
作者&投稿:冯才 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I have a dog.His name is Bob.He is two years old.He is yellow and very fat.He has two big eyes.And he wears a black coat.I always play with him.My mother and my sister look after him every day.When I come back ,he often walk around me.He is very cute and friendly.I love him very much.Do you like him?

I have a little dog. His name is wangwang. I love him very much. I pick him up in front of my house. He lies there for two days. No one takes him and he also doesn’t go home. Then I take him home. After that, he accompany with me every day. He plays with me, and stays in the gate to wait me home from school. He is one of my best friends.

1 I have a dog.His name is Bob.He is two years old.He is yellow and very fat.He has two big eyes.And he wears a black coat.I always play with him.My mother and my sister look after him every day.When I come back ,he often walk around me.He is very cute and friendly.I love him very much.Do you like him?
2 Dog is my favorite pet,because they are cute and intelligent.People all know that dog is our friend,they can help us do a lot of things,and we can trust them because they are loyal.So i like dog very much.

3 As is known to all,dogs are huaman's best friends,they can be our cute pet too,so many people like them very much.

The little dogs are very adorable.Some just have dogs for pleasure,and they even build house for their dogs.

The dogs are human's best friends,for example.Some dogs are trained to catch bandits,some are able to guard our home.And if you are police,the dogs can be very helpful in many fields,because they have acute sense of smell.Moreover,if you walk the dogs outdoors at night,you will not feel afraid.

I have a dog. His name is Rowan. He's two years old. He's black and very fat. He has two big watery eyes. I usually let him wear a brown dress. I often play with him. My mother and sister take good care of him every day. When I got home, he often circled around me. He was very smart and lovely. He was my best friend. I like him very much. Do you like him?

我喜欢小狗作文 一:我喜爱的一种动物就是小狗,我们家的小狗叫“多多”,多多的性格很古怪。多多的眼睛像一颗黑色的弹珠,它尾巴更是奇特了,一看到有好吃的,它的尾巴就会立起来,然后跟着气味去找食物在那里,让你给它喂。它的尾巴跟随着心情变化在动。它要是高兴,就把尾巴竖起来,它要是不高兴...


我喜爱的小狗优秀作文1 我家养了两条小狗。它俩身上全是白的,耳朵是竖着的,有一个鼻子是粉的,是我妹妹的,还有一个鼻子是黑的,是我的。它们很聪明。有一次,我们一块去吃饭,出去之后,它们俩开始藏鞋子。它们找了半天,一只鞋子都没找到。后来终于在鞋盒里找到了鞋子,把鞋子藏了起来。粉鼻...

我喜欢小狗作文一 我喜欢的小动物有很多很多,有小狗、小猫、小兔子、小鸭子等。其中,我最喜欢的小动物就是小狗了,因为小狗比较听话,通人性,令人可爱。小狗的毛色多种多样,黑色的油光发亮,白色的纯洁雅致,黄色的给人以活拨的感觉。还有花色的,好像穿着美丽的衣裳。这些颜色中,我最喜欢纯白色的...

我最喜欢的动物小狗作文1 我家养了一只淘气包,它就是小狗狗——奶油。奶油的毛雪白雪白的,耳朵是米色的,非常可爱,活泼。它还有一双水汪汪的大眼睛,瘦瘦的小脸蛋,真像一只小狐狸。它在火辣辣的阳光下,会吐出它那粉嫩嫩的小舌头来给自己解热。每当奶油饿的时候,它就爬到我的腿不停的挠我。

我喜爱的小狗作文【篇一】 我家有只可爱的小狗,那是哥哥送给我的,它的“大名”叫壮壮。壮壮刚来我家时才一岁多,差不多十几厘米长,是西施狗。它刚到我家非常好奇,一会儿咬这儿,一会儿咬那儿,结果卡在了椅子下面,疼得它“汪汪”大叫,我被它闹得哭笑不得,只好无可奈何地把它取出来……...

我的心爱之物作文小狗300字(一) 说起心爱之物,想必人人都有吧,小狗,魔方,钢笔……而我的心爱之物是一只可爱的小狗娃娃。它有一个雪白的身体,身体上的毛卷卷的。它还有一对长长的耳朵,搭在脖子上,它的脖子又细又长,它有四条小腿,又细又短,它还有一条毛茸茸的似小圆球的小尾巴,最...

