
作者&投稿:苏轮 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.我认为那个老外不是英国人,对吗?I don't think that foreiger is English, isn't it?
2.医生建议那个病人每天散步20分钟。Doctor advise the patient take a walk for 20 minutes everyday.
3.他差一点摔倒,但又恢复了平衡。He nearly fall down but recovery balance late.
4.这个剧场可容纳至少4000人。 this theatre can hold at least 4000 people.
5.我后悔浪费掉本应该花在学习上的时间。i regret that i wasted the time that should be spent on study.
6.许多人都在节食,尽管其中一些人并不体重超标。most of people are on diet, though some of them don't exceed their standard weight.
7.既然你得到了这个机会,还是充分利用。Though you obtain this opportunity, make full use of it.
8.这部电影我已看过两遍了,我姐姐也是。i have seen this movie twice, as well as my sister.
9.就长期而言,费些力气也是值得的。as for long-term, it's worthy for wasting some energy.
10.没多久我们就制定出了一个计划。we made a plan in a short time.

5.hard work-hardworking
10.good 去掉
11.I plan to have my daughter receive further education in Britain.
12.Now that everything has prepared, please stay here and have dinner with us together.
13.The air is so dry here, let's leave the door open for a while.
14.How do you deal with that cheating student?
15.It loolks as though raining, let's go home quickly.

1. 步行及踏单车有用,学校运动也有效/幇助.
Walking and riding your bike count,and the school physicial exerxise also helps.
2. 服吃这种药一段时间,你的朋友可能会头发脱落或有些健康问题,它可能会影响心脏甚至生命
After taking this kind of pill for some time, your friend's hair might fall or he might have health problems, it may even affect his lives or heart.
The color of his coat does not match with his shoes.
I feel embarrassed at this moment.
This new kind of medicine hasn't side effects to human’s bodies.
The professor takes exercises every morning.
Can you work out this problem?
We owe our achievements to the wise leadership of our party.
It's not where you are from but what you have learned from here.
The old man died peacefully. [注: 死亡只会是安详、平静吧!]
If you want to lose weight, you must keep on diets.


3。他的外套颜色___ ___ ___——他的鞋子。


5。这种新的医学___ ___ ___ ___人的身体。

6。这位教授____ ____每天早晨。

7。你能___ ___这个问题吗?

8。我们应该___ ___聪明的____我们的聚会。


10The老人___ ___。

11分。如果你想___ ___,你必须___ ___ ___。

1.Walking and riding your bike count,and __the school sports also effective
2.After taking this kind of pill for some time,your friend’s hair might __loss
(脱落) or he might have health problems,_some of these health problems
(其中的一些健康问题) may even affect his lives or heart.
The color of his coat _does__ _not__ _match__ _with__ his shoes.
I feel __embarrassed____ at this moment.
This new kind of medicine without adverse effects to human’s bodies.
The professor takes exercise every morning.
Can you work out this problem?
We owe our achievements to the wise _leading___ of our party.
___It's__ not where you are from but _what__ you have learned _on__ _it__.
10.那个老人幸福地死了。The old man died happily
If you want to lose weight you must be on diets

1.The school sports also effective.
2.fall off.
3.Some of these health problems
4.does not match with.
5.have no side effects.
6.do exercises.
7.work out.
8.acheivements to ,leadership.
10.happy dead.
11.lose weight,keep on diets.

1.问好:1)-How do you do?-How do you do.2)-Glad to meet you.-Glad to meet you,too.3)-How are you?-Fine,thanks.2.道歉 1)-Excuse me,but can you...?-I'm sorry.\/I beg you pardon.2)-I'm sorry to...-Never mind.\/It doesn't matter.\/It's nothing.\/Don't ...

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仰娥丙硫: 1.当我们发现山洞时已是深夜 It was midnight when we found the cave2.在那座山上有一座海拔高达3000多米的庙宇 There is a temple whose altitude is more than 3000 meters in the mountain3.明亮的火焰熊熊的燃烧,水壶里的水开始沸腾 When ...

德钦县13642796090: 高一英语翻译句子
仰娥丙硫: 1.She gave up her job because of marriage. 2.The young people in England is more likely to take drugs than other Europeans . 3.He hides behind the door so as not to be seen by others.

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仰娥丙硫:[答案] figure out try hard to do sth have the risk of overweight doing sth while doing sth waste express sth/ articulate sth

德钦县13642796090: 高一英语翻译句子(中译英) -
仰娥丙硫: 展开全部1.has a slow runnig every moring with her dog behind her.2.By the time of 18 he had been to most of the European countries.3.the little girl couldn't help crying when she found that someone had taken her doll.

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