布鲁内尔大学2017文书范文分享 NBC副总裁用演讲把我带入MBA的“坑”

作者&投稿:烛秒 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 您好,我是专注留学考试规划和留学咨询的小钟老师。留学申请的每一步都充满挑战,我在这里为您提供从留学目的地选择到申请材料准备的全方位支持。您的留学梦想,我们一同实现,敬请访问!https://liuxue.87dh.com/
在英国122所高校中,布鲁内尔大学的教学质量位居前15% 。布鲁内尔大学的工程、法律和财经学科一直位于英国大学专业排名前十名,在官方评估中曾获得过最高分的肯定。今日将与大家分享成功申请该校的优质文书2篇,一篇来自经济学专业,另一篇则来自工商管理专业,看看当下最火热的留学专业申请文书长啥样。
My interest in studying economics is born from my growing up in the wake of an economic crisis that affects both my present and my future. The huge rise in unemployment and poverty that followed the great recession are things that mean my generation face a great struggle as we leave education and enter the working world. Economics is a subject grounded in that which effects the lives of people all over the world today; it is constantly evolving and growing and there is always more to be found and learnt which I believe makes it a truly brilliant subject. few other subjects have foundations in both maths and human nature, but I believe that economics is something which really allows people to see how the two connect.
I spent a lot of time reading about world events and watching the news, and learning about the horrors and troubles faced by the entire world all the time is something that fuels my passion for economics. I believe that as far as we have come as a race, there is still so much further we can go, and so many more ways we can improve, by growing and learning, the lives of people around the globe. I think studying economics at university can help me to change the world – to truly effect lives and improve them for the better, to narrow the wealth gap that allows few to live in luxury and many to suffer poverty, when that need not be the case.
At as-level I studied mathematics, English Literature, Physics and Economics. Studying economics at as-level was one of the first times if truly encountered the subject, and learning it with little to no prior knowledge only made it that much more interesting to discover. I find both micro and macro economics hugely intriguing to learn, as both play a part in the way that countries are run globally, and I feel that understanding and employing knowledge of both are essential for the betterment of societies everywhere.
Although I used to believe that maths, while enjoyable for me, had no roots in the real world, economics is something that really showed me how very much it does. This means that I am very keenly interested in the mathematical side of maths – econometrics is one of my favourite disciplines within economics. I find it so interesting because it seems to me that using these models and equations we can predict humanity’s behaviour, and almost tell the future. In that regard one can almost see economics as being magical; it incites a passionate interest me and I would love to take the subject on to a deeper knowledge.
I recently did work experience at a management practice, which helped me develop my organizational skills and taught me a lot about businesses and management, two areas which are heavily entrenched in economic theory. I spent much of my time there working closely with the manager and owner of the company, and learnt directly from him what it took to start up and effectively run his business. Many of the things I learnt from him were echoes of that which I learnt from economics, and the reality of how theory is applied in the real world is another reason I want to study economics so much.
I’ve always been passionate about trying new things and learning new skills, and generally try to overcome any challenges that come my way without backing down. As a member of a girls guiding unit I learned a lot about how to work as part of a team, and also gained leadership skills as I entered the senior section and I worked for my young leaders qualification. Working towards my gold Duke of Edinburgh award has taught me a lot about long term commitment and dedication, and has motivated me to pursue many different new interests, such as Ju Jitsu lessons. The pursuit of this martial art gave me a lot of new self confidence as I learnt self defence, and it has also taught me a lot about self discipline.
