen,
How's everything going these days? We are going to hold a Christmas party in my house from 7:00pm to 12:00pm on Christmas Eve, you are invited to my house to celebrate Christmas with my family. Feel free if you want to bring some of your friends or your family members. In the Christmas Party, we will have cookies, Christmas Trees, Caroling, and bunch of other Christmas fun. We will pray before we eat. Also, after dinner, we will definitely sing the Christmas songs and have a lot of fun. If you'd like to bring a snack or treat to share, that would be welcome. By the way, can you respond if you can come as soon as possible but no later than 10th December? And if someone will come with you, could you let me know before that date too, so I can arrange everything for the party.
Thank you
Your Sincerely

Dear Karen,
How's everything going these days? We are going to hold a Christmas party in my house from 7:00pm to 12:00pm on Christmas Eve, you are invited to my house to celebrate Christmas with my family. Feel free if you want to bring some of your friends or your family members. In the Christmas Party, we will have cookies, Christmas Trees, Caroling, and bunch of other Christmas fun. We will pray before we eat. Also, after dinner, we will definitely sing the Christmas songs and have a lot of fun. If you'd like to bring a snack or treat to share, that would be welcome. By the way, can you respond if you can come as soon as possible but no later than 10th December? And if someone will come with you, could you let me know before that date too, so I can arrange everything for the party.
Thank you
Your Sincerely

针对公务人员或单位邀请函: 邀请函又叫请柬,也称请帖。是单位,团体或个人邀请有关人员出席隆重的会议,典礼,参加某些重大活动时发出的礼仪性书信。格式要求:请柬一般由标题,称谓,正文,落款四部分组成。1、标题即用大字书写的“请柬”两字,在第一行中间,或者占用一页,当作封面。2、称谓即被请者...

12月23号下午16:30-19:00将在体能中心举办圣诞晚会,届时欢迎家长和小朋友们前来参加!(悄悄地告诉你还有奖品哟) 家长活动邀请函4 尊敬的家长朋友: 您好!走进金秋十月,我们迎来了新学期的第一个家长开放日!我园定于10月29日(本周五)下午四点举行家长半日开放活动。让家长全面了解孩子在幼儿园的生活、游戏和活动...

   精选生日聚会的邀请函范文1   20xx年马上就要到来,在这喜庆的年末,我们欢聚一堂,为12月份生日的朋友送上真诚的祝福,虽然没有雪花、虽然没有圣诞老人,但我们有一个特别的圣诞生日party。  诚邀您参加公司为12月份寿星举办“畅想生日会,狂欢圣诞节”——12月份...

活动邀请函 篇18 尊敬的家长及亲爱的孩子们: 您们好! 为营造节日氛围、加强师生之间的沟通、展示师生的才艺,欢欢喜喜过节日,我们学校将组织一场以圣诞节暨20xx新年狂欢夜为主题的联欢晚会,特邀请您及孩子参加(可带同学)。 晚会内容:节目表演、感恩环节、抽奖活动 老城校区举办地点:xxx 举办地点:xx酒家 xx 20 xx...

圣诞节 对班主任黄老师的邀请函怎么写
惦记着往日的笑声,忆取那温馨的爱抚 ...在这个特别的日子里,愿老师所有的日子洋溢着欢欣的喜悦;愿幸福 如意 快乐 鲜花...一切美好的祝愿与你同在,圣诞快乐 !!

舞会的邀请函 篇4 白雪在空中漫舞,santa驾着雪橇到来,圣诞的钟声从远处传来,欢歌笑语汇聚在巨人学校,这一天有一句话是最动听的语言___we wish you a merry christmas and a happy new yaer。这一天,有最炫的'party等待您的加入———巨人圣诞cosplay 化妆舞会。时间:×××年12月24日18...

邀请活动的邀请函 篇9 尊敬的家长: 您好! 今年的圣诞节在我们的期待中又一次到来,在这个充满幸福、快乐及童话般色彩的节日里,我们诚挚的邀请您和我们一起为孩子们欢度圣诞节。活动当天我园还会赠送精美的礼品,感谢您的参与和支持! 活动时间:10:00—11:00 活动地点: 咨询电话: 圣诞节是我们与孩子们的共同节日,...

