
作者&投稿:姜单 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

This is my treasure, its name is Haibao mini electric fan which bought from Expro pavilion in Shanghai. Look! it is blue with cute and naught expression. Even more amazing is that the back fan would be turning with a alternating subtitle "welcome to Shanghai Expro" in English or Chinese when you press the boutton! it is more important that is a present from my nine-year-old brother, so I love it very much!


Mantis shows this strange appearance, I'm sure, you've never seen. Mantis its wings desperately open, its wing stood up, and upright have to like as the sails. Wings vertical in it back, mantis will the body's top bending up, looking like a root bending the handle of the crutch, and every now and then a yo-yo.

1, department daily management, meet the demand of production and delivery;
2, according to the customer's FORECAST or orders to review, revise, review the company's annual, quarterly, monthly production plan and material requirement plan and purchasing plan;
3, communicate with business department, and adjust the production, procurement plan and coordinate production, quality, engineering, warehouse and other departments the working relationship between;
4, follow up production plan, material purchasing plan and process exception;
5, supervision warehouse safety stock, material storage period and inventory cost reduction and stay, hysteresis material processing;
6, supplier communication management, procurement progress payment, settlement and risk control;

6月15星期一 我们一家今天早上到了马来西亚的槟城。今天是晴天,很热,所以我们决定去酒店附近的海滩。我和妹妹试着玩了滑翔伞。我感觉我像只鸟。太刺激了!午餐,我们吃了很特别的东西-马来西亚黄面。很美味。下午我们开车去了乔治城。现在那里有很多新建筑,但旧的建筑也还在。在乔治城一个很古老的...

翻译成英文如下:A person, always miss the past, miss the past you and yourself in the past. Always thought, the heart is warm, and then I think, heart acid; some time, read a text, read read, on the red eyes; life has always had a chance, a chance to hear a song,...

这是我的家.我的爷爷是位工人,奶奶是一位护士.我父亲是位警察,母亲是一位护士.他们都很喜欢我,这是一个非常幸福、快乐的家庭 This is my family.My grandpa is a worker and my grandma is a nurse .My father is a police man and my mom is a nurse too .They all loved me so much...

I can show my talent inthe future,thanks!翻译:女士们先生们,大家好,我叫Elly,今年26岁。大学毕业后,我用了几乎八年时间去学习如何很好销售(产品),所以我认为我有足够的经验为这家公司工作。我想学更多知识,也想为这家公司做更多,在未来,我能证明我的能力,谢谢!纯属个人意见,对不起,我...

设计部Sign Department 销售部Marketing Department 会客室Reception Room 总经理Manager 财务室Accounting Office 档案室archives Room 第一会议室Conference Room I 第二会议室Conference Room II 休息Resting Area 生产部Production Department

翻译为:Time went by quickly, the experience is over a period of several months, during which time, the practice of learning enriched my life, I learned a lot of book knowledge can not experience. Through practice, I touched a lot, get a lot of new knowledge on many issues ...

多嘴的说一句,俺觉得没有那个国家的语言会比中文更丰富,更能表达内心的感受,所以,不要翻译成英文,直接把中文扔过去,唾弃他,更能表达决绝之情!!支持你 吴先生, Mr Wu 你把我伤得够彻底, You have hurt me so hard.我那么爱你,我把你当宝. I love you so much ,I treat you as ...

在教学的过程中,我感受到了其中的乐趣,也积累了经验,我认为教学相长。我结合教育学和心理学来教授学生知识,取得了很好的效果。我也喜欢和学生沟通,了解学生可以了解学生可以更好的进行教学工作。Not only I have so much fun and I also gain so many experience during the teaching process.I ...

考核依据:1)数据来源:未按物流公司承诺的时效送达,记为1次未到达。appraisal evidence: 1) data source: no delievering in-time as specified by the logistic company will be noted down as 1 non-delivery 2)计算方法:准时交货率=未达次数÷运单数量X100%。2) calculation: timely ...

Also has you to celebrate a birthday, wife really good wants to accompany you to cross together, but actually does not have the means. Hoped when you receive that me carefully the birthday cake which prepares for you, will feel that will be pleasantly surprised and is joyful. My...

晋州市18680207499: 哪位可以``帮我翻译成英文```谢谢``` -
边卫六味: Since the whole world leave you,I will together with you.No matter what the live will be,it is like what writer said about water "swiftly quickly no matter how I catch it---"I can not.But you like the flowers stopped by my hand in water carelessly,you are my...

晋州市18680207499: 哪位能帮我把这句话翻译成英文 -
边卫六味: 咱会滴说~ Angry when you go to the beach, shouting their own grief, always Smile, pain, and not pain, it is like, but also did not like it, forget worries, I remember that mouth up, with the happy smile!

晋州市18680207499: 英语翻译我不会说甜言蜜语,但我真的爱你,Forever!哪位能帮我翻译成英语的..英语呀.这不是英语吧. -
边卫六味:[答案] No sweet words,but I really love you

晋州市18680207499: 哪位能帮忙帮我把这句话翻译成英文呢?
边卫六味: I saw two orders placed by you. Which one in the one you want? Pay it through PayPal, it will be fast, safe and convenient

晋州市18680207499: 哪位能帮我把这两句汉语翻译成英语?谢谢!
边卫六味: This is the last time I cry for you . Goodbye ,my best love.

晋州市18680207499: 谁能帮我翻译成英语啊?
边卫六味: Tomorrow is my birthday, will you come to my birthday would you? The meetings begin at 6:30; My family, friends and classmates would come, and you can see them; If you come, please call me, I hope you can come.

晋州市18680207499: 哪位英语高手帮我翻译成英文1.经验丰富的优秀名教师 2.擅长英语的XX老师 3.极富爱心和耐心的XX老师 4.极受小朋友欢迎的XX老师 5.能弹一手好钢琴的XX... -
边卫六味:[答案] 1.经验丰富的优秀名教师 -> an excellent famous teacher with enriched experiences2.擅长英语的XX老师 -> xx, a teacher good at English3.极富爱心和耐心的XX老师 -> xx, a teacher full of love and p...

晋州市18680207499: 急急急!有哪位高人可以帮我把这个句子翻译成英文.十分感谢! -
边卫六味: This is my career life maiden voyage, fujian champions league shipbuilding industry Co., LTD is the Hong Kong lw shipping Co., LTD build smelting mountain wheel, 80300 tons gross, one May 3 years in the water, August 18, delivery.

晋州市18680207499: 哪位能帮我翻译成英语?
边卫六味: At that time,Yuan went to bingzhou to take an exam.he ran across a person who catch goose,he told Yuna a strange thing he met with guilt.there are two gooses fly together when he catch them.he caguht one of them,the other one fly away.too his ...

晋州市18680207499: 求助啊~~请问有哪位高人能帮我把这句话翻译成英文~ -
边卫六味: i am a member of the mathematical base group of school of mathematical science in BUN 我是BUN数学科技学院中数学基础组的一名成员.

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