求英语高手讲解,take in的用法

作者&投稿:称勉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 1.attend 出席
Let's have lunch here and then take in a movie.我们在这儿吃午饭,然后去看场电影。
2.deceive;cheat 欺骗
The salesman finds it easy to take in old ladies.营业员发现很容易欺骗老年妇女。
He certainly took us in with his stories about his experiences in Mexico.他一定是用他在墨西哥的经历来欺骗我们。
Don't trust that fellow;he'll take you in if he gets the chance.别相信那个家伙,他一有机会就会使你上当。
We were completely taken in by his story.我们完全被他的谎言欺骗了。
3.receive and accommodate as a guest or as a boarder in one's house;give shelter to 在家里接待客人或搭伙者;收容
Our hotel is full,we can't take in any more guests.我们的旅馆已经客满,不能再接待客人了。
After the death of her husband she had to take in boarders.在她丈夫死后,她不得不接纳搭伙的人。
The kind old lady offered to take in the poor homeless child.这位好心的老太太主动提出收留那个无家可归的穷孩子。
4.understand;grasp 理解
We need some time to take the situation in.我们需要一些时间来弄清情况。
This book is so difficult that I'm tired;I can't take in what the author means.这本书很难,我无法理解作者的意思。
I tried my best to explain the matter to him,but he still couldn't take in what I was saying.我尽最大努力向他解释这件事,但他仍然不能理解我在说什么。
5.accept(work)into one's house to be done for pay 接活在家做
She scraped along by taking in sewing.她在家替人做针线活勉强糊口。
6.include 包括
The study of physics takes in many different subjects.物理学的研究包含了很多不同的科目。
I think this list takes in everybody.我想这个名单是包括了所有的人。
This love of our country takes in our families,relations,friends and acquaintances.这种对我们国家的爱也包括了对我们的家庭、亲戚、朋友以及我们所认识的人的爱。
7.make narrower;make smaller;reduce the size or measurement(of garments)改小(服装)
This skirt is too loose at the waist;I shall have to get the dressmaker to take it in.这条裙子腰围太宽了,我要让裁缝改小一点。
This dress needs to be taken in a bit at the neck.这件衣服的领子要改小一些。
8.see at a glance;observe keenly 一眼看清;敏锐地观察到
He took in what was happening and decided to get away quickly.他一眼就明白了是怎么回事,于是决定立即脱身。
The police officer took in every detail of the room at a glance.警官一眼就把屋里的每个细小的地方都敏锐地看到了。
9.subscribe to;receive and pay for regularly 订阅
Which newspaper do you take in?你订阅什么报纸?
I take in China Daily.我订《中国日报》。
10.accept witho

求英语口语高手解答think 的正确发音!!!

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I will love you and never leave you. 我会爱你,永远不离开你。I will love you, and I won't be the first to leave. 我会爱你,我不会先离开。I will love you, and I will not leave you. 我会爱你,我不会离开你。【公益慈善翻译团】真诚为你解答!

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寒亭区18380781550: 英语 填空题 take 搭配介词: in, apart, off, on ,up 求详解!好的加分! -
丁复清瘟: 1. in,欺骗 2. in,欺骗 3. off,大发展 4. up,卷起来 5. on,扮演 6. up,拿起take apart是指拆开,这里好象用不上.百度教育团队【海纳百川团】为您解答,如满意,请点击“选为满意答案”按钮,谢谢~

寒亭区18380781550: You can be in our school music festival.这句话里面的"be in"是应该用“join”还是应该用“take part in"来替换 -
丁复清瘟: join多用参加某个组织, take part in 多用于参加某个活动; 这里的school music festival 应该算一个活动,所以选 take part in 较合适

寒亭区18380781550: 英语高手来教教我一些语法join 和 take part in 有什么区别 在什么情况下要插入介词进去.. 则么看句子中的to是不定式还是介词join+团体 take part in +活动吗... -
丁复清瘟:[答案] take part in 表示参与、参加,一般指参加某个活动activities, 活动规模可大可小. 例如:take part in the Olympic Games, take part in an English evening (英语晚会); join 有许多意思,其中一种含义也指参加某项活动,这时可以完全等同于take ...

寒亭区18380781550: 参加会议要用attend还是take part in啊 -
丁复清瘟: 用attend合适,take part in表示参加某个活动.

寒亭区18380781550: 请高手帮我归纳一下关于take 的词组 高考中频率出现较高的词组 -
丁复清瘟: take (a day) off 休假(一天) take (a) pride in 以…而自豪; 为…感到骄傲 take (an active) part in(积极)参加 take (the) air 呼吸新鲜空气 take (the) trouble不辞辛劳地; 不嫌麻烦地 take …into account 把…考虑进去; 考虑;重视 take a ...

寒亭区18380781550: 英语几个介词和动词的用法
丁复清瘟: 介词后加名词或动名词.make sb do/did sth 看语法书吧!很易懂的

寒亭区18380781550: 求英语高手解答(讲解)
丁复清瘟: 1、A,固定搭配:have sb. do sth.另外一个相似的固定搭配:have sth. done. 2、A,as though在这里可以解释为“因为”,另外一种说法就是:Now that you're married,you ought to be insured. 3、D,查一下辞典就知道为什么选D了. 4、C,定语从句,先行词是物,所以用which. identify...as...和recognize...as...个人认为没什么区别,都是解作“被认出...”

寒亭区18380781550: 求英语高手解决 狠急啊!!! -
丁复清瘟: 1. 这得分两个方面说 1) 在表示“染上”的意思上,take to 和take with 都可以使用,但是 take to 中的 take 是不及物动词,表示沾染上的宾语跟在介词 to后,即 take to sth. 或 doing sth.;take with 中的take 是及物动词,表示沾染上的宾语直接跟...

寒亭区18380781550: 请英语高手帮忙解答一道英语选择题! -
丁复清瘟: D,attending 表示出席.A得是take part in 表示参加2113B participate 后面要加5261 in,比如4102:校方鼓励学生参加体育活动:Students are encouraged to participate in sporting actives.C come后面要加to才可以表示来,况且一1653般也没有这么说的专.用ing形式是因为前面有属be动词(am,is,are即be动词)

寒亭区18380781550: 求英语高手帮我翻译一下句子 I try to take in you , but you try to take in me -
丁复清瘟: 【是这意思】:“我尽量包容你,可你也得尽量包容我.”或者:“我尽量理解你,可你也要尽量理解我”

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