David Archuleta 的who i am 和 other side of down 的歌词 最好带中文翻译~ 谢谢

作者&投稿:月梵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
David Archuleta的《Who I Am》 歌词~

歌曲名:Who I Am
歌手:David Archuleta
专辑:The Other Side Of Down

David Archuleta - Who I Am
Been two hours in a taxi cab
I'm just driving around and I'm running the tab
But it doesn't really matter, no I'm not getting mad
It's okay 'cause I know where I'm going (going)
Out the window everyone's on the phone
All the lights are on and they're all in the zone
Gotta take a step back from my new ringtone
I don't care if Jeff Fenster is calling (c-c-calling)
Days like these it's hard to breathe
I'm gonna take this moment that I'm in right now
Stop the craziness somehow
Leave it all behind me
And no one's gonna find me
I've got nothing to win and I've got nothing to lose
Just trying to walk in my own two shoes
Gotta take the time now
It's time for me to find out who I am
(Who I am) the windshield looks like a movie screen
And the world outside is a big machine
And it moves so fast I can barely think
That's okay 'cause I know what I'm doing
Days like these it's hard to breathe
I'm gonna take this moment that I'm in right now
Stop the craziness somehow
Leave it all behind me
And no one's gonna find me
I've got nothing to win and I've got nothing to lose
Just trying to walk in my own two shoes
Gotta take the time now
It's time for me to find out who I am
Sometimes (sometimes)
You just know
When to hold on
When to let go
Gonna take this moment that I'm in right now
Stop this craziness somehow
Leave it all behind me
No one's gonna find me
I've got nothing to win and I've got nothing to lose
Just trying to walk in my own two shoes
Gotta take the time now
It's time for me to find out who I am
I've got nothing to win and I've got nothing to lose
Just trying to walk in my own two shoes
Gotta take the time now
It's time for me to find out who I am
Who I am
Who I am


I'm just listening to the clock go ticking,
I am waiting as the time goes by.
I think of you with every breath I take,
I need to feel your heartbeat next to mine.
You're all I see, in everything.

I just wanna hold you,
I just wanna kiss you,
I just wanna love you all my life.
I normally wouldn't say this,
but I just can't contain it.
I want you here forever,
right here by my side.

All the fears you feel inside,
and all the tears you cry,
they're ending right here.
I'll heal your heart and soul;
I'll keep you oh so close.
Don't worry; I'll never let you go.
You're all I need, you're everything.

I just wanna hold you,
I just wanna kiss you,
Find More lyrics at www.sweetslyrics.com
I just wanna love you all my life.
I normally wouldn't say this,
but I just can't contain it.
I want you here forever,
right here by my side.

No one else will ever do.
I got a stubborn heart for you.
Call me crazy, but its true; I love you.
I didn't think that it would be,
you have made it clear to me.
You're all I need.

I just wanna hold you,
I just wanna kiss you,
I just wanna love you all my life.
I normally wouldn't say this,
but I just can't contain it.
I want you here forever,
right here by my side.


