
作者&投稿:芒咐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My dear penfriend, I will spend a loy of time in Hong Kong, but honest speaking,I prefer Shangha. Also, it's a fantastic place to visit,and I am very lucky to have this six months of English course here. Some other students learn French. I want to learn some other language,What about you? because we have too much time here. Last night, I went to a Chinese concert. Most of my friends like loud music. They can dance with it.As for me, I prefer the quiet and traditional music, so that concert was very suitable for me. What kind of music do you like? Before the concert, we ate Italian food. Do you like it? There are a lot of kinds of food, do you like them? My host family will take me to the Indian film festival next weekend. I don't know what to expect because I have never seen an Indian film before. How about you? Some people say that Indian films are bored, but others say they are very good to watch, what kind of movies do you like? .

My name is XX,and I graduated from HuaZhong university of science and technology WuChang branch, bachelor degree, majored in international economy and trade. I passed the CET 4-1, computer examination grade 1,and Japanese JTEST - level D in my university time. In 2008 I went to Japan and have been studied in DaFen university for two years, got my postgraduate degree in social welfare. I have been in guangzhou for about one year, and have been looking for the most suitable job for myself. I really hope you can give me a chance. I will try my best to create greatest value for the company!


A Rusty Steam Engine (作为标题用。如不作为标题,则后面三个词不用大写。)
With the progress of time in China, the steam locomotives has been completely replaced by the internal combustion locomotive and electric engine due to the former's low speed and limited load.

A rusty old steam-engine locomotive

In China, following the progress made over the years, steam-engine locomotives are obsolete because of their speed and payload on the track. They've been completely replaced by internal combustion engines and electric enginees.

A rusting steam engine locomotive.
In China, the progress with the times, because the steam locomotive moving slowly, and carry less cargo, it has been completely replaced by diesel and electric locomotives.

May I ask can you tell me why I fired? If it is because my job is not good, can I ask, in Beijing, Jim never made mistakes? As far as I know,he is a few days ago because of good color problem has just been the boss asked, such a low-level errors I have never ...

according to the spirits of 《幼儿园教育纲要》, inferencing 《中小学教师职业道德规范》, combined with case analysis, we try to emphasis the specification of the early childhood teachers' professional ethics.有些句子我不是很理解,所以就没办法帮你翻译。但我尽力了!:) (ps. 我没照抄网...

请帮我把下面这段歌翻译成中文音译呀,谢谢!!!不是翻译成中文_百度知 ...
哔哦嫩 那 哦呢 磕那 吧 같은 우산 아래 약속한卡肯 乌散 啊咧 呀搜韩 주기로 했던 거 잊었나요租gi漏 嗨都恩 一走那呦 힘이...

The publication magazine is understood that the UK and US current various social class, various groups' tendency, each kind of social question, social relations' most direct way, its terminology fresh is exactly succinct, may imitate for the learner. The literature books are understood ...

帮助的人:6600 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 1、草地上有一块灰色的大石头。小猴子在大石头上翻着筋斗,小猴子在大石上翻着筋斗,小青蛙在大石头边上唱着歌,小鸟站在大石头的最高处给小青蛙伴奏,小老鼠、小白兔和小公鸡,他们在大石头旁看得目不转睛。 突然,大石头响起了巨大的打雷声,并刮起了一...

我很难受「快结束了,只剩套孔塞进去就好。」布约4分之一的地方有一个长约 6公分的长型圆环,她帮我完全塞进尿孔,拿着一个乳膏涂在在我尿孔上方,然 后拿着一根细细的小铁棒,他把一端的珠子选转出来,然后插进她涂乳膏的地方 插进铁棒,然用旋转进去,她轻拉着着下面的布对我说,「这样就不会滑出来了。」...


其实这段文字很浅 只是几个意象罢了 华发、佛法 、花、昨、锁、血、风沙 其实从文字上看 这这是表达一种情绪 ,一个皈依佛门的人心不静 回忆不堪回首的往事罢了


请帮我把下面一段话翻译成英语 下司古镇,曾被人誉为“小上海”、有...
Secretary under the town, who had been hailed as "little Shanghai", the "pearl of the river water" reputation.In addition to who had been hailed as "Little Shanghai", but here there are a minority in Guizhou Province, the first sports village, has a dragon arena, annual ...

