
作者&投稿:勤平 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


In summer, we can go swimming and take a sunbath on the beach.In autumn,hiking is a good choice. This is because the cool weather will save us a sweaty back.


Moreover,we not only can enjoy the view of falling autumn leaves,but also breathe the flesh air during the trip and relax ourselves.


您的回答会被数十乃至数万的网友学习和参考,所以请一定对自己的回答负责,尽可能保障您的回答准确、详细和有效 秋天来了,风伯伯把夏天的炎热吹走了。田野里的稻谷成熟了,颗颗谷粒像金子一样闪着金色的光芒,风一来,整个田野成了金色的海洋。高粱挺立在大地上,就像一个个威武的战士一样守卫着丰收...

无论在学习、工作或是生活中,大家总免不了要接触或使用作文吧,借助作文人们可以实现文化交流的目的。相信很多朋友都对写作文感到非常苦恼吧,以下是我帮大家整理的秋日的作文,希望能够帮助到大家。 秋日的作文1 秋雨像一把钥匙,打开了秋天的大门,带走了夏天的炎热。 秋姑娘,已迈着轻盈的步伐向我们走来,你也许感觉不...

一抹秋日的bai阳光 除了寒风和落叶du之外,甚至没有什么太浓zhi 的秋意。如果说在这么一个季节里,我们dao 只是为了和秋风抗争什么,亦或只是对着 落花流水伤情,那未免是个损失,太可惜 了。 秋日里的阳光其实是很美的。她美,因为她不像春阳那般滥俗,更不同 夏日的热情,也不是冬日的疲软。她有...


秋天的500字作文6 快乐是一本永不退色的日记,无数次翻阅会有无数次新感觉。在我的记忆长廊里,至今还珍藏着一幅看了之后会令人很舒服的画面。 在我五岁那一年,妈妈带我外出郊游,眼前美丽的风景让我大开眼界。那次,妈妈带我去看了秋天的枫叶林。 妈妈告诉我秋天的树叶是最美的,因为它们五彩斑斓,形态万千。凉...

在学习、工作乃至生活中,大家都不可避免地会接触到作文吧,借助作文人们可以实现文化交流的目的。那么你有了解过作文吗?以下是我为大家收集的秋日私语作文,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 秋日私语作文1 秋天是最美的季节。秋天不像冬天那么寒冷,也不像夏天那么炙热,更不像春天那么短暂。 我下楼去小广场踢球,突然发现天...




秋日牧场作文250字 秋高气爽,蔚蓝的天空中有几丝白云飘过,迎面吹来的风凉凉的',我和爸爸妈妈去春雷牧场采摘。一进入院子,满眼都是绿色,秋天是收获的季节,不是吗?一串串饱满的葡萄藏在葡萄架上,有绿的,有紫的;胖胖的苞米娃娃开心地甩着头发,好像在说:“快来掰我呀,我已经成熟了。”...

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佛鬼利君: Yesterday, melike teacher said our class organization a picnic activities, let classmates oneself combination, and division, tomorrow bring materials to school to have a picnic. Spear teacher the words sound just fell and schoolmates would excited ...

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佛鬼利君: A picnic yesterday and classmates, is planned to climb west mountain, collection of seven in the morning, and soon the light rain, after an hour ride to the hill, the rain stopped, climb the mountain scenery, do a lot of games, such as photographic, ...

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佛鬼利君:[答案] A Happy Time The weekend of the National Holiday,I went to Dalian with 7 students and had a happy time.At 6:30 we beginning,we went there by car.It was fun.We went to the Sea World,Universal Studio and the beach.There are a lot of sea animals at ...

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