我最喜欢的小狗作文1 我最喜欢小狗了,所以我让妈妈帮我买了一只小狗。这只小狗的耳朵是垂下来的。眼睛黑乎乎的,像两颗闪闪发光的黑宝石似的。鼻子像一个黑色的按扭。身穿黄色毛衣。 小狗最喜欢肉骨头了,但扔给它光秀秀的骨头它不要。有一次,我在餐厅里吃饭。饭后,小狗看见盘里有排骨便跑到桌子上吃了起来,它吃...

我最喜欢的小狗作文1 我最喜欢的动物是小狗,我家的院子里有一只小狗,它的名字叫小花。它为什么叫小花呢?因为它身上的长毛有好多种颜色,所以它的名字就叫小花了。它早上起来的时候,它哈辉在院子里飞快地跑来跑去,会连续跑好几遍,他也不嫌累,我都看累了。 晚上了,没有人它也还会无缘无故的在那里叫个不停,...

篇一:我的动物朋友小狗作文300字精选 有一天妈妈买回了一只小狗,xx的一只,在妈妈怀里瑟瑟发抖,妈妈说它是不习惯陌生的环境,过一会就好了。我了然的点点头,我很喜欢它把它起名叫xx。xx是只小花狗,头部是黑、白、棕色三种颜色组成的,亮晶晶的眼睛非常可爱。身体是棕色的,尾巴和四只爪子是白色...

德宏傣族景颇族自治州17599325746: 英语作文我喜欢的小狗 -
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德宏傣族景颇族自治州17599325746: 英语作文:我最喜欢的动物——小狗 怎么写?? -
骆章润坦: 我写过动物的英语作文,My favorite animal is dog .They are eating meat and bone every day.

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骆章润坦:[答案] My favorite animal is dog.First of all,I think dog looks really cute.Secondly,I think most of dogs are people's good friends.As far as I know,the average IQ of dogs is as high as two-year old children...

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骆章润坦:[答案] My favourite animalThere are many animals in the world,They are very helpful..My favourite pet is a dog.Its name isDoudou.It's white.It has two big eyes and two long ears.I often play with it after sc...

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骆章润坦:[答案] I have got two baby dogs. They are very beautiful. One is yellow. The other is white. They are very lovely. The yellow dog is very ... I love them.[ 短就下面的篇][希望我能帮助到你] My grandfather home has a lovely puppy, make flourishing money. The body of ...

德宏傣族景颇族自治州17599325746: 写一篇我喜爱小狗的英文作文要求30字(有翻译) -
骆章润坦:[答案] Dog is my favorite pet,because they are cute and intelligent.People all know that dog is our friend,they can help us do a lot of things,and we can trust them because they are loyal.So i like dog very much. 共43个字 翻译: 狗是我最喜欢的宠物,因为他们...

德宏傣族景颇族自治州17599325746: 用英语描写我最喜欢的动物我最喜欢小狗!一篇文章 -
骆章润坦:[答案] My favourite pet is dog.He is very cute and friendly.People all around the world often compare him to human being's honest friend.He is used to guard at the door.Once meeting his master,he will show h...

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骆章润坦: I have a pet dog named Lucky. It has white and soft furs with two small ears and a long tail. It is given by my aunt as my birthday. It is so friendly and lovely that we all love it very much. It likes playing balls outside so I often take it our for a walk. It also ...

德宏傣族景颇族自治州17599325746: 英语作文,我喜欢一只狗 -
骆章润坦:[答案] I have a dog.His name is Bob.He is two years old.He is yellow and very fat.He has two big eyes.And he wears a black coat.I ... look after him every day.When I come back ,he often walk around me.He is very cute and friendly.I love him very much.Do you ...

德宏傣族景颇族自治州17599325746: 求一篇《我最喜爱的小狗》的英语作文 -
骆章润坦: 我最喜欢的小狗名字叫小黑,它是一只特听话的小狗.它有一双乌黑的眼睛,这是我和它唯一可以交流的心灵之窗.它有一层黑色的毛,就像黑披风一样,还平添了几分英武.它下面的毛是白色的,十分的好看. 小黑是我的外婆外公送我的,我...

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