
作者&投稿:郝杭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

China Institute of International Finance and Trade

Graduation certificate

Sex Male students, year, month and day students in the years to date computer applications in my professional specialty hospital study, the teaching plan to complete all the courses and the results have qualified, be granted graduation, the case hereby proved.

School (House) long:

China Institute of International Finance and Trade


August 17, 2009

Certificate Number:



学生 性别男性 年 月 日生まれ 年 月 至 年 月に私たちの病院のコンピュータのアプリケーションの専门家の専门の学习では、计画のすべてのコースと、その结果を完了するには授业では、卒业资格が付与される场合、ここに证明した。






According to the negociation with the supplyers, the shipment service we offer has change to DDU from FOB. ending up with no cost on delivery.

1.More energy-efficient, more advanced,more efficient,more convienent
2.Metal curtain wall : symbol of modern architecture
3.LEG warming decorative plate products system
4.Evaluation opinon of professionals:
5.applied domain of LEG warming decorative plate
6.Integration of decoration and warming
7.Efficient energy-saving seamless--no heat bridge
8.Small weight, only acount for 30% or 50% of like product of curtain wall.
9.Convienent for construction,and shortening the time limit by 50%.
10.Factory-customized,field assembly
11.Methods of installation for construction
12.Sticking,riveting for construction order
13.Dry-hung construction order
14.Core beliefs of the enterprise
15.Customer concept of the enterprise
16.Regulation of LBG standardized system and relative licence
17.Project list of Lezhu Company and Letian Company
18.National sales service network of LBG

1. More energy, more advanced, more efficient and more convenient 2. Metal walls : a symbol of modern architecture system 3.LBG insulation product decoration 4. specialists in the field : 5.LBG insulation applications decorative plate 6. finishes insulation 7. Energy efficient seamless bridge -- hot 8. light weight. only 30 to 50% weight of a similar wall 9. Construction convenient to shorten the period 50% 10. Factories conventions, 11 assembly site. Installation procedures and methods 12. adhesive. Solid construction of 13 riveting sequence. Dry-hanging sequence 14. 15 core concepts. 16.LB concept of corporate customers G. relevant ISO standards and certification system 17. with the goal of the project to build a directory of music companies nationwide sales network 18.LBG Network

The company software and hardware environment should manifest the user friendly, the fill humanities concern.Righteousness is a principle of righteousness, refers to the company staffs to have to know the principle of righteousness, the bright right and wrong, does not harm others to ...

...请不要用翻译软件翻译,请求英语专业人才帮助,紧急!!翻译好的追加分 ...
==纯手工版== Application of Film Elements in Theme Hotel Lobby Design With the fast economic development today, there have been abundant resources of consumer goods, growing needs for diversified aesthetic elements, and the non-stop expansion of both international and domestic markets; ...

Recently the events of undergraduate suicides took place frequently, it becomes a issue we can't ignore.This text analyses the reason of this phenomenon through reading a large number of discourses and collecting undergraduate suicide cases,deivides the reasons into four aspects :society,...

找人帮忙人工翻译成英文 一定要标准的!!!麻烦专业人士帮忙!一定要...
翻得好辛苦啊,纯手工的哦。Little Guard of Home Water Purification Materials: The invention implement was made by using a small candy jar, plastic container, gauze, gauze, bamboo and a variety of common small things .Description: This implement should be placed below the kitchen sink...

to my suprise,clever people may be victims of their own cleverness,my money,has flew away~~~so gloomy`~~~A hapless choice 呵呵呵呵呵,参考一下吧

绝非机器翻译!Our company is specialized in printing, thermoforming and hot-pressing business. Owning full sets of processing machines in 8000-square-meter workshop we are capable of providing one-stop services involving designing, printing, die cutting, binding, paperhanging. We are ...


十一界三中全会:1. the Third Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party 包产到户:1. fixing of farm output quotas for each household 包干到户:1. work contracted to households 家庭联产承包责任制:1. the household contract responsibility system ...

Signs and Symptoms: These include, generally, a loss of appetite, followed by chilly sensations, grippe-like symptoms, pain in the eyes, nausea, vomiting, and occasionally, diarrhea. Very often these signs and symptoms are related to the presence of an upper respiratory infection....

