
作者&投稿:老雄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
根据所给的汉语意思完成句子 1.你们星期三有英语课吗? 2.你什么时候起床?~

1 Do you have English class on Wednesday?


2 When do you get up?


What time do you get up every day?

Rick often gets up at six o' clock.
Do you sports every in the morning?
Is Wang Ming in Class One or in Class Two?
Your Chinese book is on the sofa.And mine is on the bed.

1. Rick often gets up at 6 o'clock.
2. Do you do sports every monring ?
3. Is Wangming in Class1 or Class2 ?
sb's Chinese book on the bed,mine is on bed,too.

Rick often gets up at six.
Do you do exercise every morning?
Is Wang Ming in Class One or in Class Two?

Rick always gets up at 6 o'clock.
Do you take exercise every morning ?
Is Wang Ming in Class One or Class Two?

1.Rick often get up at six o' clock.
2.Do you exercise every morning?
3.Which class is Wang Ming in,Class One or Class Two?

1。我不知道他打算怎样去纽约。I did t know (how)(he) (is) (going) to New York.2.昨天晚上八点我听到有人在唱歌。I(heard)(somebody)(singing) at 8 o clock last night.3.昨天丽丽去北京做什么? (What) did lily go to beijing (for) yesterday....


根据汉语意思完成句子:.用英语说这些是什么?是鸡蛋。 Wat( ) ( ) i...
1.这些是什么?是鸡蛋。 What( are) (these ) in English? (These)(are ) eggs.2.用英语说那些是什么?是小汽车。What( are) (those) in English? (Those)(are ) cars.3.这些是盒子吗?是的。 (Are ) (these )boxes? Yes,(these) (are ).4.那些是公共汽车吗?不,不是。

1.请把这本书给了王老师.Please give the book to Miss wang.2.噢,我明白了.我马上去做.Oh,I see.I'll do it right now.3.我妈妈留着黑色长发.My mom has long black hair.4.汤姆长得怎么样?What does Tom look like ?5.---蓝色加黄色是什么?---是绿色.---What's blue and yel...

2..I asked Jack if he had any【 comment】 about the election.. 我问JACK你对于选票有什么意见么 3. This kind of contest 【encourage】people in China to speak English.这种考试激励着中国人学习英语。4.His 【suggestion】is that we go to the cinema on weekend by bus.他的建议...

eat subrry bear birthday party think about how do you are right

八上英语第三大题根据汉语意思完成句子 1它与我自己的自我提高有关系...
参考答案如下:1. 填(do with, improvement)理由:have to do with sth,和某事有关系。improvement,改进,提高,名词。助你愉快学习!

How do

根据汉语意思完成下列句子。小题1: your pencil-box ...
故动词用现在分词形式。小题5:考察短语by hand手工。点评:句式和短语的考查也是英语考查的一个重点,熟记这些句式和短语的固定结构及固定搭配可以减少答题中的分析判断时间,答题中注意根据汉语提示确定符合语境的短语或者句式,然后根据语境及时间状语,确定单词的词形变化.注意主谓一致及时态一致等问题.

1、蛇用它们的舌头来“听”。因为它们没有耳朵。Snakes listen by their tongues. Because they have no ears.2、这辆自行车Amy的。我得还给她。This bike is Amy's.I have to give back to her.3、有一个妇女从来不理发。There is a woman who has never cut her hair.4、如果尾巴离开地面...

衡东县18229713432: 根据汉语意思完成英语句子 1. 禁止在教室或走廊听音乐.                           music in the classroom or the hallways.  ... -
雀贸单糖:[答案] 1. Don't listen to 2. arrive late for class 3. can't eat in class 4. have to wear 5. What else

衡东县18229713432: 完成句子 ; 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词. 1. 他喜欢和人们谈话. He likes to                               ... -
雀贸单糖:[答案] 1. talk to / with 2. also; musician 3. good with4. What; today 5. swimming club

衡东县18229713432: 高中英语翻译(虚拟语气) 根据汉语意思完成句子 -
雀贸单糖: 1.他希望他没讲那样的话.He wished he_hadn't say things like_that.6.国王命令囚犯明天要实施死刑 The king ordered that the prisoners__ tomorrow want to implement __the next day.10.我不知道他的电话号码,否则我就打电话给他了 I _don't know__his telephone number,other-wise I_would have telephoned_him.

衡东县18229713432: 根据汉语意思完成句子(英语)1 这部电影的开头很枯燥 the —— ——the movie is boring 2 老师经常面带微笑进入教室 the teacher ofen comes into the ... -
雀贸单糖:[答案] the beginning of the movie is boring the teacher ofen comes into the classroom with a smile

衡东县18229713432: 英语..帮帮忙.. 根据汉语意思完成句子.. -
雀贸单糖: 1、我的狗喜欢追着球跑.My dog likes __running__ _after__ __balls__.2、看!工人们正用石头建房子.Look! The workers _are_ _building_ the house _with__ ___stones.3、你不能睁大眼睛做眼保健操.You can not do the eye exercise __with__ _your___ __eyes__ __wide__ _open___.4、那个妈妈轻轻碰了下她孩子的脸.The mother gave a _gentle___ __touch__ on her baby is face.

衡东县18229713432: 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词. 1. 亨利收藏了很多体育用品.    Henry has a - ___ - ____ - collection.2. 我的父母早上做运动.     My ... -
雀贸单糖:[答案] 1. great sports 2. play sports 3. every day 4. only watches 5. sounds boring

衡东县18229713432: 完成句子根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词. 1.每天我骑车去上学,我妈妈步行去上班. Every day I go to school - _____ - ______ - and my mother goes... -
雀贸单糖:[答案] by bike on foot welcome to prefer traveling staying so kind/friendly is regard...

衡东县18229713432: 英语根据汉语意思完成句子 -
雀贸单糖: the least, the highest spend the least money harder, the hardest will finish/end on keep on singing

衡东县18229713432: 根据汉语意思完成英语句子:感谢你帮我找到了我的书.Thanks________ - _________me find my book.他们正在游泳池里玩.They're playing_________the___... -
雀贸单糖:[答案] 感谢你帮我找到了我的书. Thanks for helping me find my book. 他们正在游泳池里玩. They're playing in the swimming pool. 在最后一张照片里,我在看电视. In the last photo,I'm watching TV.

衡东县18229713432: 八年级英语:根据汉语意思完成英语句子. -
雀贸单糖: to find out

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