
作者&投稿:鄢依 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
法国为什么好 理由 英文~

of somebody else.

你说的是 出去的动机吧 你可以自己写一个你自己的在要别人去翻译。

France is a romantic country which I have been looking forward to for many years. In my memory,when I was young,I often open a book which is filled with beautiful scenery in France.
Eiffel Tower, the Louvre,Seine and so on,these famous places are always in my mind.Therefore,I have never stopped my determined to travel to the country.I believe that one day l will achieve my dream.I also hope I can live there in the future.
以上纯属个人原创,希望可以帮到你 !

1、France is the heaven of romance.

2、France is full of the fragrance of art.

3、There are so many famous beautiful places in France ,especially Provence.

4、Paris is the capital of fashion.

5、France can probably symbolize the western culture.

6、French people are pretty friendly and kind.

France is a romantic paradise. France makes you forget about your identity, nationality, occupation, ambition and even sex! Do I need to exaggerate things to present you the beauty of the country? Yes. YES. Due to its geometric shape of its territory, it is often referred to as L’Hexagone or The “Hexagon”. This quixotic Hexagon welcomes a staggering number of about 82 million foreign tourists every year and it is ranked as the first tourist destination in the world, followed by Spain and the United States.

France is one of the largest countries in Europe. It is bordered by six countries – Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany to the north-east, Switzerland and Italy across the Alps to the south-east and Spain across the Pyrenees to the south-west. The UK is across the English Channel. France is regarded by many people as the geographical gateway to Europe. It has several large international airports, two of which are in the capital, Paris and many of which are served by budget airlines. Ferry terminals are located along the north, west and Mediterranean coasts. Visitors from the UK also have the option of taking the Channel Tunnel rail link.


欧洲旅游线路 欧洲旅游线路排行榜
今天小编辑给各位分享欧洲旅游线路的知识,其中也会对欧洲旅游线路排行榜分析解答,如果能解决你想了解的问题,关注本站哦。 欧洲有哪些地方好玩 欧洲旅游哪条线路好一、欧洲三国法瑞意(欧洲旅游经典组合) 法国、瑞士、意大利是目前很多人公认的欧洲旅游经典组合线路。这就是大名鼎鼎的欧洲三国:法瑞意。欧洲三国法瑞意可以...

法国的英语是France,详细信息如下:France 英 [frɑ:ns] 美 [fræns]n.[地名]法国,法兰西;[姓氏]法郎士;[人名] 弗朗斯 例句:Henceforward France and Britain had a common interest 自此法国和英国有了共同的利益。He travelled France from end to end.他游遍了法国。

旅游景点介绍中英文对照 旅游景点介绍用英语怎么说
遇到侵权更要及时向旅行社、消费者协会、旅游质量质监所等机构反映。 旅游景点英文介绍马上就要到暑假了,不知道同学们接下来有没有和家长一起出行旅游的计划。下面我用英文为大家介绍推荐几个国内旅游的热门景点,欢迎大家阅读 收藏 。英文介绍旅游景点:长城China's Great Wall is in the human history of ...

欧洲西部的旅游景点介绍资料 欧洲西部旅游景点地理




背景:1328年,法国卡佩王朝最后一位国王查理四世去世。由于查理四世没有 男系继承人,其堂兄华洛瓦家族的腓力六世(1328-1350年在位)即位。而英王爱德华三世则以腓力四世外孙的身份要求继承法国王位,并以此为借口 发动了战争。1337年11月,爱德华三世率军进攻法国,战争开始。英法百年战争的转折——...

欧洲有很多 旅游 景点,所以欧洲是很多人 旅游 的目的地的选择。欧洲有几十个国家,有很多的选择,有些人注重人文 历史 ,有些人喜欢自然风光,同时体验感受异国他乡的风土人情。去欧洲 旅游 怎么选择目的地?在这里把我去过的欧洲国家的城市与景点与你分享,或许能为你提供一点帮助。 1.法国,巴黎是一定要去的,浪漫...

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许宽尿嘧:[答案] France is a romantic country which I have been looking forward to for many years.In my memory,when I was young,I often open a book which is filled with beautiful scenery in France. Eiffel Tower,the Louvre,Seine and so on,these famous places are ...

河口瑶族自治县19617572420: 去法国游的理由(用英文) -
许宽尿嘧: France is a romantic country which I have been looking forward to for many years. In my memory,when I was young,I often open a book which is filled with beautiful scenery in France. Eiffel Tower, the Louvre,Seine and so on,these famous places are ...

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许宽尿嘧: France is my most desirable places, which boasts towering Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame magnificent magnificent, charming town, beautiful streets ...... In my opinion, all the French are like a fine Like painting, perfect. Came to France, the Eiffel Tower ...

河口瑶族自治县19617572420: 写一篇40字左右英语:为什么喜欢法国 -
许宽尿嘧: France has a lot of places we can travel to,such as Paris.Still,It has different culture and style as China.So it is good to travel to France by different reasons

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许宽尿嘧:[答案] 不知道你想要什么程度的,我就按我自己的想法写了. This winter vacation I went to French with my family. French is a romantic place where I have expected to be there for long time. And before I arrived there, I did some homework to know some basic...

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许宽尿嘧:[答案] Last summer I went to Paris with my parents.I was very excited and happy.Since we don't speak French,we joined a tour to Paris.It last a week.We visited the Eiffel Tower,Notre Dame,Palace Louvre and P...

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许宽尿嘧:[答案] I am a travel meniac, and there is one country i want to travel most, that is Australia. Australia today is a vibrant multicultural country with people of British descent, as well as Aboriginal and immigrants from many countries in Europe, Africa and Asia. It is ...

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许宽尿嘧:[答案] My favorite way to travel is backpacking. I can set my own schedule and I can save on hotels. In addition, it is a good way of ... I felt so closeto the nature. After that, I often took the camping equipments with me and I will go to more places in this way.

河口瑶族自治县19617572420: 写一篇关于去法国巴黎旅游的英文作文, -
许宽尿嘧: Ten years later, I thought that I will become a doctor, because may help many people, I want to go to Paris to live, heard that is very beautiful, I will live with I best friend in the apartment, at that time, the child did not need to go to school, they at home ...

河口瑶族自治县19617572420: 用英语翻译:我喜欢法国,因为法国是一个烂漫的地方,有美丽的风景,人也很热情,所以我很喜欢法国 -
许宽尿嘧: 你把浪漫写成烂漫了, there are beautiful scenery,提醒楼主I like France, so I like France , because France is a romantic place.另外, people also very warm

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