
作者&投稿:宁乖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语句子翻译 用动名词翻译~

I missed the chance to see the wonderful film.Thank you!

We will do cleaning in the beginning of next week.
She does washing a lot every weekend.
Who does cooking for us?

1 踢足球是我最喜欢的运动之一
1 Playing football is one of my favorite sports.

2 我经常想象自己一个人周游世界。
2 I often imagine that I travel around the world on my own.

3 没有通过考试使他很难过。
3 Failure in the exam made him very sad.

4 I love to be invited to others' birthday party.

5 I don't mind the wall is painted red.

1,Playing football is one of my favorite sports.
2.I always image traveling around the world by myself.
3,Failing the exam made him sad.
4.I like being invited to others' birthday parties.
5.I don't mind painting the wall pink.

1 Playing football is one of my favorite sports

2 I always imagine yourself a man traveling around the world.

3 didn't pass the exam made him sad.

4 I love to be invited to other people's birthday party

5 I don't mind this wall is painted red.

1 football is one of my favorite sports
2 I always imagine myself a man traveling around the world.
3 didn't pass the exam made him sad.
4 I love to be invited to other people's birthday party
5 I don't mind this wall is painted red.

1.Playing football is one of my favourite sports.
2.I always image traveling around the world.
3.Not passing the exam made him feel sad.
4.I like being invited to others' birthday parties.
5.I don't mind the wall being painted in red.

例句一,the 21st century equivalent表示修饰,是一个呗裸视的时代,就像an apple of mine,这个苹果是属于我的,of后跟动词ing形势,然而被裸视是被动,就是being caught naked,此时裸视是一个状态而不是一个动作,形容是被裸视的 例句2,分词形式放句首做主语,就像being amazed of it,i can't ...

2011-02-18 英文美句摘抄40个 带汉语翻译 1068 2014-02-09 摘抄简单的英语句子,有翻译,短的 255 2017-12-01 20句英语名言警句(带翻译) 120 2013-09-08 英语书虫系列的好词好句摘抄 有翻译的 175 2012-02-19 英语美文摘抄带翻译 175 2013-10-02 英语好词好句 带翻译 661 2017-01-11 高一英...


1.What do you usually do at weekends?I usually go shopping.What does he\/she usually do at weekends?He\/She usually goes shopping.(动词后面加s或es)What do they usually do at weekends?They usually go shopping.(动词不变)2.How often do you watch TV?I watch TV once a week....


1 i have to take part in an important conference.2 he said nothing but just cried.3 it is a problem to deal with the rubbish.4 it is important for them to handle a foreign language.5 i remembered putting the bike before the building but i could not find it now....

1.你在什么地方看到他的?Where were you saw him?(where did you see him?)疑问句的时候助动词要提前,过去时的助动词是did 2.你在什么时间看到他的?When were you saw him?(when did you see him?)和第一句是一样的 3.最近有什么计划?what is you plan recently?(what is your plan ...

用英语翻译句子: 在过去的几十年里,中国发生了巨大的变化 。 分别用以 ...
In the last few decades,Chinese people have seen\/witnessed\/experienced significant changes taken place in China.这个是最接近完美的答案, 这道题主要考现在完成时以及过去分词做后置定语。希望帮到你!祝楼主学业蒸蒸日上,天道酬勤!

帮忙翻译几个句子 1一个人在水塘里游泳很危险 动名词短语作主语2你动作...
swimming in the pool alone is dangerous your act is quick,isn't it?watch the shape of the moon every night i don't like the job at all in the begining,we don't like him,but we cheer it later put the milk into coffee,please\/milk with coffee,please ...

词语活用:①.“何”疑问代词作动词,是什么。问女何所思 ②.“策”名词作动词,登记。策勋十二转 ③.“骑”动词作名词,战马。但闻燕山胡骑鸣啾啾 特殊句式及重点句子翻译 ①.省略句:愿为市鞍马。(愿为‘此’市鞍马”,“此”指代父从军这件事。)愿意为此去买鞍马。②. 倒装句:问女何...

船营区18726637659: 英语句子翻译(用动名词) -
弘咽普贺: 1 踢足球是我最喜欢的运动之一1 Playing football is one of my favorite sports.2 我经常想象自己一个人周游世界.2 I often imagine that I travel around the world on my own.3 没有通过考试使他很难过.3 Failure in the exam made him very sad.4我喜欢被邀请参加别人的生日聚会4 I love to be invited to others' birthday party.5我不介意这墙被涂成红色.5 I don't mind the wall is painted red.

船营区18726637659: 为什么英语句子中要使用动名词不用动词? -
弘咽普贺:[答案] 动名词和名词有相同语法上的作用,动名词不是动词,两者在语法上有不同用法.用动名词是因为要满足语法的需求.比如句子Getting to school on time is very important的从句 is very important前面需要名词来做主语,gett...

船营区18726637659: 英语动名词,翻译句子,四句,谢谢 刷经验不要脸的人请不要乱回答
弘咽普贺: 1.-Traveling -by -boat- is- very- comfotable.2.It -is- no- use- doing- too- much- exercise .3.I =spent= the= whole= afternoon= writting =to= my =friend.4.Do= you= mind= my= using= the= computer= of= your= office?

船营区18726637659: 一个英语句子是多吃水果有益健康,吃用动名词eating到底什么时候用动名词,在这里为什么用动名词? -
弘咽普贺:[答案] 动名词是非谓语动词的一种,所谓的非谓语动词,就是 不是充当谓语的动词,那么当动词并没充当谓语而充当其他成分的时候,就用非谓语动词,当然,也包括动名词. 非谓语动词包括 动名词 不定式 和过去分词.

船营区18726637659: 【求!)】翻译句子 题1:在睡前听音乐能够帮助你放松.(用动名词作主语) 题2:我听说,在月球上生活很困难.(也是用动名词作主语)亲们注意是初二... -
弘咽普贺:[答案] 1 listening to music before you sleep can help you relax 2 I heard that living in the moon is quiet difficult

船营区18726637659: 英语语法,动名词的问题. 英语句子,在什么情况下用动名词?谢谢 -
弘咽普贺: 当一句话中我们要表达动作,又要用它作句子的主语,宾语,表语等名词性的成分时就要把动词写成带ing形式,也就是动名词,如:Seeing is believing

船营区18726637659: 英语中什么时候用动名词,什么时候用副词,名词,形容? -
弘咽普贺: 要做的用不定式 ,做过的用动名词,例如stop ,forget, remember ,等还有习惯性的用动名词,具体的用动名词,如like . 动名词用副词还是用形容词修饰,最重要取决于这个动名词的词性.如果这个动名词是动词的进行时,例如,I am doing ...

船营区18726637659: 人类成功地登上了月球是航天业的里程碑,并且对其发展具有重要意义.这句话英语如何翻译,要求用动名词作主语 -
弘咽普贺: Successful landing on the Moon by the human being, which has magnificent significance, is the great milestone in the history of Aeronautics ..你说的也可以.至于为什么不是successfully landing是因为landing在这里是名词,而successfully是副词...

船营区18726637659: 英语动名词翻译 -
弘咽普贺: he would not escape from punishment for his mistake

船营区18726637659: 英语翻译用动词ing形式翻译下列句子1.天气允许的话,我们将于下周一进行比赛2.弗兰克做完作业后出去玩了3.我中午就离开了,没有留下来等结果4.艾伦气... -
弘咽普贺:[答案] If the weather permits, we are going to have the match next Monday.Fred went out to play after finishing his homework.I left at noon, without staying behind for the result.Allen was gasping when she c...

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