西城区17524451756: 请帮我把下面这段文言文翻译成白话文,谢谢 -
赤鸿瑞斯: 末些蛮居住在大理以北,和吐蕃交界,与金沙江相邻.……依靠金沙江天险,部落众多如星辰罗列,相互没有主从关系,惯于战斗喜好射猎,佩戴短刀,用砗碟壳做饰品……,不信奉神佛,仅在正月十五日登山祭天,及其庄严整洁,出动男女数百人,互相牵手,围成圆环载歌载舞作为庆祝.

西城区17524451756: 请帮我把这段文字翻译成现代汉语(盖儒者所争,尤在于名实,名实已明,而无下之理得矣.今君实所见教者, -
赤鸿瑞斯:[答案] 有学问的读书人所争论的问题,特别注重于名义和实际.如果名义和实际的关系已经明确了,那么天下的大道理也就清晰了.现在君实您用来指教我的,

西城区17524451756: 请帮我把这段文字翻译成英文(请不要用在线翻译工具,谢谢!) 翻的好,加分!我最喜欢的鞋是爸爸妈妈送给我今年的生日礼物,生日的早上,我刚刚起... -
赤鸿瑞斯:[答案] My favorite shoes was that mom and dad gave to me as this birthday gift, On the morning of that birthday,When I just got up, I could see a big box on my desk, I opened to see a pair of beautiful sports shoes, "great!" I jumped with joy. This was a pair of ...

西城区17524451756: 请帮我把下面一段文字翻译成文言文(古文).不胜感激、如果,我们不能回到从前,我会选择不认识你;不是我后悔,是我不能面对没有你的结局.分手后,... -
赤鸿瑞斯:[答案] 若,汝与吾难至韶华之初,宁当不识;匪悔也,惟不知千山暮雪只影何去.经年去,友难为之,盖尝为伤,仇难为之,盖尝相怜.是以,汝与吾本是白莲咫尺并蒂开,何曾萍水天涯再难逢.虽至花落木朽,不见卿来.

西城区17524451756: 帮我把下列一段文字译成英文..我的名字叫李华,在A中学读书.上个礼拜天我来到你们图书馆看书,不过发现了一些不太好的现象,在这里我想向您反映出来... -
赤鸿瑞斯:[答案] Hello,my name is Li Hua,in the A secondary school.Last Sunday I read in your library,but discovered some not-so-good phenomenon,Here,I would like to ask you reflected,in the hope that you can take som...

西城区17524451756: 英语翻译谁能帮我把下面一段文字翻译成英文?无 题 - 无法言说的爱我爱着一个人,但我说不出口.我暗恋她,曾几何时,她清新的身姿总徘徊在我的心中,她... -
赤鸿瑞斯:[答案] I fall in love with someone,but i can't speak.I love her so much,but she didn't know.I don't know when,her shadows is always around in my heart,her bright eyes are always in my mind.I miss ,I love her

西城区17524451756: 请帮我把下面一段文字翻译成英文.谢谢狗的主人气势汹汹地来到宠物店,对老板说:我昨天在这买了一只狗.想不到晚上有小偷来我家偷了600块钱,它居然没... -
赤鸿瑞斯:[答案] Dog's master arrives at the pet shop in a threatening manner,said to boss:I have bought a dog yesterday in this.Could not think that evening had the thief to come my family to steal 600 dollars,it has...

西城区17524451756: 请帮我翻译一下 下面的这一小段文字,请按以下的本文正确翻译哦!不要弄什么类似的..The pretty little Swiss town of Mayenfeld(梅恩菲尔德) lies at the foot... -
赤鸿瑞斯:[答案] 漂亮的瑞士小镇梅恩菲尔德位于一群山脉脚下,其严峻崎岖的峰巅远远高过下面的山谷

西城区17524451756: 英语翻译拜托大家帮我把以下的文字翻译成英文,秋天到了,是个收获的季节.我和好朋友一起摘苹果,可是,我们爬树摘苹果很麻烦而且又危险.所以我们找... -
赤鸿瑞斯:[答案] Autume, the season of harvest has arrived. I went apple picking with my friend but climbing up trees is dangerous so we grabbed a ladder and picked basketfulls,loaded them on truck to sell to shops.

西城区17524451756: 小学六年级英语,急急请帮我把下面的一段话翻译成英文,谢谢 在5月12日下午四时二十八分,中国四川发生的地震.这次地震虽然给大家带来了灾难,但是... -
赤鸿瑞斯:[答案] 你们什么地方的哦,小学英文这么难. it's 4 clock 28 on the afternoon of May 12th,when the earthquake happened in the Wenchuan of China.Although it brought disasters to us,we can unite together to against it.I hope China will become more powerful.

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