英语菜谱翻译 急用

作者&投稿:洪屈 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

野山猪(红烧、爆炒、炖汤 Wild pig (braise in soy sauce, stir, double-boil soup
山兔(茶油焖、炖汤、红烧)ShanTu (tea stewing, double-boil soup, red-roast)
山羊(玉竹扣、红烧、白切)Goats (jade bamboo buckles, braise in soy sauce, white cut)
山樟(红烧、爆炒) Mountain braise in soy sauce, stir) (dehydroisophytol,
土鸡(白切、麻油、炖汤、盐焗)Native (white slice, sesame oil, double-boil soup, &salted)
山鸡(炖汤、红焖)Pheasant (double-boil soup, GongMen)
溪鱼(酱油水、干蒸、椒盐) Creek fish (soy sauce water, dry evaporate, salt-pepper)
溪虾(椒盐、酱油水) Creek shrimp (salt &pepper, soy sauce water)
水库甲鱼(干蒸、炖汤) Reservoir turtle (dry evaporate, double-boil soup)
河鳗(干蒸、清蒸、煲汤) River eel (dry evaporate, steamed soup),
白鲫鱼(焖萝卜、炖汤、酱油水)White carp (stewing turnip, double-boil soup, soy sauce water)
黄鳝(红焖、干烧) HuangShan (GongMen, dry heating)

黄娃鱼(焖萝卜干、酱油水)Yellow Eva fish (stewing dried turnip, soy sauce water)


洗了碗, 翻译如下. 风格不一致, 你要那一种: 直译/意译/煮法......, 你的餐牌用在南方或北方?倦了, 明天再幇你译
Breakfast Breakfast
番茄牛肉粥, tomato and beef in rice congee,
豆沙包, Dousha Bao (Bun with Red Bean Paste)
水蛋, water eggs
Goulash porridge, (炖牛肉粥?) Stew Beef in rice Congee
red bean bun (红豆包?), red bean bun,
Water eggs (水蛋?), Water eggs
小馄饨, Small wonton,
紫菜, laver seaweed,
肉丝, Shredded Pork,
三鲜鸡蛋羹 , SAM SUN and eggs congee,
葱油饼, Spring onion Pancakes
千禧饼, Millennium Pancakes,
芝麻花生粥, sesame peanut in rice congee,
玉米肠, corn sausage,
美式炒蛋, scrambled eggs
银耳莲子糯米粥, Tremella, Lotus seed in sticky rice congee,
小面包, small bread,
炝时蔬, poach seasonal vegetables,
煎鸡蛋, fried eggs
肉夹馍, Rouga Mo,
八宝莲子粥, BABAO lotus porridge,
煮鸡蛋, boiled eggs

Snack in morning Snack in morning
酸奶, yogurt,
小红果, Chinese berries,
火龙果, dragon fruit,
小蛋糕, small cakes.
Yogurt, Yogurt,
little red berries, (小红果?) little red berries,
dragon fruit, dragon fruit,
牛奶, milk,
香蕉, bananas,
橙子, oranges,
小饼干, biscuits,
酸奶, yogurt,
冬枣, chinese jujubes,
梨, pears,
曲奇饼, cookies,
牛奶, milk,
苹果, apples,
柚子, grapefruit,
酸奶, yogurt,
梨, pear,
小红果, Chinese berries,
糕点, pastries

Lunch Lunch
京都排骨, Jing Du ribs, /Ribs in sweet and sour sauce,/ Ribs in Peking Sauce
肉丝山芹, pork with Chinese celery
板栗金瓜, pumpkin with chestnut ,
牛肉白萝卜煲, Hot pot of beef and white carrot .
Jingdu ribs, (京都排骨?) Jing Du ribs, /Ribs in sweet and sour sauce,/ Ribs in Peking Sauce
回味虾, Shrimp with double favour,
蔬菜小杂炒, mixed vegetables,
桂花山药, sweet-scented Chinese Yam,
紫菜汤, Laver seaweed soup,
山楂饭, Hawthorn rice,
(小馒头) (small bread)
酱烧牛腩饭, Sauce beef belly (served with rice),
番茄菜花, tomatoes and cauliflower ,
葱烧豆腐, Braised TOFU,
番茄红枣粥, tomato red dates in rice congee
(小油饼) (small pancakes)
水饺(虾仁,鸡蛋,菠菜) dumplings ( shrimp, eggs, spinach)
(萝卜,羊肉) (carrots, lamb)
红薯, sweet potatoes,
小米粥, rice congee
田园脆鸡煲, Daily Crispy chicken hot pot
水果蔬菜沙拉, fruit and vegetable salad,
土豆泥, mashed potatoes
(薯条沾番茄酱) (French fries dip tomato sauce)
南瓜, pumpkin,
米饭, rice

Afternoon snack Afternoon snack
煮玉米, cooked corn,
香蕉, bananas,
苹果, apples,
点心, DIM SUM / snack
栗子饼, chestnut cakes ,
梨, pear,
冬枣, Chinese jujube
枣糕, jujube cake,
柚子, grapefruit,
苹果, apple,
烤地瓜, baked sweet potatoes,
火龙果, dragon fruit,
香蕉, bananas,
小饼干, biscuits,
酱山药, Seasoned Chinese yams,
苹果, apples,
柚子, grapefruit,
曲奇饼, cookies

