
作者&投稿:竺怪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


首先否定句是Mike  does not  have  any  black  shirts.然后does not也可以缩写为doesn't,即Mike  doesn't  have  any  black  shirts.(迈克没有黑色的衬衫。)

因为根据has判断句子是一般现在时,并且主语是第三人称单数,所以否定句在实意动词has前面加入助动词does  not或者缩写为doesn't,实意动词还原为have,some在否定句中要变成any,所以否定句是Mike  does not  have  any  black  shirts.


1)有 be ,be后面加 not

例一:  He  is  my  uncle .(他是我的叔叔)

这句话里面有be 动词 is,否定句在 be 动词 is 后面加not,is  not 可以完整写,也可以缩写为 isn't

即  否定句:He  is  not / isn't  my  uncle .(他不是我的叔叔。)

(2)  有 can,can后面加 not

例二:  She  can  dance .(她会跳舞,)

这句话里面有情态动词 can,所以否定句在can 后面加 not ,can  not 可以完整写,也可以缩写为 can't

即  否定句:She  can  not / can't  dance .(她不会跳舞。)

3)无 be 无 can找实意动词,前面加don't 或 doesn't,此时动词需要还原

例三:  She  wants  to  go  to  the  park .(她想要去公园。)

这句话 dances判断句子一般现在时,并且第三人称单数,所以实意动词 wants 前面加入找动词 doesn’t  ,动词还原为want

即  She  doesn't  want  to   go  to   the  park.

4)  and  变成  or,some 变成 any 。


1       I  am  a  student.

否定句:I  am  not  a  student.

2      She  likes  cats.

否定句:She  doesn't / does  not  like  cats.

回答和翻译如下 :
Mike doesn't have any black shirts .
迈克没有任何黑色的衬衫 。
( 如上句子 ,已经修改为了否定句句子的形式 。)

这句话中的谓语动词是has,表达“有”意思,因此,它的否定句在英国英语里可以直接加否定词not,即: Mike hasn't any black shirts.
Mike doesn't have any black shirts.

Mike doesn't have any black shirt.

行为动词作谓语,一般现在时态主语是第三人称单数形式变否定句,直接在主语后加注动词doesn't,原来的动词要还原。some改为 any

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猇亭区17335345471: Mike, have a pie, please.为什么用have? -
驹典小儿: What does Mike have? 迈克有什么? 这里Mike是第三人称单数,所以这里的助动词用了三单形式does,所以后面的实义动词用原形. 回答是:Mike has ...迈克有...

猇亭区17335345471: 英语问题:Mike has to help his mother with the washing every Sunday.这里必须要用with吗? -
驹典小儿: help sb to do sth=help sb do sth=help sb with sth 固定结构,帮某人做某事 所以这个句子改成,Mike has to help his mother do the washing every Sunday Mike has to help his mother to do the washing every Sunday 都是对的

猇亭区17335345471: 根据首字母补全单词:Mike has a big head and a w - -- - mouth -
驹典小儿: 楼主你好:应该填wide.Mike has a big head and a wide___ mouth.因为句中主要突出mike 的big head (头大)和wide mouth(大嘴巴).楼主有其他问题还可以追问.

猇亭区17335345471: Mike has a baseball bat.改否定句是do not 还是does not ,怎么区分呢 -
驹典小儿: 应该是does not Mike是第三人称单数,所以动词需要使用三单形式 希望对你有帮助,满意请及时采纳,你的采纳是我回答的动力!

猇亭区17335345471: Mike ( )a ruler.怎么填充 have还是has -
驹典小儿: 答案:Mike【has】a ruler.译文:迈克有一支铅笔.解析;Mike是第三人称单数所以要用第三人称单数形式即has .这是中考的必考题一定要记牢.不懂可以追问,满意望采纳.【夕阳无限好荣幸为你解答】

猇亭区17335345471: Mike has two coats. One is red, - ------- - is blue. -
驹典小儿: the other one , the other the other指两个人或物中的一个时,只能用the other,不能用another,此时的other作代词.如: He has two daughters. One is a nurse, the other is a worker. 他有两个女儿,一个是护士,另一个是工人.

猇亭区17335345471: Mike has some books.改为否定句 -
驹典小儿:[答案] Mike does not have any book.(助动词does 帮助has 变成否定句,前面已经用了第三人称单数,所以has改成have) Mike has no book.

猇亭区17335345471: mike has some coats否定句怎么写 -
驹典小儿: 1,动词(AM,就是有)句子的谓语,直接在随后的负时不适用. 我是一名学生. /我不是学生. 成为普遍的问题,例如判决前夕谓词. 你是学生吗? í对应AM /你对应的/他对应的/她的信件是/ 它对应的真正意义是 2,谓语动词的句子助动词做的援助是完全否定. 我喜欢吃苹果. /我不(不缩写)喜欢吃苹果.一般问题同类句子完成与助动词做的帮助. 你喜欢吃苹果吗?

猇亭区17335345471: mike has some coats否定句怎么写 -
驹典小儿: Mike doesn't have any coat(s). 或 Mike hasn't any coat(s).否定句,some改为any, coats可以变为单数coat, 也可以保留复数coats.希望帮到你

猇亭区17335345471: Mike has three other pens ( )this red one 括号里是b开头的单词 -
驹典小儿: Mike has three other pens (besides) this red one.There is a lot of (vehicles) on the roads. It is dangerous.....

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