salutation造句 salutationの例文 "salutation"是什么意思

作者&投稿:松楠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

There was an impressive exchange of salutations .

The boat tooted its whistle in salutation .

The salutation of the letter said, "dear john. "

Patroni waved his cigar in salutation and honked his horn ice .

He receives these salutations with gravity, and buries them along with the rest of his knowledge .

The salutation of the letter said , " dear john .
那封信上的称呼是“亲爱的约翰” 。

We usually begin a letter with a salutation

Think to this , and receive our salutation

A ceremonial embrace , as of greeting or salutation

The salutation of me paul with mine own hand
林前16 : 21我保罗亲笔问安。

It's difficult to see salutation in a sentence. 用 salutation 造句挺难的

Charlotte a . cavatica : salutations , wilbur

So what ' s an appropriate salutation for americans

Hello ! salutations . greetings for id
你们好, -你好

He rose to return the salutation

He raised his hat in salutation

Jerry tell me how doing sun salutations can help a guy pke me

All three refreshed themselves , nodding to each other in token of salutation

The sun goes to cross the western sea , leaving its last salutation to the east

It was acpanied by a *** ile and a salutation from the cashier who paid it

My last salutations are to them who knew me imperfect and loved me

Salutations didi . salutations jeejaji - salutations to you too . who is this

My last salutations are to them who knew me imperfect and lovedme

My question is whether to use a colon , ma , or dash after the salutation

My last salutations are to them who knew me imperfect and loved me
我最后的祝福是要给那些人- - - -他们知道我不完美却还爱着我。

Madame de villefort acknowledged the salutation with one of her most gracious *** iles

The sun goes to cross the westren sea , leaving its last salutation to the east

The sun goes to cross the western sea , leaving its last salutation to the east

The sun goes to cross the western sea , leaving its last salutation to the east

The sun goes to cross the western sea , leaving its last salutation to the east

Answer restaurant phone within 3 rings , using correct salutations and telephone etiquette

It's difficult to see salutation in a sentence. 用 salutation 造句挺难的

The sun goes to cross the western sea , leaving its last salutation to the east

The salutation by the hand of me paul . remember my bonds . grace be with you . amen

At this moment the countess perceived albert , and returned his salutation with a *** ile

The sun goes to cross the western sea , leaving its last salutation to the east

The salutation of paul with mine own hand , which is the token in every epistle : so i write

But she was very perplexed at this statement , and kept pondering what kind of salutation this was
路1 : 29马利亚因这话就很惊慌、又反复思想这样问安是甚么意思。

" george , i let mary go yesterday , " was not an unfrequent salutation at the dinner table
“乔治,我昨天把玛丽打发了。 ”这一类谈话在他们家饭桌上经常可以听到。

For , lo , as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in mine ears , the babe leaped in my womb for joy

A salutation or toast given in drinking someone ' s health or as an expression of good will at a festivity

And when she saw him , she was troubled at his saying , and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be

It was raised for a moment , and a very faint voice responded to the salutation , as if it were at a distance

In one salutation to thee , my god , let all my senses spread out and touch this world at thy feet

Papa ! she exclaimed , after the morning s salutations , guess whom i saw yesterday , in my walk on the moors
“爸爸, ”她叫着,在请过早安之后, “猜猜我昨天在旷野上散步时看见了谁。

Now , i ask , has the time e at last when i may go in and see thy face and offer thee my silent salutation

Now , i ask , has the time e at last when i may go in and see thy face and offer thee my silent salutation

" sir , " said villefort , after the first salutations were over , " you were sent for by m . noirtier , whom you see here
“阁下, ”维尔福在寒暄过以后说道, “是诺瓦蒂埃先生请您来的,就是这位。

But on entering the room they pursed up their pps , and all grew very conventional as they shook hands and exchanged salutations

We provide the salutation on how to implement this process and also give some alert that will cause trouble when use them

It's difficult to find salutation in a sentence. 用 salutation 造句挺难的

'这是给你, '条例草案明天听说在很多场合,他永远不会忘记-例如当他被带到一船下来,大运河每一艘通过吹响了其祀仁在s alutation.or当他表现出比伟大的南京大桥,修建,因为大船用来运送火车跨越长江river.he给她一主持会议,并要求待一会,待天黑就来,然后突然整个大桥概述lighets 。 '这是给你。

玉树县13634069566: Salutation是什么意思? -
桐罚宫丽: salutationn. 1. 招呼,致意;行礼;问候[C][U] She threw a kiss as a salutation. 她抛飞吻致意. 2. (信函开头的)称呼语[C]

玉树县13634069566: Salutation是什么意思? -
桐罚宫丽: Salutation是问候、欢迎、祝贺、致意、(信件)称呼等意思 可能写些问候或祝贺方面的用语.

玉树县13634069566: salutation -
桐罚宫丽: salutation 英[ˌsæljʊ'teɪʃn] 美[ˌsæljəˈteʃən] 招呼; 致意; 致敬;信函中的称呼语

玉树县13634069566: saluations中文是什么 -
桐罚宫丽: salutation美[.sæljə'teɪʃ(ə)n]英[.sæljʊ'teɪʃ(ə)n] n.致意;招呼;打招呼;致意的动作 网络称呼;称谓;问候望采纳

玉树县13634069566: 英语便条作文的句型? -
桐罚宫丽: 英文便条的结构包括四个部分:1、对收便条人的称呼 (Salutation) 2、便条的日期 (Date) 3、便条的正文 (Body) 4、谦语 (Complimentary Close) 常用句型:1)I shall have to say no to your kind invitation…2) Very regretfully, …3) ...

玉树县13634069566: 常用敬称和敬语是 -
桐罚宫丽: 英文书信中的称呼语及敬语随着与国外交流的增加,书信往来也随之剧增.如何正确运用英文书信的称呼语(Salutation)及敬语(The Complimentary Close)是不容忽视的问题.一、称呼语(Salutation)英文书信中的称呼语有多种形式:1.在...

玉树县13634069566: 怎么写?英语信
桐罚宫丽: 原发布者:郭培龙 英文信的格式范文 (一)英文书信的组成部分 英文书信一般由六部分组成.即:信头(heading)、信内地址(insideaddress), 称呼(salutation),正文(bodyofletter)、结束语(complimentaryclose)、署名(signature...

玉树县13634069566: Salutations, nacy什么意思 -
桐罚宫丽: salutation [ sælju(:)'teiʃən ]n. 招呼,寒喧,问候[形容词salutational ] 1. 称呼靠近Carillon商业园、Ruth Eckerd Hall中心、萨尔瓦多达利博物馆(Salvador Dali Museum),距坦帕国际机场仅19公里 . 2. 书面称呼同类热销商品 ...外国职务English Titles 书面称呼Salutations 结尾敬语Complimentary Close ... Nacyn. 纳西1. 兰 楠 2. 南希3. 萳西梅尔

玉树县13634069566: 关于写信的英语句子
桐罚宫丽: 英语作文写信的格式英语书信格式英文书信通常由下列五个部分组成:A信头(Heading)信头包括写信人地址和写信日期,通常写在信笺的右上角.在比较熟识的朋友之间的通信,写信人的地址常可略去.本课的信头就只写了写信日期,而没...

玉树县13634069566: 英语书信????加急 -
桐罚宫丽: Heading信头 信头是指发信人的单位名称、地址、电话号码、电报挂号等,以及发信日期.发信人的名称和地址等应写在信纸的右上角,即在日期的上边.日期也可以写在信纸后的签名下边. 书写地址的目的是使收信人知道回信地点和来之...

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