spend doing的短语有哪些?

作者&投稿:裘广 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

spend time doing,花多少时间做某事。


(1)spend some time doing 花时间做某事 ; 花一些时间做某事。

(2)spend d time doing 花时间做。

(3)spend some time doing something 花时间做某事。


The best antidote to negativity is simplyto spend time doing positive, uplifting  activities.







1、spend a weekend 度周末。

2、spend money 花钱。

3、spend one's childhood 度过童年。

4、spend one's life 度过一生。

5、spend one's resources 用尽聪明才智。

6、spend one's spare time 度过业余时间。

开封县18947894425: 初中英语动词词组spend...doing sth.可搭配的 还有it takes ...搭配的 -
霜纪虎力: spend sometime doing sth.spend money on sth.it takes sb sometime to do sth

开封县18947894425: 谁知道spend和相关短语的用法? -
霜纪虎力:[答案] spend.Vt.vi. (1)用(钱),花费 spend money on books 花钱买书 spend all one's energies 竭尽全力 (2)消耗,用尽,浪费 They went on firing until all their ammunition was spent. 他们不断射击,直到耗尽所有的弹药. spend one's blood and life for the ...

开封县18947894425: 归纳后面接doing的短语 好的还会追分 -
霜纪虎力:[答案] 常见的后面跟动名词(也就是doing)的有:finish(完成) doing/ keep(保持)/ practise(练习)/ mind(介意)/ enjoy(喜欢)/ spend (花费)/suggest(建议) +doing can't stop doing; 忍不住去做某事 或是情不...

开封县18947894425: spend后面加什么 -
霜纪虎力: spend doing 或spend on sth

开封县18947894425: 初中英语含有 doing句型和词组 -
霜纪虎力:[答案] finish doing sth.完成做某事 continue doing sth.继续做某事 go on doing sth.同上 mind doing sth.介意做某事 consider doing sth.考虑做某事 like/enjoy/love doing sth.喜欢做某事 spend doing sth.花费 practise doing sth.练习做某事 look foward to doing ...

开封县18947894425: spend doing 是什么句子类型(简单句) -
霜纪虎力: 楼上错了.没有spend to do 的用法.有1:spend time/money on sth 2:spend time/money (in)doing并且主语要是人.楼主,和doing中间要加时间或金钱等等才可以.不能直接加ing

开封县18947894425: 关于spend的词组有哪些? -
霜纪虎力:[答案] spend on+ n (名词) 花费时间/金钱在.上 spend in(可以省略in)+ doing 花费时间/金钱做. spend 过去时 spent.花费 也有度过的意思

开封县18947894425: spend time +to do 还是doing -
霜纪虎力: spend time doing,花多少时间做某事. 短语: (1)spend some time doing 花时间做某事 ; 花一些时间做某事. (2)spend d time doing 花时间做. (3)spend some time doing something 花时间做某事. 例句: The best antidote to negativity ...

开封县18947894425: 帮我总结一下spend和start 两个单词的有关短语 -
霜纪虎力:[答案] spend in doing sth. spend on sth. start doing sth.

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