Christmas n.1.圣诞节 (= Christmas Day)We sent a card with Christmas greetings.我们送了一张圣诞卡,表示祝贺。2.圣诞节节期 Christmas Eve 圣诞节前夕 We always go to my parents' house on Christmas Eve.我们总是到我父母家里度过圣诞之夜。一些搭配:at Christmas 在圣诞节 Christmas card...

发送邀请函是邀请别人的一种礼节性书信,一般邀请人会及早准备好活动邀请函。而邀请函并不难写,难的是写得有多“完美”,那写好活动邀请函有那些“秘诀”?栏目我特意收集和整理了英语的邀请函怎么写,相信你能从本文中找到需要的内容。 英语的邀请函怎么写 篇1 Dear [Mr. Hovell]: Please accept my apologies...


江汉区19258814783: 英语写圣诞节邀请函求速度,150以上请根据所提供的材料写一封150词左右的英文信,邀请你的好友及家人来参加圣诞晚会.Your name:LisaYour friend's ... -
舒姣七味:[答案] Dear Karen,How's everything going these days?We are going to hold a Christmas party in my house from 7:00pm to 12:00pm on Christmas Eve,you are invited to my house to celebrate Christmas with my famil...

江汉区19258814783: 英语写圣诞节邀请函求速度,谢谢啊!!!!150以上 -
舒姣七味: Dear Karen, How's everything going these days? We are going to hold a Christmas party in my house from 7:00pm to 12:00pm on Christmas Eve, you are invited to my house to celebrate Christmas with my family. Feel free if you want to bring some ...

江汉区19258814783: 圣诞邀请卡怎么写准备邀请一群朋友参加圣诞PARTY.邀请卡上应该怎么写呢,要英文的哦. -
舒姣七味:[答案] Dear Friends, Please be informed that the Christmas Party will be held in the club(地点)at 19:00pm(时间)of December 24,2006. You are welcom to be present. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.

江汉区19258814783: 用英语写圣诞晚会邀请函 -
舒姣七味:[答案] invitation letters邀请信Dear Monica,亲爱的莫妮卡,This Saturday is my birthday and I'm going to hold a party in my house.As my best friend,I hope you will come.I think you will be free at that day.The...

江汉区19258814783: 英文圣诞节邀请函格式?我们班要办圣诞晚会,需要邀请外教参加,请大侠帮咱说说英文邀请函的格式~~~~谢了~~~ -
舒姣七味:[答案] Christmas n. 1.圣诞节 (= Christmas Day) We sent a card with Christmas greetings. 我们送了一张圣诞卡,表示祝贺. 2.圣诞节节期 Christmas Eve 圣诞节前夕 We always go to my parents' house on Christmas Eve. 我们总是到我父母家里度过圣诞之...

江汉区19258814783: 英文圣诞节邀请函格式? -
舒姣七味: Christmas n. 1.圣诞节 (= Christmas Day) We sent a card with Christmas greetings. 我们送了一张圣诞卡,表示祝贺. 2.圣诞节节期 Christmas Eve 圣诞节前夕 We always go to my parents' house on Christmas Eve. 我们总是到我父母家里度过...

江汉区19258814783: 用英语写一句短的圣诞邀请函 -
舒姣七味: We are going to hold a Christmas party in my house from 7:00pm to 12:00pm on Christmas Eve, you are invited to my house to celebrate Christmas with my family.

江汉区19258814783: 英文的圣诞邀请函 -
舒姣七味: (自己写的,有错误的话谢谢指出!) honorific client: the christmas day will come after selveral days.In that time,I'll hold a royal pary at night.I am prepareing for the profuse acts and nutrient foods. in this year,we have worked hard and made our ...

江汉区19258814783: 写出邀请好友参加圣诞聚会的英语短文 -
舒姣七味: Birthday party invitation A: Melissa? I'd like to invite you to my wife's birthday party. B: Thanks, Frank. I'd love to come. When is it? A: Her birthday is on the 9th. We're going to have dinner at a Mexican restaurant, and then maybe go out ...

江汉区19258814783: 用英语书信格式,邀请你的朋友来参加圣诞节 -
舒姣七味: 用齐头式的格式吧:Dear Linda,I am glad to invite you to a christmas party. My family will hold it tomorrow evening at home, it will begin at about 18:00. Everything is ready and I will assure you that the food is very tasty and the activities are funny.I wish to see you then. I am awaiting for your reply.Yours, sincerely Tony

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