
作者&投稿:允咱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


“寻物启事”的英文:Lost and FoundFound 读法 英 [fa?nd] 美 [fa?nd]1、vt. 创立,建立;创办2、v. 找到(find的过去分词)短语:1、file not found 文件未找到2、be found guilty 被认定有罪扩展资料词语用法:1、found的基本意思是“创办”,即开创某事物或使某事物产生。found仅指采取最初步骤和最初措施,既不说明具体措施,也不指“持续下去”,如“建立学校”,则仅指选址规划、筹资基建、选聘教员等先期工作。2、found主要用作及物动词,其后可接学校、城堡、医院、公司、机构、组织、国家等名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。3、作“把…建立在…”“使…有根据”“以…为基础或根据”解时, found通常与on〔upon〕搭配,且常用被动结构。词义辨析:erect,construct, build, found这组词都有“建设,建立,建造”的意思,其区别是:1、erect 侧重指对高而垂直物的建造。使用不如build广泛。2、construct 较正式用词,强调根据一定计划进行的规模较大,结构较复杂,要求较高技术的建造。3、build 普通用词,含义广泛,可指一切具体或抽象的建造或建立。4、found 侧重打下基础或创办,具体或抽象事物均可用。

lost property, 或者 lost item, 表示丢失的东西. 然后写这个东西的详情, 方便人们找到它。


寻物启事要用Lost例如: LOST:Briefcase Red colour briefcase, with two name tags written Zi Hao. One wheel slightly broken. The owner’s email address is also written on the name tags. Anyone finds it please email me or call 800,012,34 or leave a message. Reward of $50 ...

Lost A watch It's white Please call mary Telephone number 654-321 这是寻物启事,需写明物品,物品特征,失物人,还有联系方式 Found A red pen I found it in class room.Please call mary at 654-321.这是失物招领,要写明拾到的物品及物品特征,还可以具体写在哪拾到的,时间啊什么的 ...

LOOKING FOR MY PEN it is a blue pen if you pick it please contact me !my phone is 848--1021 my name : David I am in class 3 grade 1

英语: 写 失物招领 和 寻物启事
lost:English notenook my English notebook my name is Mary please call 8725360 寻物启事 found:Chinese dictionary Is this your Chinese dictionary?please call Jim phone #8643142 招领启事

Lost Notice LOST:Oxford.Advanced.Learner's.English-Chinese.Dictionary TIME: On the evening, 26th Oct.PLACE: Reading room of the library;CONTACT: Yu Lin If anybody finds it, please give it to me or my class monitor。I'm in class one, senior one 。Thank you.27th Oct.

Notice for Lost I lost my notebook in the library this afternoon. Its cover is blue and white. I wrote my name on the first paper. There are about two hundred papers. Many important notes and information are written on it. They are important to me. Will the finder please ...

查到后怎么办?欢乐颂1718 2023-10-21 · TA获得超过4604个赞 知道小有建树答主 回答量:1220 采纳率:100% 帮助的人:70.6万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 1. 初一题目lost的英语作文至少八十个单词 寻物启事-Lost I lost my wallet on my way to school this morning. There is some ...

初一英语下册模块作文:模块1 话题作文 :寻物 启事 (lost)及失物招领(found)作文模板 1、Lost(题目,寻物启事)I am lost(lost sth. 可表示丢失某物。或可直接用单个名词表示丢失物品) .It is+adj.(叙述丢失物品特点)There is\/are sth in it.(丢失物品内部物品,根据实际情况加上或去掉。)...

Here is a sample of a lost item announcement in English:Lost: A distinctive red briefcase has been misplaced. It bears two name tags, one with the name "Zi Hao" and the other indicating slight damage to one wheel. The owner's contact information, including their email address,...

英语作文 失物招领和寻物启事30个单词
失物招领:Lost:I lost my pen.It is black. I lost it in the school on January 1st. If you find it, please call me at 344-2988.My name is Mary. Thank you.寻物启事 Found:I found a pencil box. I found it on February 1st. I found it on the school libruary . Is it...

余庆县18670675668: 请问“寻物启事”的英文怎么说? -
后旭卫昕:[答案] 这里不能直译,要用英文习惯表达法:Lost.更常见的是要加上所寻的东西.如丢了狗,则可写成:Lost Dog.

余庆县18670675668: 寻物启事用英语怎么写?还有失物招领快有赏 -
后旭卫昕:[答案] 寻物启事wanted 失物招领lost and found

余庆县18670675668: 寻物启事用英语怎么说 -
后旭卫昕:[答案] 标题是一个大大的 Missing,然后加上要找的物件,并说明什么时候在什么地方丢失的.别忘了附上你的联系方式.例: Missing Dog Beautiful Samoa,pure white,2 years old. Missing in Hyde Park 11/10/2013 If found,please contact Jane at 123-456-7890...

余庆县18670675668: 寻物启事的英文要怎么说?记得失物招领是lost and fond,不过貌似寻物启事和失物招领有点不一样吧,英文怎么办呢? -
后旭卫昕:[答案] 寻物启事 Lost

余庆县18670675668: “寻物启事”用英文怎么写 -
后旭卫昕: lost and found 貌似是固定的

余庆县18670675668: 寻物启事用英语怎么说 -
后旭卫昕: 2013 If found, please contact Jane at 123-456-7890 Reward available.例, pure white,并说明什么时候在什么地方丢失的.别忘了附上你的联系方式标题是一个大大的 Missing:Missing Dog Beautiful Samoa,然后加上要找的物件, 2 years old. Missing in Hyde Park 11/10/

余庆县18670675668: 寻物启事英语20个单词 -
后旭卫昕:[答案] Lost and Found A blue raincoat was found yesterday on Room 201.Please dial 328-4578 for Jony to take it back

余庆县18670675668: 寻物启事用英文怎么写 -
后旭卫昕: Lost And Found 失物招领 I picked up a new red backpack on the playground in the morning of yesterday after our baseball game.There are an English book, a mathmatic book, and a physics textbook in the backpack .Besides,a student ID is also in...

余庆县18670675668: 求助英文寻物启事的写法,是Found:...还是Lost:...别告诉我用Lost And Find谢快啊,急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
后旭卫昕:[答案] 寻物启事要用Lost 例如: LOST:Briefcase Red colour briefcase,with two name tags written Zi Hao.One wheel slightly broken.The owner's email address is also written on the name tags.Anyone finds it please email me or call 80001234 or leave a ...

余庆县18670675668: “寻物启事”用英语怎么说 -
后旭卫昕: 为您解答 很简短 Missing Notice即可

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