Dinner Dinner
红烧带鱼 , braised Ribbonfish,
虾皮烧冬瓜, Melon with small salty shrimp,
牛肉蔬菜浓汤, beef and vegetable bisque,
杂粮小馒头, steamed Bun with various grains,
双花牛肉, beef with two season vegetables,
炒胡萝卜, fried carrots,
红豆粥, red bean in rice congee,
小花卷, Small curly rolls,
糖醋小排骨, sweet and sour spare ribs,
素炒卷心菜, Fried cabbage,
山药薏米粥, Chinese yam and Job's tear grains congee,
小花卷, Small curly rolls,
虾仁黄瓜, shrimp and cucumber
豆芽拌干丝, Green Bean sprouts and dry shred TOFU
芹菜香菇粥, Celery and mushroom in rice congee
南瓜米饭, pumpkin rice
烤肉, roast meat / beef / pork /lamb
三明治, sandwiches,
芝麻粥, sesame rice congee
洋葱煎土豆片. potato fried with onion

Breakfast "Goulash porridge, shot, Water Goulash porridge, red bean egg bun, Water eggs

"Small wonton, laver, shredded meat, three fresh chicken DanGeng, scallion pancakes millennium bread, sesame, peanut porridge, corn bowel American scrambled eggs tremella lotus seed glutinous rice porridge, small bread, when Qiang greens, Fried egg, sweet buns meat clip LianZiZhou, boiled eggs

Snack in morning yogurt, small red fruits, fon-lon cactus, small cakes. Yogurt, berries, dragon fruit knockout ep-red milk, bananas, orange, cookies, pear, yoghurt, dongzao cookies milk, apple, grapefruit, snack Yogurt, pears, small red fruits, pastry

Lunch Kyoto ribs, parsley, chestnut yellow melon shredded mountain, beef bai luobo pot ribs, miscellaneous rice. Jingdu aftertaste shrimp, small miscellaneous fry, sweet-scented osmanthus vegetable soup, hawthorns yam, laver (rice, steamed bun) sauce burning cook rice, tomato cauliflower, onion and tomato red jujube congee burn tofu (small cake) dumplings (shrimps, eggs, spinach) (turnip, lamb) sweet potato, millet, porridge pastoral crisp chicken stock pot, fruit and vegetable salad, mashed potatoes, (French fries with ketchup) pumpkin, rice

Can cook snack corn, bananas, apples, pears, snack chestnuts, bread, cake, grapefruit dongzao jujube, apple roast sweet potato, fon-lon cactus, bananas, cookies sauce rhizomadioscoreae, apple, grapefruit, cookies

Braise in soy sauce, shrimp skin burned Dinner hairtail wax gourd, beef vegetable soup, miscellaneous grains steamed bun double flowers beef, Fried carrot, ormosia congee, floret small roll sweet-and-sour ribs, SuChao cabbage, yam YiMi porridge floret roll shrimps cucumber, bean sprouts mix GanSi, celery xianggu mushroom porridge pumpkin rice barbecue, sandwiches, sesame porridge, onion chips Fried

Breakfast "Goulash porridge, shot, Water Goulash porridge, red bean egg bun, Water eggs
"Small wonton, laver, shredded meat, three fresh chicken DanGeng, scallion pancakes millennium bread, sesame, peanut porridge, corn bowel American scrambled eggs tremella lotus seed glutinous rice porridge, small bread, when Qiang greens, Fried egg, sweet buns meat clip LianZiZhou, boiled eggs
Snack in morning yogurt, small red fruits, fon-lon cactus, small cakes. Yogurt, berries, dragon fruit knockout ep-red milk, bananas, orange, cookies, pear, yoghurt, dongzao cookies milk, apple, grapefruit, snack Yogurt, pears, small red fruits, pastry
Lunch Kyoto ribs, parsley, chestnut yellow melon shredded mountain, beef bai luobo pot ribs, miscellaneous rice. Jingdu aftertaste shrimp, small miscellaneous fry, sweet-scented osmanthus vegetable soup, hawthorns yam, laver (rice, steamed bun) sauce burning cook rice, tomato cauliflower, onion and tomato red jujube congee burn tofu (small cake) dumplings (shrimps, eggs, spinach) (turnip, lamb) sweet potato, millet, porridge pastoral crisp chicken stock pot, fruit and vegetable salad, mashed potatoes, (French fries with ketchup) pumpkin, rice
Can cook snack corn, bananas, apples, pears, snack chestnuts, bread, cake, grapefruit dongzao jujube, apple roast sweet potato, fon-lon cactus, bananas, cookies sauce rhizomadioscoreae, apple, grapefruit, cookies
Braise in soy sauce, shrimp skin burned Dinner hairtail wax gourd, beef vegetable soup, miscellaneous grains steamed bun double flowers beef, Fried carrot, ormosia congee, floret small roll sweet-and-sour ribs, SuChao cabbage, yam YiMi porridge floret roll shrimps cucumber, bean sprouts mix GanSi, celery xianggu mushroom porridge pumpkin rice barbecue, sandwiches, sesame porridge, onion chips Fried
10.1.4-1.8 ///

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