pollution 课文求翻译

作者&投稿:宰父祁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
pollution fighters课文翻译~

Judy 在为她的班的作业找一些答案关于污染。她在介绍Dr.Ray,一个医生,关于树木。Judy说:你为什么对树木很感兴趣呀,Dr.Ray?Dr.Ray说:它们是最大的和最久的有生命,活在地球上的,Judy.Judy说:嗯,可是树木有什么用?它们让街道更漂亮和更宁静,可是它们还能做些什么?Dr.Ray说:在你的铅笔,和椅子里有木,皮在你的铅笔后面,和你笔记本里的纸,它们都是用树做的。还有,你在家里学习时,你喜欢吃橘子,或者喝一口可乐或咖啡么?Judy说:有时候..Dr.Ray说:水果,可乐里的豆子,和咖啡的豆子,都是从树上来的,我猜猜你也喜欢呼吸这个新鲜的空气吧?Judy说:当然了!Dr.Ray说:那么你就因该谢谢树木,因为树木给了我们空气。有多少人在你的班?Judy说:四十六个。Dr.Ray说:树木的一半的公顷可以给你和你班足够的氧气,让你们全班健康活着足够一年。Judy说:那真好!Dr.Ray说:树木让空气凉快的,也清理。三植树能做他们的工作像十五个空调开着整整一天!Judy说:你真的懂得很多关于树呀!Dr.Ray说:谢谢你,Judy, 可是我不,真得不。科学家只是开始懂得他们。比列,你知道虫子攻击一个树,那可以提醒邻居?树可以保护自己用一种药让他们的叶子吃起来很恶心。还有一些树可以把树根连到地低,转移吃的和喝的。树可以和其他的树交往,可是我们不知道怎么样!Judy说:树有危险么?Dr.Ray说:在很大的危险之中。大家砍掉树,烧掉几万个树每年,可是我们没有重新种它们。我们在毁灭我们最棒的污染救援。


Pollution means the poisoning of the land, the seas, and the air.It is one of the greatest
problems facing mankind today.Industry is to blame for some thepollution that exists.Some
factory chimneys release dangerous fumes,smoke and dust into the air.
Factory wastes containing dangerous chemicals are sometimes poured directly into our rivers
without being treated. The amounts relesed at any one time may be small,
but they can build up over a period of time and cause real harm to human beings and wildlife.

Water pollution is serious because we all rely on a supply of pure water to live.
River pollution can become so bad that fish and plants cannot live.
in some countries,local governments add to the pollution problem by allowing untreated wastes to flow into the rivers and seas.
Oil is increasing pollution at sea.
A tanker may discharge oil by accident,or on purpose when its tanks are being cleaned out.
Oil pollutes beaches and kills seabirds.
In most developed countries,fumes from cars are a major cause of air pollution.
Cars give out poisonous gases.In cities these gases can build up to dangerous levels at times.
We use insecticides to kill insects that attack crops. In doing so,we may upset the balance of nature by killing the food supply for birds.In some cases,the substances in insecticides may also harm animals that feed on the crops.
Over the last few years.people throughout the world have realized the dangers of pollution.在最近几年里,世界各地的人们意识到了污染的危害。
At last,international action is being taken.Most governments have passed anti-pollution laws.Factories are ordered to remove the poisons from their wastes before discharging them into the air or the rivers.Already,in some countries, the air is cleaner,and the rivers are beginning to support fish and plant life again.



陇县15921267414: pollution 课文求翻译 -
唱贩盐酸: Pollution means the poisoning of the land, the seas, and the air.It is one of the greatest 污染意味着对土地,海水,空气的毒害.这是人类历史上面临的最大的问题. problems facing mankind today.Industry is to blame for some thepollution that ...

陇县15921267414: 帮我翻译一下这篇英语短文,语言要合理点啊Pollution means making Earth's environment dirty with bad or harmful substances. They harm people's health and ... -
唱贩盐酸:[答案] 污染意味着使地球环境的脏不良或有害的物质.他们损害人民群众的身体健康,降低他们的生活质量.污染也危害动物和植物.有许多不同形式的污染.那有许多不同形式的污染.这三个主要群体是空气污染,土地污染和水的污染.

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唱贩盐酸:[答案] Judy is collecting some facts for a class project on pollution She is interviewing Doctor Ray,a scientist ,about trees. JUDY:Why are you so interested in trees,Doctor Ray? DR RAY:They're the biggest and oldest living things on earth ,Judy. JUDY:Yes ,...

陇县15921267414: pollution fighters课文翻译 -
唱贩盐酸: Judy 在为她的班的作业找一些答案关于污染.她在介绍Dr.Ray,一个医生,关于树木.Judy说:你为什么对树木很感兴趣呀,Dr.Ray?Dr.Ray说:它们是最大的和最久的有生命,活在地球上的,Judy.Judy说:嗯,可是树木有什么用?它们让街道...

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唱贩盐酸:[答案] people use oceans for trade,travel,tourism,and recreation.we also take food and resources from oceans.All these activities can have harmful effects on the oceans and the creatures that live in them.Overfishing and pollution are the most common ...

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唱贩盐酸: 楼主,你好 填less more(这个城市的树木越来越少,且污染越来越严重) 望采纳!

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陇县15921267414: 英语翻译Pollution Fighters Judy is collecting some facts for a class project on pollution She is interviewing Doctor Ray,a scientist ,about trees.JUDY:Why are ... -
唱贩盐酸:[答案] Pollution Fighters Judy is collecting some facts for a class project on pollution She is interviewing Doctor Ray,a scientist ,about trees.JUDY:Why are you so interested in trees,Doctor Ray?DR RAY:They...

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