he eat apples after lunch对after lunch提问?

作者&投稿:佛亮 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
was he eat lunch是什么时态?~

1. Was he eating lunch?
2. Did he eat lunch?
3. Has he eaten lunch?

At what time do they often eat lunch?(划1:00)
When do they often eat lunch?(划at 1:00)
What do they eat at 1:00?(划lunch)

He eats apples after lunch .

对短语 after lunch 提问,用 when 引导的


- When does he eat apples ?

他什么时候吃苹果 ?

- After lunch . 午饭后。

  • 首先因为he是三单,所以这个句子的正确形式应为:

     He eats apples after lunch.

  • 然后对这句话中的after lunch进行提问,由于after lunch是时间状语,疑问词选择表示时间的when,注意after lunch不是准确的时间,所以不用what time。改后的句子是:

    When does he eat apples?



When does he eat apples ?


请采纳, 谢谢!!

When does he eat apples?

廊坊市17823975812: he eat apples after lunch对after lunch提问? -
城肯丹泽: 首先因为he是三单,所以这个句bai子的正确du形式应为: He eats apples after lunch.然后对这句话中的after lunch进行提问,由于zhiafter lunch是时间状语,疑问词选择表示时间的when,注意daoafter lunch不是准确专的时间,所以不用what time.改后的句子是:When does he eat apples?希望属对您有帮助;)

廊坊市17823975812: Do he like apples 变成肯定句和否定句 -
城肯丹泽: 这个问题本身就有问题, he作为第三人称, 助动词需要用does. 肯定句: He likes apples. 否定句: He doesn't like apples.

廊坊市17823975812: 他昨天想吃苹果英语 -
城肯丹泽: 你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下: 他昨天想吃苹果.He wanted to eat apples yesterday.希望我的回答对你有帮助.

廊坊市17823975812: 新手学英语,he eat some apples.他吃了一些苹果he has eaten some apples.他已经吃过一些苹果了he ate some apples.他过去吃过一些苹果.我想问的我翻... -
城肯丹泽:[答案] 1.He eats some apples.( 用一般现在时,他吃苹果) 2.He has eaten some apples.现在完成时,翻译得很棒 3.He ate some apples.他吃过些苹果了.

廊坊市17823975812: “He eats apples every day”变为肯定句和否定句 -
城肯丹泽: 疑问句 Does he eat apples every day? 否定句He doesn't eat apples every day

廊坊市17823975812: He doesnot eat apples和He wonnot eat apples.改为一般疑问句!
城肯丹泽: does not的缩写是doesn't,will not的缩写是won't...... Doesn't he eat apples? Won't he eat apples? will和not应该一起提前,你的追问是不对的

廊坊市17823975812: he likes eat apples这样说法正确吗? -
城肯丹泽: 这句话是错误的, 喜欢干某事 后面应该接动名词形式 likes eating.

廊坊市17823975812: He eat( ) ( ) ( )apple every week中间填什么
城肯丹泽:He eat( a ) (lot ) (of )apples every weekHe eats a lot of apples every week他每星期吃很多苹果

廊坊市17823975812: 吃苹果英语怎么说有的说eating apple有的说eat apples对吗,eat the apple可以加the吗 -
城肯丹泽:[答案] 考核的是英语的名词知识.请参考关于此内容的语法书.大概解释是,英语中,名词的出现当表示一类事物时或者用单数或者用复数表示,所以,EAT AN APPLE 和EAT APPLES 是对的.EATING THE APPLE 中的THE就表示强调“那个”(THE) 了.

廊坊市17823975812: eatapples是什么意思? -
城肯丹泽: eat apples 吃苹果 双语例句1.I didn't eat apples for dinner, but I probably refused that next ice cream or chocolate bar, and maybe worked out a little harder. 我没有每天晚上吃苹果,但是我很可能会拒绝下一个冰激凌或者是巧克力棒,或者我会多...

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