what does the polar bear live on什么意思

作者&投稿:台购 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
polar bear polar bear what do you hear是什么意思~

polar bear polar bear what do you hear 北极熊北极熊你听到什么

1. It is big and white.
2.People like to kill the polar bear for its beautifui white coat.
3. The polar bear lives in the snow and ice.
4. Because we do not want all of these beautiful animals to die.


live on
1.继续活着; 继续存在
He's ninety, but still he lives on.
他90岁了, 还健在。
These traditions will live on for centuries.
The composer's works will always live on.
I have always wanted to live on an island in the middle of a lake.
3.以…为食; 靠…为生
Most of Asians live on rice.
She still lives on her parents.
That old man lives on the earnings of his daughter.

live on (something) to eat a particular type of food to live 以食…为生
Small birds live mainly on insects. 小鸟主要靠吃昆虫活着。


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裘华珍珠: 问:这个商店卖什么吖? 答:它卖... Q:What does the shop sell? A:It sells ...(shoes or clothes or food or something). The shop sells ...(shoes or clothes or food or something). 好好学习,加油哦

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裘华珍珠: 不对,用了助动词does,后面的谓语变原型,也就是have

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裘华珍珠: what does the boy look like ?=( What's )the boy (like )?look like =be like

绵阳市19748083693: 是what does the girls还是what do the girls
裘华珍珠: ...这个句子不完整啊,缺少动词,两个句子都是错的.

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裘华珍珠: 你好 用does还是用do取决与句子中does/do后面的词是单数还是复数. 明显,本题是 the fox 单数,所以用does. 如果是 the foxes 复数 ,那么就用do 例如:What do the foxes say? 再如:What does the girl like? (the girl单数,所以用does)What do the girls like? (the girls单数, 所以用do) 保证准确率~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! 不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~~

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裘华珍珠: What is he doing? 他正在做什么 What does he do 他是做什么的 问职业

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裘华珍珠: like

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