David Archuleta - Who I Am我是谁

Been two hours in a taxi cab我在出租车里两小时了
I'm just driving around and I'm running the tab我只是随便的开着车 我在摁Tab键(电脑键盘上的一个按键)
But it doesn't really matter, no I'm not getting mad但是这真的没关系,不,我一点都没发狂
It's okay 'cause I know where I'm going (going)这没关系因为我知道我要去哪里(去哪里)
Out the window everyone's on the phone窗外人人都在通电话
All the lights are on and they're all in the zone所有的等都开着,他们(打电话的人)都在通话区域
Gotta take a step back from my new ringtone从我的新手机铃声中退回一步(开始想事情)
I don't care if Jeff Fenster is calling (c-c-calling)我不关心是不是Jeff Fenster(跟电影业有关的一个人 总之是娱乐行业的)在呼叫我(呼、呼、呼叫我)
Days like these it's hard to breathe这样的日子让我难以呼吸
I'm gonna take this moment that I'm in right now我将带走我正经历的瞬间
Stop the craziness somehow用某种方式停止这疯狂
Leave it all behind me抛到九霄云外
And no one's gonna find me没有人能找到我
I've got nothing to win and I've got nothing to lose我没有什么东西去赢取也没有什么可失去的了
Just trying to walk in my own two shoes只是用我的两只脚独自行走着
Gotta take the time now我现在不着急
It's time for me to find out who I am是时候我应该去发现我到底是谁了
(Who I am) the windshield looks like a movie screen(我是谁)我的形象在挡风玻璃上就像电影屏幕
And the world outside is a big machine外面的世界时一个巨大的机器
And it moves so fast I can barely think它转动的太快让我来不及思考
That's okay 'cause I know what I'm doing这没关系因为我知道我在做什么
Sometimes (sometimes)有时候(有时候)
You just know 你懂的
When to hold on什么时候应该坚持
When to let go什么时候应该放弃
Gonna take this moment that I'm in right now我将带走我正经历的瞬间
Stop this craziness somehow用某种方式停止这疯狂
No one's gonna find me没有人能找到我
It's time for me to find out who I am是时候我应该去发现我到底是谁了
Who I am 我是谁

Other Side Down 继续下去的另一边(或者意译为“另一条继续走下去的路”也行吧)

down down继续下去 继续下去
down down 继续下去 继续下去
(down down)(继续下去 继续下去)
Here I am with all these questions hanging from a ceiling low我在这 和所有问题一起悬在天花板上(表示很危险的处境)
One by one they all keep telling me I told you so一个接着一个它们(所有问题)不停地告诉我我告诉你的那些话
Everywhere I turn I see red lights flashing over my head我转向的每个方向,我都看见红灯在我头顶闪烁(就是行不通的意思)
Oh no, oh no, oh no噢 不,噢 不,噢 不
In a world that's spinning round but somehow it knocked me off my feet在一个不断旋转的世界却用某种方式撞倒我
But I know better than to let it get the best of me但我知道让怎么让它得到最好的我(不知道怎么翻译啊)
I could give up, I could stay stuck, I could move on我可以放弃,我可以像黏住了一样停滞不前,我也可以继续前进
So I put one foot in front of the other所以我将一只脚放在另一只脚前(就是开始前进了)
No no no nothing's gonna break my stride不 不 不 没有人能打断我的步伐
I keep climbing, gonna keep fighting我一直攀登,我将一直战斗下去
Until I make it to the other side of down, down, down直到到达另一个继续下去的一边
Whoa oh oh down哇 噢 噢 继续下去
(down, down, down, down)(继续下去,继续下去,继续下去,继续下去)
In the sky I'm standing under all I see is endless rain我站在蓝天底下我只看见无尽的雨
I think I spot a silver lining hiding in the grey我觉得我发现了在灰暗中隐藏着的一点希望(silver lining是困难中看到的一点慰藉、希望)
I might get tossed around but I'm always bouncing back我可能被乱抛但我总能跳回来(找回自我)
Oh oh, oh oh噢 噢 噢
I could give up, I could stay stuck, I could move on我可以放弃,我可以像黏住了一样停滞不前,我也可以继续前进
Whoa oh oh oh哇 噢 噢 噢
down, down, down, whoa oh oh oh down yeahh继续下去,继续下去,继续下去,哇,噢 噢 噢 继续下去 耶
On the other other side of down在另一个继续下去的一边
It keeps calling me它一直在呼唤我
Where I wanna be on the other side of down当我想去另一个继续下去的一边
Where I wanna be,我想去的地方
Where I wanna be我想去的地方
Oh I put one foot in front of the other我将我的一只脚放在另一只脚前
down, down, down, 继续下去,继续下去,继续下去
Whoa oh down哇 噢 继续下去
Oh down, down, 噢 继续下去
the other side of down, down 另一个继续下去的一边,继续下去
the other side of down, down, oh yeh yeah另一个继续下去的一边,继续下去,噢 耶 耶

