
作者&投稿:水孟 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

首先一般疑问句是:Is  Mr  Li  playing  the  violin ?(李先生正在拉小提琴吗?)因为这句话有be动词is,所以一般疑问句把is提前,其他的照搬,所以一般疑问句是:Is  Mr  Li  playing  the  violin ?最后句意是:李先生正在拉小提琴吗?


①一般疑问句句首是以下三类词:be  动词,情态动词,助动词。
②  如果一个句子中有be动词或者情态动词,把它改为一般疑问句就是把be动词或情态动词提前,

③  然后如果一个句子中既没有be动词,也没有情态动词。要把它改为一般疑问句!需要借助实意动词来判断它的时态和人称。


因为这句话有be动词is,所以一般疑问句把is提前,其他的照搬,所以一般疑问句是:Is  Mr  Li  playing  the  violin ?最后句意是:李先生正在拉小提琴吗?


①  一提:如果一个句子中有 be 动词或者情态动词,改为一般疑问句。就把 be 动词或情态动词提前,请再看下面这个例题
例一: They  are  in  the   park  改为一般疑问句!be 动词 are  提到句首:
Are   they  in  the  park   ? (他们在公园吗?)
②  二改:改大小写,改人称 —— 句首大写,第一人称改为第二人称。
I 和 we变成——  you          ( 因为 you 既可以指你,也可以指你们 ),my 变成 —— your  ,mine 和 ours 变成—— yours (yours 意思是你们的或你的),请看下面例子
例二:I  want   to   buy  a  book .(我想要买本书。)
改为一般疑问句:一般现在时,没有  be动词也没有情态动词,主语不是第三人称单数,改为一般疑问句,先把助动词  do  提前,再把 I    (我)变成“你” —you,
即 Do  you  want  to  buy   a    book ?(句意:你想要买本书吗?)
③  三帮:如果一个句子中没有be动词,也没有情态动词。应该借助助动词( Do  Does  来帮助。且后面的动词用原型。)
ⅰ实意动词是原型,代表句子是一般现在时并且主语不是第三人称单数(也就是第一人称,第二人称,或者第三人称复数),就把助动词  do 提到句首即可,
ⅱ实意动词后面有s或者es 的,代表句子是一般现在时,并且主语是第三人称单数,就把助动词 does 提到句首,动词变回原型。
ⅲ 实意动词是一般过去时式,通常原型基础上加 ed,代表句子一般过去时态,一般过去时态不分人称,一二三人称都是助动词 Did 提
例三:Lucy  likes  playing  with  me.(露西喜欢和我玩。)
改为一般疑问句,根据 likes判断出句子是一般现在时,并且主语是第三人称单数,所以一般疑问句助动词  does 提前,第一人称 me要变成第二人称 you,此时动词 likes 需要还原为 like
即 Does  Lucy  like  playing  with   you ?(句意:露西喜欢和你玩吗?)
④  四问:这一步是最简单最好理解的就把陈述句的句号变成一般疑问句(.)的问号(?)


一般疑问句的定义就是可以用Yes或者No回答的疑问句,所以一般疑问句又称为是非疑问句,即要么肯定回答 Yes,要么否定回答No  回答的完整句型如下:
肯定,Yes + 主语+ be动词/情态动词/助动词
否定:No + 主语+ be动词/情态动词/助动词 + not

例四  Is  there  any  juice  in  the  fridge  ?  (冰箱里面有果汁吗?)
肯定回答  Yes,there   is.(是的,有的。)
否定回答  No ,there   isn´t.    或完整写是 No ,there  is  not.(不,没有。)


⒈     陈述句:There  is  some  milk  in  the   fridge.(冰箱里面有些牛奶。)
一般疑问句:Is  there any    milk  in  the  fridge  ?(冰箱里面有些牛奶吗?)
肯定回答  Yes,there  is.(是的,有的。)
否定回答 No,there  is  not. 或者缩写为No,there isn´t.(不,没有。)
⒉     陈述句:I   want  to  have  some  chocolates. and   cakes (我想吃些巧克力和蛋糕。)
一般疑问句:Do you  want   to  have  any   chocolates  and   cakes  ?(你想吃些巧克力和蛋糕吗?)
肯定回答 Yes,I  do.(是的,我想。)
否定回答  No    I do not 或 No,I  don´t.(不,我不想。)



Is Mr.Li playing the violin?(李先生在拉小提琴吗?)






一般疑问句用于对某一情况提出疑问,通常用 YES 和 NO 来回答,读时可用声调加强语气。



A:把句子中的be动词提到句首(be动词包括:am is are)


I am a student.→Are you a student?

She is a teacher.→Is she a teacher?

They are good friends.→ Are they good friends?

B:把句子中的情态动词提到句首(情态动词包括can may must will should等)


She can play football.→ Can she play football?

I will help you. → Will you help me?

C:如果句子中没有be动词和情态动词,就要在句首加上助动词帮助其变成一般疑问句。(情态动词包括 do 和 does)



人称:第一人称:单数:I  复数:we

第二人称:单数:you 复数:you

第三人称:单数:she、he、it 以及人名 复数:they


You have a friend. → Do you have a friend?

She likes apples. → Does she like apples?

Amy does her homework at home.→ Does Amy do her homework at home?





I can help you . → Can you help me?

3.some→ any;

I have some apples. →Do you have any apples?


She goes to school on foot. →Does she go to school on foot?



