2010年五年级上册的英语书,里面有Mid-Autumn Day(中秋节的)我那本英语书没了,请各位帮帮忙啦!

作者&投稿:夔蕊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Unit 1:
Young (年轻的) funny (滑稽可笑的) tall (高的)strong (强壮的) kind (和蔼的、亲切的) old (年老的) short(矮的)thin (瘦的) Mr (先生) like (像、喜欢) strict (严格的)smart (聪明的、巧妙的) active (积极的、活跃的) quiet (安静的、文静的)very(很、非常) but (但是)
Unit 2:
Mondy (星期一) Tuesday (星期二) Wednesday (星期三) Thursday
(星期四) Friday (星期五) Saturday (星期六) Sunday (星期天)day (天) have (有、吃) on (在…..时候) do homework (做作业)watch TV (看电视) read books (读书)
Unit 3:
eggplant (茄子) fish (鱼) green beans (青豆) tofu (豆腐)potato (土豆) tomato (西红柿) for (为) lunch (中餐) we(我们) tasty (好吃的) sweet (甜的) sour (酸的) fresh(新鲜的) salty (咸的) favourite (最喜欢的) they are (他们是)fruit (水果) grape (葡萄)
Unit 4:
Cook the meals () water the flowers (浇花) sweep the floor (扫地) clean the bedroom (打扫卧室) make the bed(铺床) set the table (摆饭桌)wash the clothes (洗碗碟) do the dishes (收拾衣服) use a computer (使用计算机)
Unit 5:
curtain (空调) trash bin (垃圾箱) closet (壁橱) mirror(镜子) end table (床头柜) bedroom (卧室) kitchen (厨房)bathroom (卫生间) living room (客厅) in (在…里面) on(在…上面) under (在…下面) near (在..旁边) behind (在…后边)clothes (衣服)
Unit 6:
river (河流) flower (花) grass (草) lake (湖泊) forest(森林) path (路) pake (公园) picture (照片) hourse (房子)bridge (桥) tree (树) road (公路) building (建筑物)clean (干净的)


The Mid-Autumn Festival
The Mid-Autumn is a very important Chinese festival. It falls on the 15th day of August. A few days before the festival, everyone in the family will help to make the house clean and beautiful. Lanterns will be hung in front of the house.
On the evening there will be a big family dinner. People who work far away from their homes will try to come back for the union. After dinner, people will light the lanterns which are usually red and round. Children will play with their own toy lanterns happily.
At night the moon is usually round and bright. People can enjoy the moon while eating moon-cakes which are the special food for this festival. They can look back on the past and look forward to the future together. It is said that there was a dragon in the sky. The dragon wanted to swallow up the moon. To protect the frighten the dragon away.
the moon cakes and the mid-autumn day
One of the most important Chinese festivals is the Mid-Autumn Festival. Chinese ancestors believed that the seventh, eighth, and ninth lunar months belong to autumn. So the Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month.
Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations date back more than 2,000 years. In feudal times, Chinese emperors prayed to Heaven for a prosperous year. They chose the morning of the 15th day of the second lunar month to worship the sun and the evening of the 15th day of the eighth lunar month to hold a ceremony in praise of the moon. In the western district of Beijing is Yuetan Park, which originally was the Temple of Moon. Every year, the emperor would go there to offer a sacrifice to the moon.
In mid-autumn, farmers have just finished gathering their crops and bringing in fruits from the orchards. They are overwhelmed with joy when they have a harvest and at the same time, they feel quite relaxed after a year of hard work. So the 15th Day of the eighth lunar month has gradually evolved as a widely celebrated festival for ordinary people. When the night falls, the land is bathed in silver moonlight. Families set up tables in their courtyards or sit together on their balconies, chatting and sharing offerings to the moon. Together, they enjoy the spell of night.
People in different parts of China have different ways to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. But one traditional custom has definitely remained and is shared by all the Chinese. This is eating the festive specialty: cakes shaped like the moon.
There is this story about the moon-cake. It says that in the 14th century, Chinese peasants could no longer bear the cruel rule of the Mongolians. They secretly planned an uprising on the night of the Mid -Autumn Festival. The peasant leaders took advantage of the custom of sending moon-cakes as festive presents. They left messages on paper about the plan and placed the messages under the moon-cakes. So all the peasants were informed about the uprising and finally, they won the battle.
Originally, moon-cakes were a family tradition. But gradually they began to appear at markets and stores. The moon-cakes made in various parts of the country have very different flavors. For instance, Beijing moon-cakes have a thin crust and fillings of bean and jujube pastes. So they are very sweet. Suzhou moon-cakes have a special people's favorite. Guangdong moon-cakes are perhaps the most delicately made. The fillings are carefully selected and include sesame, almond and walnut kernels, shredded coconut, lotus seeds and egg yolk. So don't forget to taste all the delicious moon-cakes at the Mid-Autumn Festival.


A的afraid害怕的 Airport 飞机场 American 美国人 April四月August八月 Autumn秋天

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新宾满族自治县17724785108: 2010年五年级上册的英语书,里面有Mid - Autumn Day(中秋节的)我那本英语书没了,请各位帮帮忙啦! -
化纪小建: 第一篇:The Mid-Autumn FestivalThe Mid-Autumn is a very important Chinese festival. It falls on the 15th day of August. A few days before the festival, everyone in the family will help to make the house clean and beautiful. Lanterns will be hung in ...

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