GOOGLE搜索David Archuleta who i am 一定能找到英文歌词 中文就不好找了 你试试

莱芜市15794983309: david archuleta - 搜狗百科
顾倪卓莱: David Archuleta中文名:大卫阿楚雷塔;大卫阿丘利塔;阿出 生日:1990年12月28日出生地:美国佛罗里达州迈阿密籍贯:美国犹他州穆雷风格:流行喜欢的音乐类型:流行音乐、灵魂音乐、R&B会弹奏的乐器:钢琴、吉他职业:歌手;学生活跃时间:2008年至今座右铭:You'll never be lonely if you learn to befriend yourself.

莱芜市15794983309: david archuleda的资料 -
顾倪卓莱: 全名:David James Archuleta 生日:1990年12月28日,生于美国Florida洲的Miami 籍贯:美国Utah的Murray 喜欢的音乐类型:流行音乐、灵魂音乐、R&B 会弹奏的乐器:钢琴、吉他 活跃时间:2003年至今 童年时光 David archuleta 出...

莱芜市15794983309: 求美国偶像(American idol)第七季亚军David Archuleta的详细资料
顾倪卓莱: David James Archulet大卫-阿楚雷塔(David James Archuleta)出生在美国佛罗里达的迈阿密,是著名选秀节目《美国偶像》第7季的亚军,90后的年轻选手.在决赛中惜败给大卫-库克,但他的艺术表现力却深深的打动着观众,赛后拥有很多粉丝的他加入了Jive唱片公司,并出版了自己的专辑.

莱芜市15794983309: David Archuleta介绍一下 -
顾倪卓莱: 全名: David James Archuleta 大卫-阿楚雷塔 昵称: The Soul Man From Utah, Soul Midget King, Mini Motown 生日: 1990年12月28日 身高:168cm 座右铭: "You'll never be lonely if you learn to befriend yourself." 偶像: Natalie Cole, Stevie ...

莱芜市15794983309: David Archuleta有哪些好听的歌? -
顾倪卓莱: 1.Crush(不用说了,美榜单亚军,红透美国) 2.Touch my hand 3.Barriers(少许嘻哈风格,很不错) 4.My hand 5.A little too not over you(有点儿Puppy Lover的感觉) 6.You can 7.Running 8.Desperate 9.To be with you 10.Don't let go(抒情) 11.Your eyes don't lie 12.Angels(经典)

莱芜市15794983309: David Archuleta有哪些好听的歌,要嗨一点的适合在车里放的.推荐出5首个人认为最好听的歌,谢谢~ -
顾倪卓莱: 1、Touch My Hand(这首个人认为最HIGH)2、Crush(成名曲,超级好听)3、The Other Side Of Down(旋律轻快,很励志~~)4、A Thousand Miles(旋律轻快)5、Something 'Bout Love(推荐!!)6、Joy to the World(这个也勉强算欢快) 以上这么多都是个人认为比较适合你的,毕竟阿出的歌HIGH的也不多,希望你可以采纳.阿出的歌是耐听的,一开始可能没什么感觉,但是听多了感觉就有了.相信你会爱上阿出的.

莱芜市15794983309: david archuleta唱过的一首歌 -
顾倪卓莱: without you原唱是:Mariah Carey...

莱芜市15794983309: David Archuleta的故乡是哪里?
顾倪卓莱: 全名:David James Archuleta 生日:1990年12月28日,生于美国Florida洲的Miami 籍贯:美国Utah的Murray 喜欢的音乐类型:流行音乐、灵魂音乐、R&B 会弹奏的乐器:钢琴、吉他 活跃时间:2003年至今 编辑本段童年时光 David archuleta ...

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