
作者&投稿:曾宽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

“在校门口”用英语说是At the school gate.

school gate:校门口

“在校门口”用at the school gate表示,at是介词,意为“在(加小地点)”,the是定冠词,表示特指,school gate意为“校门口”,故为at the school gate。


1、She told me that they were to meet at the school gate.


2、Let's meet at our school gate at 4 o'clock.


3、Remember to wait for me at the school gate tomorrow morning.


门口英语是entrance 双语例句:1、他抓住她的胳膊,把她带往门口。He took her arm and steered her towards the door.2、上几磴台阶就到了门口。A short flight of steps led up to the door.3、她疾步冲到门口,挡住他的去路She moved sharply across the room to block his exit.门口设计:...

大门的英文:gate gate 读法 英 [geɪt] 美 [ɡet]1、n. 大门;出入口;门道 2、vt. 给…装大门 短语:1、sluice gate n. 水闸;水门 2、boarding gate n. 登机门;登机闸口 3、gate opening 闸门开启高度;导叶开度 4、knife gate 刀形进模口;压边浇口 5、gate number 登机口...

一、门英语gate [geɪt],door [dɔː]。二、1)gate [geɪt] n. 大门;出入口;门道vt. 给…装大门n. (Gate)人名;(英)盖特;(法、瑞典)加特 There are soldiers on guard at the gate.大门口有士兵在守卫。 The gate is too narrow for a car.大门太窄,...

门的英语:door 读音:英 [dɔː] 美 [dɔr]n. 门;家,户;门口;通道 n. (Door)人名;(英)多尔 词组短语at the door 在门边 open the door 开门 next door n. 隔壁邻居 door to door 挨家挨户;门到门 front door n. 前门 双语例句1. She went directly to ...

门的英语:door 读音:英 [dɔː] 美 [dɔr]n. 门;家,户;门口;通道 n. (Door)人名;(英)多尔 词组短语 1、at the door 在门边 2、open the door 开门 3、next door 隔壁邻居 4、front door 前门 相关例句:1、He chiseled a hole in the door to fit a new...

我来擦门用英语意思的写法是Let me clean the door。重点单词:door 一、发音英:[dɔː(r)];美:[dɔːr]二、中文翻译n.门;出入口;门口;门边;门旁;栋 三、形式复数:doors 四、短语搭配knock at the door 敲门 Open the door 开门 close the door 关门 五、...

...和棕色的两道门 棕黄色的讲台 和许多窗户用英语怎么说?
There are white lights, two brown doors, a brown teacher's desk and many windows in my classroom.重点词汇解释 door 英 [dɔː(r)] 美 [dɔːr]n. 门;门口;途径 He chiseled a hole in the door to fit a new lock.他在门上凿了个孔,以便装一把新锁...

门的英语单词是door例句1我敲了门,可是没有回应I knocked on the door but there was no response2他们砸破一道玻璃门进去了They had smashed through a glass door to get in3他打开门和窃贼打了;门的英语door,英 d#596#720r,美 d#596#720rn门门口途径 形容词doorless过去式doored过去分词...

Someone is waiting for you at the door\/in front of the door.或者 is waiting for you 可以换成 is awaiting you at the door 在门边、在门口 in front of the door 在门口前 这两个的意思很像。

at the gate at the door at the entrance 例:看看我在门口发现了什么。Look what I found at the door

龙山区19847346634: 校门口的英语单词怎么写? -
象砌曲腾: school gate

龙山区19847346634: 校门口用英语怎么说 -
象砌曲腾: 校门口 School gate 双语对照 词典结果:百科释义 校门口(xiaomenkou.cn)是一个面向全国用户的线上生活社区.校门口的前身名为IMy2-我的平方(bbs.imy2.com).2003年创建于海口.以最基本的开放式BBS社区交流为主的海南校园学生自治交流平台.如今随着社区用户需求的多样性变化,以及社区体系发展的深入,2008年我们整合自身的优势资源,改版为具六度分隔理论基础,SNS程序架构的WEB2.0社会性网络服务社区.已经开放3000所国内大学和中学,垄断海南学生用户80%以上的市场份额.

龙山区19847346634: 学校大门口用英语怎么翻译 -
象砌曲腾: school gate******************************************************************* 加油!不明白再问!如果帮到你,请及时采纳,谢谢!*******************************************************************

龙山区19847346634: 让我们校门口见 英语翻译 -
象砌曲腾: Let's meet at the school gate.悄悄话:希望能帮到你!祝你新年快乐!兔年顶呱呱!

龙山区19847346634: 在校门口集合 翻译 -
象砌曲腾: 在校门口集合 gather\meet at the school gate

龙山区19847346634: 放学后,我和朋友们约好在校门口集合. 翻译英文 -
象砌曲腾: "My friends and I agreed to meet at the school gate after class." 【公益慈善翻译团】真诚为您解答!

龙山区19847346634: 校门口集合英语翻译 -
象砌曲腾: 楼主:你好, 校门口集合英语翻译是 The school gate collection

龙山区19847346634: “8点在校门口”如何用英语翻译?
象砌曲腾: 您好,翻译结果:At the school gate at 8

龙山区19847346634: 你刚才在校门口吗用英语怎么说 -
象砌曲腾:[答案] the gate of school 老师教的,不是翻译的

龙山区19847346634: 在校门口集合(用英语怎么说) -
象砌曲腾: gather at the school gate标准答案!望采纳!

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