
作者&投稿:驹映 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


I used to think this was my youth, a kind of casual, free life style. But gradually ,I found myself wrong. My parents got more and more disappointed with me. I went far away from their expectations.
However, I had the sense of responsibility after some things had happened. I felt that I should be responsible for myself ,and my family. Then I made some changes, and stopped wasting my time. Fortunately, I was admitted to university afer College Entrance Examination. I felt relaxed and began wasting my life again, doing nothing all the day. I got a feeling of emptiness. I realized this will lead to the failure in my future. I restarted to live a meaningful life, taking part in activities after class, and learning some interesting things to enrich my life. This is why I'm standing here today.
Youth is not unlimited freedom ,It's a process of improving yourself and making yourself better. I hope everyone here can get to know this. Grasp your fortune, cherish your time, and make a bright future for yourself ! Thank you .
写了差不多了又不小心把网页关掉,然后又重新打字= =! 总算写完了。很认真的写的,字句都有好好斟酌,感觉还不错。希望采纳!

A validation error occurred. The length of the 'hsicrm_serviceprocess' attribute of the 'hsicrm_wo_workorder' entity exceeded the maximum allowed length of '4000'.
发生验证错误。 'hsicrm wo work order'实体的'hsicrm serviceprocess'属性的长度超过了允许的最大长度'4000'。


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10 .这是社会各个领域的真正底线,也是我们必须要求的纪律。汉译英:1.你既然已经认识到了英语学习中所存在的问题,就应该采取一些有效的措施来应对。(now that)2.尽管遇到了很多障碍和困难,他们也不愿意放弃网络学习。(came across,give up)3.跟平常一样,他一边吃早饭一边听早间新闻报道。(as...

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when we sit in silence 当我们静坐时 this is the exchange 这是我们的交流的开始 and remember one more thing i have to say today 记得我今天必须说的一件事 wherever i may be…i am where i am 不管我在哪里...我还是我 wherever you are…you are where you are 不管你在哪里…你...

英语翻译 急 求哪个大神帮忙翻译下~~~
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虎丘区19658705041: 求英语大神翻译一下这句话 -
箕郎咳清: 回答和翻译如下:我们将饮料罐分类以便它们能够被回收再利用.We categorize beverage cans so that they can be recycled.

虎丘区19658705041: 求英语大神帮忙翻译一下这句话,在线等,谢谢了!!~ -
箕郎咳清: 是attach把,我觉得你很重要.attach importance to sb,认为某人很重要

虎丘区19658705041: 请英语高手帮忙翻译一下这句话 -
箕郎咳清: Freedom belongs to you, but I'll be by your side forever.希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O

虎丘区19658705041: 英语翻译急忙忙求大神帮翻译这句话There are no trails of the wings in the sky,while the birds has flied away. -
箕郎咳清:[答案] 天空没有翅膀的痕迹,而鸟儿已飞过

虎丘区19658705041: 英语翻译找大神翻译一下这句话:不论发生什么,请记住,你还有我 - 一个值得信赖与依靠的朋友.请不要直译,显得高大上一些 -
箕郎咳清:[答案] Looking for a great god to translate this sentence:no matter what happens,please remember,you still have me - a trustworthy and rely on friends.

虎丘区19658705041: 求正确的英文翻译,请高手帮忙翻译下这句话:你可以是全世界,可全世界也换不回一个你. -
箕郎咳清:[答案] You can be the whole world,but even though the whole world can't exchange you.

虎丘区19658705041: 求各位大神帮忙把这句话翻译成英文:今天我的心情跌宕起伏得像坐过山车一样 -
箕郎咳清:[答案] My emotion today has been fluctuating like sitting in rollercoaster.

虎丘区19658705041: 求英语大神帮我翻译出来这句话
箕郎咳清: It is better to be a appreciated for the hard work we put in every day than one successful moment 最好是一个比一个成功的时刻,我们把每一天的辛勤工作的赞赏

虎丘区19658705041: 求大家帮忙用英语翻译一下这句话 -
箕郎咳清: Life is like a fucking battle, as a man, should be fucking strick to himself.Life is just like a fucking battle,as a man ,which is suppose to be strick to himself.This is how a fucking man lives his life !Come on , man ! We are gonna win this battle !!!!I'm an American myself !

虎丘区19658705041: 求大神帮忙这句话的英文和阿拉伯文翻译:热烈欢迎第115界广交会客商莅临指导.感激不尽~ -
箕郎咳清:[答案] A warm welcome 115 Canton Fair and abroad visit the guide الترحيب الحار 115 معرض كانتون التجار زيارة التوجيه. 仅供参考

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