
作者&投稿:智昆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ The Unfetable Night Last night
I was so tried that I fell asleep. Suddenly
a horrible scream woke me up.The screen seemed to e from my neighbour. I put on my coat and went outside.I wanted to knock on my neighbour's door
but I didn't . I found it unlocked.Walking on tip toe
I slowly opened the door. In the sitting room
a young couple was fighting together. I tried my best to stop them. Unluckily I failed. Eventually
the young lady was hurt seriously. The blood was ing from her head. So I telephoned to the police at once. After five minutes
a policeman reached the scene. In the end
the lady was sent to the hospital and the man was arrested. I was asked to go to the police station because I was the only one witness. In the station
I had to report what I had seen to the police officer. Then I returned home at about 3 o'clock. Although I was very tired
I could not sleep because I could not fet what had happened before.
my teacher my favourite subject my school myself my Pet my family my room my story book my interest(兴趣) my clas *** ate/my friend our principal 2013-06-03 18:46:31 补充: i hope i can help you
参考: me
你可以在以下题目选择其中一个: 1.About Myself (中文:自我简介) 2.My favourite food(中文:我最喜爱的食物) 3.My good friend(中文:我的好朋友) 4.My favourite sport(中文:我最喜爱的运动) 5.My favourite animal(中文:我最喜爱的动物) 6.My mother(中文:我的妈妈) 7.My father(中文:我的爸爸) 2013-06-01 19:06:31 补充: 考试是你自已考

50分在线翻译一个简短的自我介绍(中文2英文) 谢谢
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舒家西米: “ I love learning English Hello, everyone! I am very happy to make a speech here. Today the topic of my speech is 'I love learning English '. Everyone knows English is very important ,and is used widely in the world.has become the most ...

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舒家西米: ladies and gentlemen,may i have your attention please? 1 Good morning, everybody! I appreciate very much this opportunity to meet you boys and girls,and I am deeply grateful for the confidence and for the honor that you have done me. My name is ...

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