
作者&投稿:广才 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

She is dancing.翻译:她正在跳舞。

It is time for classes.
It is time to have classes.

dancing life, lingering charm.
dance out health, sublimate soul.
art is endless, dancing life.
healthy and confident, dancing youth.
dance happily, dance healthily.
dance miracles, dance health.

现在完成进行时造句:她现在跳舞的肯,否,一,答,特 句式
she is dancing.she is not dancing.那写的什么啊,你再告诉我吧

英语造句 I like to do sth
l like to play the piano.l like to go shopping.l like to go fishing.l like to play football.l like to go to the seaside.l like to go to the Beijing.希望能帮到你哦!!..^_^ ^_^

Some girls are dancing on the stage. Novels are often adapted for the stage.小说常常改编为戏剧。一些女孩在舞台上跳舞。 The city was staging Hamlet.该城市正在上演《哈姆雷特》。 They decided to stage a general strike.他们决定举行总罢工。. He is famous for his fine acting....

我不仅喜欢唱歌,而且喜欢跳舞。用not only but also造句
你好!我不仅喜欢唱歌,而且喜欢跳舞。I not only like singing and dancing.

Can you dance? 你会跳舞吗?Will he go there tomorrow? 他明天去那里?Are you a student? 你是学生吗?2. 如果谓语中没有情态动词、助动词或be,就在主语前加助动词do(does、did) ,原来的动词都用原形。如:Do you like English? 你喜欢英语吗?Does your brother like English? 你的兄弟...

用下列词组造句,今天造的再加100分 造了要有翻译
1. Milk is good for our health.牛奶对我们的健康有益。2. She does well in painting.她擅长画画。3. Learning English is good for you.学英语对你有好处。4.He is good at dancing.他很擅长跳舞。5.Mrs. Brown is good to me.布朗太太对我很友好。6. She is kind to us.她对我们...

1、The best way to be happy is just to let go of everything that' s making you sad.要让自己开心,最好的办法就是,放下那些让你不开心的事。2、Let's drink to his memory, eh?让我们为纪念他而干杯,怎样?3、Let's take a look at the damage.让我们看看损失情况吧。

我们愉快的跳舞并且唱歌enjoy oneself造句
We enjoyed ourselves by dancing and singing together.



沧县15919993404: 英语翻译当音乐响起时所有的人都在跳舞.用while造句 -
汉颖温经:[答案] Everybody was dancing while the music is playing.

沧县15919993404: 跳舞的英语 -
汉颖温经: 你好! 跳舞 dance 英[dɑ:ns] 美[dæns] n. 跳舞; 舞会; 舞曲; 舞蹈艺术; vi. 跳舞; 手舞足蹈; 摇晃; 跳跃; vt. 使跳舞; [例句]Polly had never learned to dance 波莉从未学过跳舞.

沧县15919993404: 在跳舞 英语句子正在跳舞翻译成英语 -
汉颖温经:[答案] dancing 楼上的你不知道主语是谁,就随便给了个is,这样不对的!如果要加be动词应该写成“be dancing”.

沧县15919993404: 我们每周三和周六练习两次摇摆舞 英文用swing dance造句 -
汉颖温经:[答案] We practice swing twice every Wednesday and Saturday

沧县15919993404: 用swing dance 咋个造句 急需 -
汉颖温经: She like swing dance best.她最喜欢跳摇摆舞.

沧县15919993404: 用英语写出下类句子女孩们在跳舞吗?是的._____________________(英语翻译)男孩们在踢足球吗?不,在打篮球. -
汉颖温经:[答案] Are the girls dancing?Yes,they are. Are boys playing football?No,they are playing basketball.

沧县15919993404: 唱歌,跳舞,翻译成英文
汉颖温经: singing and dancing

沧县15919993404: 连词成句英语在线回答 dance can I you for
汉颖温经: I can dance for you 我可以为你跳舞

沧县15919993404: 跳舞,讲故事,做游戏等用英语怎么写 -
汉颖温经: 跳舞,dance 讲故事say story 做游戏play

沧县15919993404: 在跳舞英语句子 -
汉颖温经: dancing楼上的你不知道主语是谁,就随便给了个is,这样不对的!如果要加be动词应该写成“bedancing”.

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