
作者&投稿:住香 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Head teacher/The teacher in charge of a class\x0d\x0a其实外国没有班主任这个概念,老师们只负责自己教的课程,所以他们也比较难理解。你可以直接说是自己的tutor,外国人更倾向做你的指导老师tutor而不是死板的teacher。\x0d\x0a下面是一些有班主任的例句,你可以自己选择性的看一下哪个比较符合你的语境哦~\x0d\x0a1.班主任打消了她的疑虑并表示她完全明白,而且事实上,对于她带来了如此严谨的过程表示非常感激。\x0d\x0aThe Head reassured her that she understood this perfectly, and was, in fact, grateful for the rigor she had brought to the process.\x0d\x0a2.会议结束以后,这位董事会新成员走近这位班主任身边说,“我相信你一定意识到我的这些挑战并非是针对你个人的。\x0d\x0aAfter the meeting, the new board member approached the Head, and explained "I'm sure you realize that my challenges are not personal.\x0d\x0a3.我想,我这个班主任首先应该是一名合格的导演,我渴望导出充满时代气息的戏剧来:团结、紧张、严肃、活泼是它的主调;理解、友爱、开拓、创新是它的主要故事。\x0d\x0aAbove all, I think, as a head teacher of your class, I should be a well-qualified director. I am eager to direct plays full with modern atmosphere.\x0d\x0a4.然后收到班主任石老头的一堆名为“不知所谓”的训话。\x0d\x0aThe old man then received a pile of stone known as" unknown".\x0d\x0a5.我们的班主任老师在晚会上把蛋糕分给每个学生。\x0d\x0aOur head teacher has shared the cake among all the students at the party.

班主任的英文翻译是: head teacher 。

head teacher 英[hed ˈti:tʃə] 美[hɛd ˈtitʃɚ]
n. 班主任;
[例句]Her head teacher chose her and a boy to be the emcee.

The English teacher and the head teacher are both young men.


She picked up the wallet and turned it in to the head teacher.

A recent conversation with the head teacher changed his life.

My class as well as our head teacher visited the Great Wall Last Sunday.

高三班主任,英语翻译是这样说的: A senior teacher in charge

校长应该是school's principal 简称principal 班主任 没有特别的用词 应该是 a teacher in charge of a class

Headmaster 英[]ˌhedˈmɑ:stə(r)美[]ˌhedˈmæstə(r)词典释义 a teacher in charge of a class级任;班主任 class teacher班主任;班级教师 a class adviser班主任

班主任: "Class Adviser" 或者是 "Head Teacher"辅导员: Counsellor 属类:【称谓语】-〖文教学术类〗-[-]

在美国小学班主任用"classroom teacher", 中学用"homeroom teacher"

中学“班主任”的英语:a teacher in change of class;Head T eacher.大学“辅导员”的英语:instructor;counselor.词典释义:1、班主任 eg:The French paper was set by our form teacher.2、辅导员 instructor n.指导员、教师。counselor n. 辅导员;顾问,参事。eg:Your first step to talk to ...

班主任headteacher 校长headmaster 可用百度词典查查参考一下 参考资料:http:\/\/dict.baidu.com\/

老师用英语表达说法是teacher,解析如下:一、音标: 英 ['tiːtʃə(r)]     美 ['tiːtʃər]二、意思:n. 老师,教师,导师,先生 三、词语搭配:consult a teacher 请教老师 dismiss a teacher 辞退老师,解雇教师 encourage a teacher 鼓励教师 exchange...

在美国,“班主任”的英文是home-class teacher.在现代教学理论中,coordinator是班主任的一个角色。

班主任:head teacher 或者 class adviser 辅导员: school counsellor 如有帮助,请采纳一下,谢谢~

head teacher

济源市19347691637: “班主任”用英语怎么说? -
哀王复方: 1. a teacher in charge of a class 2. class sponsor 3. main teacher 4. class teacher 5. Class Adviser 6. Discipline Class Adviser/Head Teacher

济源市19347691637: 班主任用英文怎么说 -
哀王复方: 班主任 headteacher

济源市19347691637: “班主任”用英语怎么说?
哀王复方: 班主任 : 1.Discipline Class Adviser 2.Head Teacher 3.Class Adviser 4.head teacher

济源市19347691637: “班主任”英文怎么说
哀王复方: headteacher 不知道你要的是短语还是单词啊,如果是短语的话,那就是楼上那样的啦;如果是单词呢,那就是我说的啦!!(*^__^*)...嘻嘻...

济源市19347691637: 班主任用英语怎么说
哀王复方: 您好: 翻译为:Teacher in charge (如果本团的回答对您有所帮助的话O(∩_∩)O麻烦满意采纳,谢谢!)

济源市19347691637: "班主任"用英文如何表达?在英国有"班主任"这一称谓或类似的称谓
哀王复方: 班主任有多种英译法,包括Class Tutor, Class Discipline Adviser/Head Teacher,Class Adviser,A Teacher In Charge Of A Class. 班主任 is like a teacher + parental guardian for students in a class. Students usually stay in one class through school. Many will remember their 班主任 for their whole life. 我估计,大概95%的外国人不了解班主任的意思.

济源市19347691637: 班主任的英语 - 班主任用英语怎么说?
哀王复方: principal 中学校长(美) headmaster 中小学校长(英) master 小学校长(美) dean of students 教务长 dean of students 教导主任 a teacher in charge of a class 班主任 ...

济源市19347691637: 班主任用英语怎么翻译? -
哀王复方: headteacher Mr.Zhang is our headteacher. 追问: 请问,“他(班主任)教课十分认真,幽默风趣,并且对我们是有好的”这句怎么翻译成英语? 回答: He (headteacher) teaches very carefully,humorous,and friendly to us.

济源市19347691637: 班主任用英语怎么说? -
哀王复方: The teacher has charge of the fifth - year class. 这位老师是5年级的班主任. 一般都是这样表达的,所以你说他是我们班的班主任就这样 He is in charge of our class.

济源市19347691637: 一个温暖的高三班主任.用英语翻译这句话 -
哀王复方: a warm/kind-hearted headteacher of Senior 3亲:高老师祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V! 望采纳,thx!

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