
作者&投稿:路勉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

国际贸易 International Business国际技术贸易 International Technical Trade基础会计学 Basic Accounting基础英语 Essential English国际贸易实务 International Trade Affairs外贸函电 Foreign Business Correspondence高等数学(一) Advanced Mathematics中国对外贸易 China's Foreign Trade国际金融 International Finance

LC is a means of settlement of international trade conventions. International Chamber of Commerce "with the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits" of the rights and obligations of the parties with LC, The terms of the business and a uniform interpretation, as LC norms of behavior. With the development of international trade, new modes of transport and communication methods, and the use of the "UCP" exposed in the course of the International Chamber of many of its revised. The latest version goal No. 5 in 1993, known as the "Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, 1993 Revision. International Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 500 "(UCP 500), on January 1, 1994 implementation.

"UCP 500" has been widely accepted for national banks. In the opening of letters of credit in the body, to show "UCP 500", and therefore binding on all the parties.

"UCP 500" provisions of the letter of credit business, embodies the independence, integrity, reliability and operational unity. Common operations Exchange : Following is a brief introduction to the main provisions should not be issued to the applicant. Bank trial run single to the receipt of the documents the next day, seven days banks. Negotiated deal with the company when the negotiation Exchange and / or documents to pay the price, the price paid not only to examine documents does not constitute a negotiation. Credit for the changes, the beneficiary can be made to accept or not to accept the notice, nor can remain silent until documented, Laws alone, according to diplomatic single book system, acceptance, changes in force. If not amended by the single book system should also serve notice to show that the beneficiary refused. The signing of the transport document must indicate that the carrier (or multimodal transport operator) or his agent identity agent signed by the agent should indicate the (carrier) the identity or name. The prohibition of credit transfer provisions, which only port-to-port shipping container in the form of trans-shipment of non-binding. The shipment period to the date on which the document issued if another shipment date of the invoices, take-off date takeover date of endorsement by the carrier allocated the later. Invoices must be opened by the beneficiary, if not the letter of credit provides the necessary signatures, invoices can not sign. LC business under various fees by the instructing party burden. Even if the letter of credit provided by the beneficiary or other person such cost burden, and if he refused to pay, payment instructions still maintains that the ultimate responsibility. Therefore, the ultimate responsibility for the cost of issuing the applicant. For the latter type, if it provides for revocation shall not removed; Only "Transferable", which were considered negotiable.

Buyers being unable to arrange for insurance of the Sellers’ failure to send the above advice, the Sellers shall be held responsible for all the losses thus sustained by the Buyers





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[论文关键词] 英语翻译 介词 应用 [论文摘要] 英语介词在英语中是虚词,是组成句子和文章的重要韧带之一。介词既可以用来引导名词或名词性词语,又可以替代名词和形容词的形态变化,在句中充当各种状语、定语和表语,表达出动词或动词短语的很多含义,使用起来非常灵活方便,因此有的学者把英语称为&ldquo...

应用英语是一个宽口径的专业,可选择在教育部门从事基础英语教学工作,或在各级政府部门、企事业单位从事外事、国际文化交流等方面的接待服务和管理工作。应用英语专业以“英语+专业+技能”的人才培养模式面向社会输送一专多能的应用型人才,本专业下设商务英语、旅游英语、科技英语三个专业方向。 本专业...

这个节目使北京人学英语更有兴趣。除了唱英语歌曲,还有很多其他有趣的方式学习英语,看看英语电影,读读英文书籍,也许你甚至能交到一个母语是英语的朋友。如果你足够努力,你将找到一条更好的学习英语的方法。9. p70 UNIT 9 3a: Have you ever been to Disneyland?课文翻译你去过迪士尼公园么?我们中的大多数人...

应用英语专业的就业方向具体如下 有外贸业务员、销售工程师、软件工程师、电气工程师、商务专员、外贸专员、应用工程师、项目经理、外贸跟单员、技术支持工程师、硬件工程师、产品经理。


虎林市15835157576: 国际贸易怎么翻译 -
相胥奋乃: international trade

虎林市15835157576: 国际贸易用英语怎么说
相胥奋乃: 国际贸易 International trade

虎林市15835157576: 国际贸易 英文怎么说 -
相胥奋乃: 国际贸易 International Trade国际贸易局 OIT(Office of International Trade)

虎林市15835157576: 国际贸易的英文全称
相胥奋乃: International Trade国际贸易

虎林市15835157576: “国际贸易”这门科目的英文是 -
相胥奋乃: International Trade我们学校提供的课程翻译就是这个...

虎林市15835157576: 求国际贸易的英文解释,不是词语翻译,赫赫 -
相胥奋乃: the trade between different countries or regions, often regulated by international private laws

虎林市15835157576: 英语翻译国际贸易英语翻译,UK&556 per M/T FAS Ningbo Can$60 per set FCA Shanghai -
相胥奋乃:[答案] 宁波船边交货价为每公吨556英镑 交货到上海为每套60加元

虎林市15835157576: "国际贸易"一词的英文详细定义或解释 -
相胥奋乃: dear xxx,the book you want to buy is chinese edition. is it ok?if you have any question, pleae do not hesitate to contact me. many thanks!regards!xxx 翻译:亲爱的xxx:您想购买的这本书是中文版的,是否适合您呢?如果您有任何疑问,请尽管联系我,非常感谢!xxx 其实贸易往来的英文书信没什么专门模版,只要把想要说的话说清楚就可以了,以简洁为标准,这样客户读起来一目了然,也很轻松.

虎林市15835157576: 国际贸易专业 英文怎么说 -
相胥奋乃: 我的专业是国际贸易你可以说“My major is International trade”或者“I am major in International trade”International trade 国际贸易Major 专业

虎林市15835157576: 国际贸易英语翻译
相胥奋乃: 1,用纸箱包装,每箱装48个.一共两整货箱,每个整货箱都是40英尺,每个装有545个纸箱 2,要达到2007年5月到货的目标的前提条件是,相关信用证要在4月25号前到达

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