
作者&投稿:不瑶 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I live in a happy and harmony family.there are four people,incloding mom,dad,brother and I.we often go shopping with mother.talking with other family members is often the case.I love them.

I have a happy family .There are three people in my family. They are my father ,my mother and I . My father is forty. He is older than my mother. He goes to work earlier than my mother, too. But my mother gets up earlier than my father. I get up later than them and go to school later than them.

Hello! My name is Ady. I’m ten years old. I’m in Class 3, Grade 4 in Huamei School. I’m tall. Both my aunt and my mother say my ears are very big. My teacher says I am smart.
My favourite colour is green. My favourite food is pasta. My favourite sport is playing chess. My favourite animal is dog. I don’t like writing, but I like reading, playing computer games, watching cartoons and VCD, etc.


“小二”管“大王” 挨着勤的没懒的 矮子面前不说短话 按下葫芦起来瓢 八抬大轿请不去 八字没一撇 拔根汗毛比腰粗 白披一张人皮 半斤对八两 半路上出家 饱汉不知饿汉饥 背着抱着一般沉 被人卖了还帮着数钱 笨鸟儿先飞 鼻子气歪了 比登天还难 比上不足,比下有余 比死人多口气 便宜没好货,好货...

比如春节时的团圆年夜饭、中秋节的赏月吃月饼等,这些节日传统反映了家庭成员间的情感纽带和文化认同感。除此之外,一些家庭还会有自己特殊的庆祝仪式,比如生日庆祝、结婚纪念等,这些仪式不仅是对生活的纪念,也是对家族传统的传承和弘扬。三.家族文化传承的传统 在一些家庭中,还有世代相传的文化技艺或特...

现 代社会里,家庭文化正吸引着人们的注意力,丰富着人们的生活。从社区到家庭的参与,湖苑社区培育了一种和谐的文化气候,唱响了和谐文化的华丽旋律,为和谐社会的构建谱写了动人的乐句,家庭文化的作用功不可没。

为什么现在的中国家庭很少有家训了 是传承中断了吗?




不知道什么是“教育”,更不知道家庭教育该教什么了?为什么不会了?没人教了,因为传统文化断了一百年啦!三、由 “药家鑫案”反思家庭教育 药家鑫,一个学期就拿13份奖励,学业优秀的大三学生沦落为残暴的杀人凶手,是可恨?可悲?还是可怜?……可恨:恨其太自私、太残暴、没有责任心,把人撞倒了...

      在我们的家庭文化中,我觉得兼有中国传统文化中的仁义礼智信,和谐统一是主旋律,偶尔会因卫生细节起点小摩擦,但自我学了心理学后,这种现象也少有发生了。      家是讲情的地方,不是讲理的地方,夫妻相处是靠妥协。婚姻是一种妥协的艺术,是一对一...

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