
作者&投稿:陆梁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


I have a big bedroom.There are many things in it.There is a big desk in the middle of the room.There are some books,a computer,a keyboard and mouse on it.There's a pencil-box and a lamp on it,too.Near the desk,there's a bed.Near the bed,there is a big wardrobe.

There are two windows in the wall.There are four pictures and a nice clock on the wall,too.I often clean my bedroom.I love my bedroom.


每天放学回来,回到自己的房间,开始做作业,看电视,我就有无拘无束的感觉.总之,一句话:我爱我的卧室,我爱我的自由快乐天堂! 篇4:我的卧室作文400字四年级下册 如果有人问我:“乐园在哪里”?那么我肯定会说:“我的卧室!” 我的卧室是长方形的。墙壁是天蓝色的,家人们把我的小卧室称为“小花海”。我喜欢花...

我的小卧室虽然不大,却很温馨舒适,我喜欢它,爱护它。 3. 用东南西北介绍自己家的屋子作文 人要生存必须需要的是什么?衣食住行。 的确,仅此四件,而为二十一世纪的中学生,我也拥有一间属于自己的卧室。当你推开家门,向里走时,你会发现,第一个房间便是我亲爱的小屋。 我的小屋大概占了整个家的1\/8,推开房门...

I have a lovely bedroom. Please Come and have a look.There is a bed in. I like it a lot.In My home,I have a small but comfortable and tidy bedroom,there are a single bed。我的房间 我有一间漂亮的卧室。请过来看看,里面有一张床,我非常喜欢。在我的家里,我有一间小而...


我爱我的乐园,它虽然很小,但是很温暖。它不仅珍藏着我美好的童年,还装载着我甜蜜的梦想。我的乐园作文400字四年级下册卧室【二】 我的乐园,就是我的小卧室。我的卧室不大,但非常的干净整洁,那是我学习和消愁的地方,虽然只有小小十几平方,但那里面的每一样东西都是我必不可少的朋友。一...

in it. There are some books on the desk. The walls are very white. There are some pictures on the wall. There is a bookshelf near the desk.是我的房间。窗子附近有一张床。床很小。有一张桌子和两把椅子。桌子上有一些书。墙壁是雪白的。墙上有一些照片。桌子旁边是一个书架。

bedroom.The bookshelf is near the window.I put all the books I love best and some classical music CDs on it.On the west wall there hangs a violin.It is my favorite.I usually play it to enjoy myself at my spare time.I have a lovely bedroom.我有一间漂亮的卧室 .There is...

在家里,我有一个属于我自己的小天地—“寝室”,它面积不大,约有20多个平方,里面的家具也不多,但样样都是与我朝夕相处的“好朋友”。 一进房门,抬头就可看见一个儿童书桌。别看它虽小,但作用可大着呢!光滑的桌面上印着五颜六色的图案,左边是乘法口决表,右边是拼音字母表,下边是英语...

床头柜儿的边上是我用来放书包的的地方,书包边上有时还会放个小袋子,那是我装科学和劳动材料袋用的。听了我的介绍,你一定非常想来我家看看吧!篇3:我的乐园作文400字四年级下册卧室 有人钟爱书声琅琅的校园,有人喜欢热热闹闹的游乐场,还有人向往充满回忆的故乡……因为他们觉得这是他们的乐园...

My bedroom我的卧室 This is my bedroom (卧室).这是我的卧室(卧室) 。 It's clean and beautiful.它的清洁和美丽。 It is small, but I like it very much.这是小,但我非常喜欢。 I can read books and do my homework there.我可以看书,也有我的家庭作业。 And I can play computer...

乾县17613931386: 写一篇英语短文描述你的卧室 -
堂杰巨和: This is my bedroom ,it is very nice ,the room is big the bed is blue and green it is very beautiful .The bookdesk is next to the winde ,and my books are in it . the TV is across from the table I like take show ,the basketball is under the desk. two photos are over the bed is my famliy photos I like my bed room .

乾县17613931386: 求一篇英语小短文,关于卧室的,急急!~!!!! -
堂杰巨和: The Bedroom.I have a bedroom of my own, inside the bedroom i has a big bed with a TV. the room have 4 tables and a airconditioner. along with my colset.

乾县17613931386: 我的卧室 用英语写一段小作文哈!!!! -
堂杰巨和: My Bedroom I have a small and beautiful bedroom. In my bedroom, there is a long table. On the table, there is a shelf and many books are on the shelf. I like to read them in my bedroom. There aretwo end tables near the bed. On the end table, there ...

乾县17613931386: 用英语介绍一下我的卧室,40字左右. -
堂杰巨和: My bedroom is small by cozy. My small bed is next to a window facing the east. Every morning when I open the curtains, the sunshine comes in very often. There are several photos of my family on the walls. Those are my favorite photos taken in ...

乾县17613931386: 介绍卧室的英文作文 -
堂杰巨和: zdThis is my bedroom.It Is not very nice. But is very big . The desk is near the bookcase . There is a computer ahd a telephone on the desk . The bookcase near the bed.There are any books in the bookcase.On the bed aresome toy .This is my bedroom.

乾县17613931386: 有关描写房间的英语短文 -
堂杰巨和: 什么房间的描述?客厅的?卧室的? 以卧室举例子: My bedroom is not big but comfortable. There is a twin size bed fit in a corner. Near the bed, there is a bookshelf. I have a ton of books in it.

乾县17613931386: 求以我的卧室为题写一篇不少于60个词的的英语短文 -
堂杰巨和:[答案] 我有一间虽然不大但很舒适整洁的卧室.卧室里有一张小床,一个书桌,一把椅子和一个小书架.书架靠近窗户,上面放的是我最爱看的书和一些古典音乐光盘.西面的墙上挂着一把小提琴,那是我的最爱,闲暇时我总是拉小提琴自娱自...

乾县17613931386: 求一篇英语小短文,关于卧室的,请写一篇描写卧室的小短文,大概样子是这样的:有4张桌子,一张大床,一台电视,一台空调和一个柜子. -
堂杰巨和:[答案] The Bedroom. I have a bedroom of my own,inside the bedroom i has a big bed with a TV.the room have 4 tables and a airconditioner.along with my colset.

乾县17613931386: 用英语写一篇价绍自己房间的短文 -
堂杰巨和: this is my bedroom,it is so beautiful,it is big,there is a black desk near the wall,and the left,is a small table,some flowers on it,my bed is in front of my desk,there is a tiny bear on it,my wall is white,because white wall can make people calm down.i love my bedroom

乾县17613931386: 写一篇英语短文描述你的卧室 -
堂杰巨和:[答案] This is my bedroom ,it is very nice ,the room is big the bed is blue and green it is very beautiful .The bookdesk is next to the winde ,and my books are in it .the TV is across from the table I like take show ,the basketball is under the desk.two photos are ...

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