I am mature, easygoing and sincere to people. I participated in a variety of excurricular activities while I was in school. I also took part in a lot of community work outside of school. I have a lot of life experience from which I have gained strong interpersonal and ...

昌都县17768708283: 急求英语翻译,专业人士帮忙
守贸力蜚: Last Sunday three classmates and I ventured in a cave. We accidently found a pot in a small hole with about twenty jade wares inside of it, which were culved with some unknown characters. We took them to the school and found that the teachers ...

昌都县17768708283: 急!请日语专业人士帮忙翻译一下~!因最近很忙,时间又紧迫..请勿在线翻译,万分感谢! -
守贸力蜚: 1.旧建筑物を解体することで旧建筑物を保护:旧建筑物を解体することで旧建筑物の保护を目的としています.定期或いは不定期に価値のある伝统建筑物を解体し、その后元通りに复元移筑します.周辺の建筑物も当时の歴史スタイルに合...

昌都县17768708283: 能请专业人士帮忙译成英文吗?谢谢!急用! -
守贸力蜚: 1. Your films rally the three best actor, please ask you is how to balance the three best actor part? (1) such a good actor made it clear that they play at the...

昌都县17768708283: 劳烦专业人士帮忙日语翻译一份毕业证书.. -
守贸力蜚: 高校卒业证明书 证明书番号:****** 学生番号:****** 学生**(性别**,**年**月**日生)は,**年**月から**年**月まで本校に在籍し、课程を修了し、卒业试験に合格し卒业したことを证明する.学校 印 校长 印

昌都县17768708283: 请专业人士帮忙翻译翻译,急急急…… -
守贸力蜚: 双色希灵鱼刺身;Double color herring fish sashimi ;中华八爪鱼拼冻鹅肝;The octopus fight frozen foie gras ;相煎秋刀鱼;Fried fish ;锡纸焗泰式黄花鱼;Tin foil baked Thai yellow croaker ;蒜茸牛油焗大虾;Garlic Butter Prawn ;特式紫苏...

昌都县17768708283: 请专业人士帮我翻译几句话,谢谢啊! -
守贸力蜚: 该职工热爱教师工作, 认真负责,教学态度严谨,授课方式诙谐幽默,对英语教学有一套科学,行之有效的方法,让学生在总体把握,理清知识之间的联系的基础上,夯实基础,激发兴趣,重点击破,学透每个知识点,最后综合提高,融会贯通...

昌都县17768708283: 急求专业人士帮忙翻译下 谢谢``` -
守贸力蜚: 本土化翻译和外文化翻译(非本土化翻译),是两种不同的翻译方法.前者(本土化翻译)倾向于明确的,流畅的翻译,以此来减少非本土文字给目标读者带来的陌生感.而后者(外文化翻译,或称非本土化翻译),通过有意地保留一些原生的外来语句,以此来打破本土固定化的(翻译)传统.但是在中国,这两种翻译方法实际运用地如何呢?翻译者们更加趋向于采用何种翻译方法呢?影响他们做此决定的因素又是什么呢?这篇文章试图通过分析英语中的隐喻是如何被翻译成中文,来寻求其中的答案.

昌都县17768708283: 英语温馨提示方面的翻译,请专业人士帮忙,翻译的精准简短一些谢谢(短句子) -
守贸力蜚: 权Everyone hearkens to your movements.Exchanges of deep-buried conversations require attentative listening.Quietness is a cure for heart and character.You reaps respect when sowing peace.A taste of heaven comes from the engraved peace.

昌都县17768708283: 急!!!在线等,求专业英语人士帮忙翻译论文摘要,不要机器人翻译的,谢谢! -
守贸力蜚: [Abstract]Purpose:Explore adverse nursing event, education model by sharing, and to improve the effectiveness of nursing safety management.Methods:Construct a network sharing platform for adverse events and implement network sharing on ...

昌都县17768708283: 广告口号翻译(中译英)急求专业人士帮助!!!!! -
守贸力蜚: 1.Dreaming movies, with the most representative style of Jiangnan, all in the (old) Shaoxing.2.Like the poetry and painting of Shaoxing, like the movies of you and me.3.Participation is the noblest.第一句中最江南考虑到英语中的说法,采用增词, ...

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