请问百度老师监控普通红外摄像机3.6mm/6mm/8mm/16mm 白天和晚上分别最大能照多远?

作者&投稿:丘疯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)




单 板 机 镜 头 BOARD LENS
图片 型号 焦距mm 相对孔径F 接口 像面尺寸 视场角
VS2120B 2.1mm F2.0 12×0.5 1/3 150
VS2520B 2.5mm F2.0 12×0.5 1/3 130
VS2820B 2.8mm F2.0 12×0.5 1/3 115
VS3620B 3.6mm F2.0 12×0.5 1/3 92
VS0618B 6.0mm F1.8 12×0.5 1/3 53
VS0820B 8.0mm F2.0 12×0.5 1/3 40
VS1220B 12 mm F2.0 12×0.5 1/3 25
VS1625B 16 mm F2.5 12×0.5 1/3 17
VS2528B 25 mm F2.8 12×0.5 1/3 11
固 定 光 圈 镜 头 FIXED LRIS LENS
图片 型号 焦距mm 相对孔径F 接口 像面尺寸 视场角
VS02512NI 2.1mm F2.0 C S 1/3 150
VS02112NI 2.5mm F2.0 C S 1/3 130
VS2814NI 2.8mm F1.4 C S 1/3 115
VS0412NI 4 mm F1.2 C S 1/3 78
VS0612NI 6 mm F1.2 C S 1/3 53
VS0812NI 8 mm F1.2 C S 1/3 40
VS1212NI 12mm F1.2 C S 1/3 25
VS1612NI 16mm F1.2 C S 1/3 20
VS2512NI 25mm F1.2 C S 1/3 18


Citrus freeze injury and nursing care

Badly cut until spring shoots germination, stem clear line of life and death when cold, cut off dead branches left the Ministry of Health, does not result in the wrong cut. 2.The underground root system is generally more intact. Long-term effect, lack of chloroplast-step synthesis of nutrients, root mass will be in hunger. Therefore, fertilization should be early, from late February from the ground facilities, facilities available thin fertilizer, to trigger the new foliage. After the commencement of the new leaves and shoots stop growing, it is necessary and timely spraying of 0.3% to 0.5% urea to promote strong shoot tip. Manufacturing aboveground nutrient assimilation can trigger new root,moncler sito ufficiale, root support to form a leaf, root, leaf and promote a virtuous circle. Accelerated tree vigor recovery. 3. Branches painted white, citrus cold protection of the wound, especially 3 to 4 frost damage trees, citrus branches since 1992, not much 2 Jiangxi Agricultural Division Zhu mushroom meat tube Zhakou the prevention and treatment of mosquito larvae of the eye is simple and effective Xiong Zhongliang Xiong Baosheng (Jiangxi Academy of Agricultural Science Tan BUPA) of the current generation of material culture mushroom There are two main methods, bed planting and bag cultivation. For the bag cultivation, mushroom eye mushroom barrel mosquito breeding adults invasive, harmless. Mycelium and Gulei feeding. Serious, make the whole bag of mushrooms tube destroyed. We use mushroom barrel Zhakou law, in the case of not using chemical agents, the availability of a very satisfactory control effect. First, the methods and procedures used suffered serious eye damage mushroom mosquito larvae of certain quantity of mushroom mushrooms, remove the ring, with cotton rope or a rubber band Zhakou, placed in different temperatures from each of 5 per 24-hour street tube Check mosquito larvae mushroom barrel death eye to not Zhakou as control, the results of the Annex. . Results and discussion mushroom barrel Zhakou, the larval performance anxiety, have climbed from the training compound, all died of mushroom culture material surface and the tube wall. The table shows, within 5 days, the larvae all died, and the increase of temperature, speed of death. Temperatures above 20 ??, just 24 hours. The control methods, useful in the production and effective. Zhakou mushroom barrel, resulting in larval death, which may be Zhakou, the mushroom mycelium and the cylinder of oxygen or due to some kind of training materials emit harmful gases caused. Reasons to be further explored. Schedule mushroom tube orifice check the time on larval survival of 5 - 5 + Zhu Tianyi eleven thousand one hundred eleven ?!?.?!!!?. Description - + said tube worms live. A marina is no live insects Gou said. leaf shading adjust the temperature, the branches bare, vulnerable direct eyes, dark gray bark and strong and heat-absorbing heat faster, snapped Shuo-prone, dry skin and even cause branches to be white-out prevention. White Paint for the 0.5 kg of lime, a spoonful of salt, add water, 3.0 tune into ~ 3.5 kg. For four freezing tree branches caused by the larger saw the wound, dry sections should be cut first level, cutting light, with 75 alcohol, potassium permanganate, disinfecting a wound, or 0.1, then coated with Tuobu Jin pulp, pulp and other protective agents of Bordeaux, with the final film wound dressing. 4. Underground Drainage drought and rainy spring in our province, orchard easy to water, drainage ditch in time to prevent rot. In case of drought t to time irrigation to meet the requirements of tree growth, favorable restore tree vigor. 5. Row crop cultivators and improve the soil temperature under the canopy after thawing Row crop cultivators, improve soil aeration conditions, increased soil temperature. It is reported that after cultivators per hour per square centimeter of surface Joule heat released 25.1040, favorable Root, back to life. 6. Ha cold when the pest control branches after the blow cracked skin, often from the resin easily I disease (ie glistening gum disease) and other diseases invasion of the importance of timely examination and treatment. method is to scrape off the skin disease. Carbendazim 100 times with 50 or 5O Tuobu Jin .100 times, or the consumption of alkaline 1:4 brushing disease department. frozen king by cutting management , quantity of Sprouting. but not too neat, we should always pay attention to the blight aphid, wind spicy, leafminer, Kuwana classes and other pests and the prevention and treatment of anthrax,timberland sale, and protect the tree.. sparse flowers and fruit,nike shox, a reasonable adjustment volume of two frost damage result tree. spring leaves are more synthetic nutrient assimilation decreased. often more than the amount spent, but the flowers quality is poor, the growth should be weaker in the spring, the results of some mother trees, flowers or fruit for low sulfur shear,moncler uomo, Step by nutrient consumption. July after the cessation of physiological fruit drop early, more fruit trees on the left, take the amount of sulfur results. balanced tree growth and the results contradictory. on the one tree I had had some frost damage output should be protecting flowers foot line and fruits measures to improve fruit set. that is, in Hua Xie 3 / 4 spraying 50ppm ninety-two 0,5 ~ July fortnightly spray of urea and 0.3 ~ 0.5 0.2 ~ 0.3 phosphate potassium, and promote fruit enlargement.
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克拉玛依市18035829186: 请问百度老师监控普通红外摄像机3.6mm/6mm/8mm/16mm 白天和晚上分别最大能照多远? -
皮卿佳和: 晚上只要红外光确实能达到距离.也不会差很多.白天,3.6MM的一般看10米以内,6MM看15米以内,8MM看20米左右,16MM看40...

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