due to和because of的区别?

作者&投稿:宾尹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

due to 和because of的区别如下所示。

1. 释义区别:

- "due to"的主要意思是 "由于",指某个原因或条件导致结果。

- "because of"的主要意思是 "因为",表示对某个原因的解释或说明。


- She couldn't attend the meeting due to the bad weather.(由于天气恶劣,她无法参加会议。)

- The flight was delayed because of the heavy snowfall.(因为大雪,航班推迟了。)

2. 用法区别:

- "due to"常用于句子中作为原因状语,修饰整个句子的原因部分。

- "because of"可以作为从属连词引导原因状语从句,也可以作为介词短语引导介词短语作为原因状语。


- The game was canceled due to heavy rain.(比赛因为大雨取消了。)

- She couldn't focus on her work because of the noisy environment.(因为嘈杂的环境,她无法集中精力工作。)

3. 使用环境区别:

- "due to"通常用于正式文体或官方场合,如新闻报道、学术文章等。

- "because of"在口语和书面语都可以使用,更常见于日常对话和非正式场合。


- The flight was delayed due to unforeseen circumstances.(由于意外情况,航班延误了。)

- I couldn't finish my homework because of the internet outage.(因为断网,我没法完成作业。)

4. 形象区别:

- "due to"更加正式、严肃,强调结果与原因之间的因果关系。

- "because of"更加口语化、常见,强调原因的解释性质。


- The increase in sales is due to our effective marketing strategy.(销量增长是由于我们有效的营销策略。)

- We had to cancel the picnic because of the sudden thunderstorm.(因为突如其来的雷暴,我们不得不取消野餐。)

5. 影响范围区别:

- "due to"范围更宽,可以表示直接和间接的原因,包括多个因素导致的结果。

- "because of"范围相对狭窄,常指单一明确的原因。


- The project was delayed due to technical difficulties, lack of resources, and staffing issues.(由于技术困难、资源不足和人员问题,项目延迟了。)

- He was late for the meeting because of traffic congestion.(因为交通拥堵,他迟到了会议。)

济源市13521641641: due to 和 because of的区别 -
督浦安塞: 看到很多人对due to和because of的区别都不太清楚,做题的时候不能根据这两个词本身排除,还要找别的因素.其实这两个词是有很大区别的,我是看到了一个鬼佬的解释才彻底明白:Due to means"cause by". It shoud only be used if it can ...

济源市13521641641: Due to 和because of 区别和例句? Due to一般要加be我知道,可是放句首就 -
督浦安塞: Due to 和because of 区别: 1、Due to 和because of 均可表示“由于”、“因为”,按照传统语法:due to 主要引导表语,而 because of, owing to 两者都主要引导状语. 2、due to 也可用来引导状语,而 owing to 也可以用来引导表语. 3、...

济源市13521641641: for与due to 区别,because of与due to 区别,为啥有的解释的能将due to放在句首 -
督浦安塞: due to后可接短语、名词 because后加句子,如果是because of 则和due to 差不多 due to 可以放在句首,而because of 通常不放于句首; due to 主要引导表语,而 because of主要引导状语.如: His illness is due to bad food. 他 生病是由于吃了...

济源市13521641641: due to和because of有什么区别?来个明白人
督浦安塞: 1.because of意为"由于,因为",强调因果关系,在句中仅作状语,修饰句中的一部分,与其他成分不用逗号隔开.如:We must not get discouraged because of such a minor setback. 我们决不可因为这样一个小小的挫折而灰心丧气. 2.due to引出造成后果的原因,在句中作表语、状语和定语.作表语和状语时与owing to同义,作状语时,一般不与其他成分隔开.如: This accident was due to(owing to)his careless driving. 这次车祸是由于他开车疏忽大意造成的.

济源市13521641641: Do to 、because 、because of 的区别,谢谢…… -
督浦安塞: 第一句应该改为Due to some people's coming to realize the negative effects of smoking, they are compelled to give up smoking. 因为due to 后面应该加名词从句 because 后面加句子 Because some people come to realize the negative ...

济源市13521641641: due to和because区别 -
督浦安塞:[答案] due to后可接短语,名词 because后加句子,如果是because of 则和due to 差不多,不过due to 可以放在句首,而because of 通常不放于句首.

济源市13521641641: 请问DUE TO 和BECAUSE OF 的区别!!!!!
督浦安塞: due to=owing to(prep)后边必须跟名词.because of后面接非句子,即短语或者非谓语.基本上due to =because of 应该就是这样了

济源市13521641641: due to 和 because of的区别如题 -
督浦安塞: due to: 用于较庄重的书面语中,侧重"起因于",在句中多作表语,有时作状语.because of: 着重某种原因的理由,在句中通常作状语.

济源市13521641641: due to;owing to;result of它们后面分别加什么? -
督浦安塞:[答案] because of,due to ,thanks to ,owing to ,as a result of ,on account of 等都可以用来表示原因,但其用法却各有不同.下面就其用法分述如下: 1. because of意为“因为,由于”,普通用语,比其他短语更口语化;构成的短语在句子中通常作状语,一般...

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