帮忙做几道 英语题 拜托了 在线等

作者&投稿:郑良 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



1、Sunday is the ( first )day of the week.(one)
2、The ( seventh )boy is very weak .(seven)
3、Aulumn is the ( third )season of the year.(three)
4、There are ( twelve )apples in the basket.(12)
1、He likes drawing pictures.(同义句)
he like to draw pictures。
2、I live the first floor.(否定句)
i don‘t live the first floor。
3、Sam lives on the third floor.(一般疑问句)
does sam live on the third floor?
4、Lily lives on the third floor.(对the third提问)
which floor does lily live on?

I don't know how to solve this problem.
We should pay attention not to smoke in public place.
Children under 18 are allowed to drive.
Youngesters should be permitted to make decisions all by themselves.
He has been coughing for 10 days.
You'd better put out your cigarette.
You'd better behave yourself.
I'm angry with what you've done.
Swimming is not allowed in the stream.
Please wait me for 5 minutes.
The old should be spoken with politely.
The more I learn about Chinese history,the more I prefer to stay in China.
How long have you been learning English?
I would like to know when the plane takes off?
When it takes off,I will let you know that.

I don't know how to solve this problem
We should pay attention not to smoke in public
Children under 18 are not allowed to drive
Teenagers should be allowed to make their own decisions
He has been coughing for 10 days
You'd better quenze your cigarette
You'd better pay attention to your action
I am so angry with what you have done
This river is banned for swimmers
Please wait for me for another 5 minutes
You should speak to the elders politely
The longer i learn the Chinese history,the longer i will prefer to live in China
How long have you learned English
I want to know when the plane will leave.When it leaves ,i will let you know

I don't know how to solve this problem

1.We should be careful not to smoking in public places
2.Children under the age of 18 not allowed to drive
3.Teenagers should be allowed to make their own decisions
4.He has been coughing for 10 days
5.You'd better extinguish your cigarettes
6.You'd better pay attention to your behavior
7.I to you feel angry
8.Clip river is not allowed to swim
9.Please wait me five minutes
10.Old people should be polite talk
11.The more I learn Chinese history more like living in China
12.How long have you been studying English
13.I want to know what time the plane will take off?
14.When he take-off, I will let you know

我不知道怎么样解决这个问题 Idon't know how to solve this questions .
我们应当注意不要在公共场合吸烟 We should pay more attention on Non-smoking in public .
18岁以下的孩子不允许开车 It is not permitted to drive for child under eighteen years old .
青少年应该被允许做自己的决定 The youth should be allowed to make a decision by themselves .
他一直咳嗽了10天 He has been coughing for ten days .
你最好熄灭香烟 You'd better put out cigarettes .
你最好注意你的行为 You'd better notice your behavior .
我对你所做的感到生气 I am angry with what you did .
夹河不允许游泳 Swimming in Jiahe is prohibitted
请在等我五分钟 Please wait for me more five minutes .
老年人应该被礼貌的说话 Talked with old man should be in a good manner .
我越学中国历史越喜欢住在中国 The more China history i learn , the more i like living in China .
你学习英语多长时间了 How long did you learn English ?
I want to know when the plane take off ? I will let you know when he flies .

I don't know how to solve this problem

We should be careful not to smoking in public places

Children under the age of 18 not allowed to drive

Teenagers should be allowed to make their own decisions

He has been coughing for 10 days

You'd better extinguish your cigarettes

You'd better pay attention to your behavior

I to you feel angry

Clip river is not allowed to swim

Please wait me five minutes

Old people should be polite talk

The more I learn Chinese history more like living in China

How long have you been studying English

I want to know what time the plane will take off? When he take-off, I will let you know.

I do not know how to sovle the problem
We should pay attention to not smoking in public
Children who under 18 are not allowed to drive
the adolescents should be allowed to make decisions by themselves
He has been coughing for 10 days
you had better to burn out your cigarette
you had better to pay attention to your behavior
i am angry about what you have done
it is not allowed to swim in clip river
please wait me 5 minutes more
the old man should be polite to be said
the more I learn China ˊs history ,the more I like live in China
how long do you learn English
I want to know when the plane will be take off?when in take off ,I will let you know

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