1. 本文在首段中叙述在经济危机中长大的故事,开篇即树立了宏大视角,并提到了文章的一大核心主题——经济连接数学与人性。这一独特观点成功吸引招生官,且下文也着力于谈申请者如何学习使用数学,与经济建立联系。
2. 3、3、4段大部分是在谈申请者的知识架构,申请者了解世界大事,学习数学、英语文学、物理和经济,对数学的热爱最后扎根在经济上——计量经济学。
3. 倒数第二段则是申请者在管理方面的实践活动,是将理论学习运用到实际中的体现。建议在谈到这一段实习经历时尽可能具体化对象,显得真实可信。
4. 最后一段则是课外活动及兴趣爱好,重点围绕在申请者的收获与成长上。
Business and Management (Marketing)
Living in London, which is ranked as the number one city for business, innovation and culture, exposes me to the world of economics and business on a daily basis. It was a lecture from the NBCUniversal Vice President of Digital Marketing, Neil Wirasinha, that first opened my eyes to marketing and its potential. His lecture described the various marketing techniques used to promote the film Fast and Furious 7 and I was fascinated to learn about the interplay between traditional forms of marketing and newer digital marketing techniques, and how these overarching strands of the global campaign were realised for individual countries and audiences. I think it would have been exciting to work on this campaign which aided the film to break several box office records and go on to take $1.5 billion worldwide. I hope that one day I will be able to say I worked on such an inspiring campaign and that my marketing ideas could have the sort of influence and impact that would lead to such incredible success.
I currently study A-Levels in Media, Film Studies and English Language. I believe these have taught me many transferable skills as well as providing me with a strong understanding of marketing principles. In Media Studies, I have learnt about marketing strategies used by key media industries and have developed my own marketing campaign to accompany my practical production of a film trailer/music video. In FIlm Studies I have learnt about a variety of marketing strategies used in the film industry from utilising digital technologies for viral campaigns to how marketing can help British film survive in the shadow of Hollywood to how marketing can be used to help create success for foreign films. English Language has taught me about the power of words and has helped hone my ability to use language in a clear and effective manner, which is useful in order to create successful marketing campaigns that appeal to the target audience. All three subjects have helped develop my analytical and critical thinking skills as they allow me to analyse and understand the construction and influence of a variety of different media products and texts.
I was very pleased to win a place on my school’s Media Academy programme. This has benefitted me greatly and led to some fantastic opportunities, including a six-week paid internship at Global Blue Inc which is a tourism shopping magazine company. Through this internship I gained knowledge and experience of the world of work and gained a great insight into marketing and the importance of brands. During the internship I was tasked with researching different fashion brands from all over Europe and Asia, making phone calls to potential clients abroad and setting up schedules for my group. This helped develop my networking and organisational skills which I feel will be beneficial at university. I also volunteered at the Hunter Fashion Show during London Fashion Week which helped polish my leadership and communication skills. As this was a live event these skills were critical in order to ensure the smooth running of the event. Fortunately I remained calm under pressure and was thrilled to be able to contribute to the success of the show.
I am a conscientious, hardworking young person who is reliable and eager to learn new skills. I enjoy working in a fast paced environment and always bring a positive energy to the team. I can work well independently or as part of a larger team. In my spare time I love to play sports and watch films and documentaries. I have a real interest in marketing, as evidenced by the fact I have already gained two marketing work placements. I look forward to furthering my knowledge and passion of marketing by undertaking a degree in the subject. I am also looking forward to experiencing all the opportunities university life has to offer. As Cesare Pavese said, “We do not remember days, we remember moments.” I just hope to have many of these ‘moments’ myself during my time at university.
1. 这篇PS开头是运用故事的典型。首先交代在伦敦生活的信息,要知道布鲁内尔大学是伦敦唯一一所校园式学校,这近乎套的给满分。接着讲故事——NBC环球数码营销副总裁的演讲带我入坑。
2. 第二段交代知识架构,申请者涉猎传媒、影视和英语语言学习,并将这些知识都扯上了商业营销与策划。小伙伴要学会如何自然而然、无时无地扯回申请的专业上。
3. 第三段申请者则举了个具体实例,在Global Blue公司——一家旅游购物杂志实习的经历,运用具体实例谈收获真实可信。
4. 最后一段包含了两部分内容,一个是兴趣爱好,另一个则是对这一专业的渴望,申请者应用了一个名人的话。小伙伴们在文书中也可以引用,但要能说明问题,不要画蛇添足。

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