1. It is a lovely dog.

2. She is a lovely girl.

3. He is my father.

4. They are Lily’s cousins.

5. We are classmates.

6. I am a doctor.

7 There is a bird in the tree.

8.There are many stars in the sky.

9. They are good friends.

10. I love my parents.

11. We have a pleasant home.

12. We like to climb the mountain.

13. They go to church on Sunday.

14. They walk to school every morning.

15. I can swim.


1.Is it a lovely dog? Yes,it is . No, it isn’t.

2.Is she a lovely girl ? Yes,she is . No, she isn’t.

3.Is he your father? Yes,he is . No, he isn’t.

4.Are they Lily’s cousins? Yes,they are. No, they aren’t.

5.Are you classmates? Yes,we are. No, we aren’t.

6. Are you a doctor? Yes , I am . No, I’m not.

7.Is there a bird in the tree? Yes ,there is . No, there isn’t.

8. Are there many stars in the sky ? Yes ,there are . No, there aren’t.

9. Are they good friends? Yes,they are. No, they aren’t.

10. Do you love your parents? Yes,I do. No,I don’t. 1

1. Do you have a pleasant home? Yes,I do. No,I don’t.

12. Do you like to climb the mountain? Yes,I do. No,I don’t.

13. Do they go to church on Sunday? Yes,they do. No,they don’t

14.Do they walk to school every morning? Yes,they do. No,they don’t.

15.Can you swim? Yes, I can. No, I can't.

Is Mr.Li playing the violin?


is Mr Li playing the violin ?

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1.Mr Li (not) work now.怎么做?
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1. What is this?2. This is her pen (her和the都是都一类限定词,不能同时用)3.LiMing:Good morning.Gina: Morning LigMing:What is this ?Gina:This is a ruler.LiMing:How to spell it?Gina: R-U-L-E-R.4.My English teacher is ok.5.What color are the map and the pen?

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map.put("img", R.drawable.icon);map.put("title", "iphone"+i);map.put("info", "i"+i);list.add(map);} return list;} private class MyAdapter extends BaseAdapter{ private LayoutInflater li;public MyAdapter(Context context) { super();li=LayoutInflater.from(context);} Overrid...

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英语There is a dedicated leader怎么翻译?

rli ənd ɡet ʌp ˈɜːrli]。二、单词释义 regular: 规则的,有规律的。schedule:安排,为…安排时间。go to bed:就寝。early:提前的,提早的。get up:起床,起身。三、示例 regular schedule, go to bed early and get up early is a very necessary ...

肥乡县17885914393: 现在进行时和一般现在时的比较 -
浑享安达: 一般现在时和现在进行时的区别 一、概念不同:一般现在时表示主语经常性和习惯性的动作或存在的状态,也表示说话者的能力及自然现象.而现在进行时表示说话时(瞬间)正在进行的动作,也表示目前或现阶段一直进行的动作.如:She...

肥乡县17885914393: Mr.Li is his Chinese teacher.(对划线部分提问) I like playing basketball best.(改为同义句) -
浑享安达:[答案] What's Mr.Li? My favorite is playing basketball.

肥乡县17885914393: mr li is happy.改为一般疑问句 -
浑享安达: 正确答案:Is Mr Li happy?解析:含有be动词的肯定句子改为一般疑问句时,首先应该提前be动词,如果主语是三单就没必要改变.不明白可以继续追问.

肥乡县17885914393: Mr.Li is w - ----them.中应该填什么 -
浑享安达: 根据them代替不同的词有不同的意思.代替电视节目 Mr.Li is watching them.代替某些东西 Mr.Li is washing them of 意思是'他是一个好老师,他是他们的一个好朋友.“

肥乡县17885914393: Mr. Li is a - ------ - .He - ---- - us how to swim. A.teaches, teaches B.teacher, teacher C. -
浑享安达: C “李先生是一个老师,他教我们游泳.”根据句意可知,第一个空填teacher“教师”;因为he是第三人称,故谓语用单数,即teaches.故选C.

肥乡县17885914393: - - - Mr. Li , I found a watch on the playground . - - - You should try o find out - -- - . -
浑享安达: find out 后面跟宾语从句,用陈述句语序 A应该改成 whose watch is C应该改成whom the watch belongs to

肥乡县17885914393: Mr.Li is looking through his students'papers,some -- --are written in English -
浑享安达: marks that/which (marks 分数)

肥乡县17885914393: Li Ming does well in sports.同义句 Li Ming - -- - ---
浑享安达: Li Ming is good at sports. 初中英语知识点,be good at 和do well in 为同义词,都表示擅长于…方面.be good at 和do well in的后面都可接名词、代词或v-ing形式.而两者主要区别在谓语,be good at 的谓语be动词根据主语的人称、单复数变化...

肥乡县17885914393: 英语题 1 Li is very good at playing b -- 2 I don't know where Mr Wu is M - he is on the play ground
浑享安达: 2.Maybe 3.Theatre 4.any do 6.teaches teacher meet 8.Why not without 10.Shall we ==========================祝你:开开心心哦,o(∩_∩)o ==========================希望可以帮助你,满意的话,希望采纳,谢谢!

肥乡县17885914393: The Mr. Li is asking to see you at the school gate. -
浑享安达: 错!我想应该是:Mr. Li is asking you to meet at the school gate./Mr. Li. is asking you to see him at the school gate.

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