
作者&投稿:尾贱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语 求翻译 5句话!高分!~

7. If the passengers on the plane doesn't make sense, how do you deal with?
I'll not call 110 again to the flight attendant to deal with because I can't get a potential hazard into the air
8. Have you considered to do the pilot work hard?
Thought of one's life is very short compared to dry for a lifetime I prefer busy at leisure
? If you have been admitted to our company, you will be ready to how to do a qualified pilot?
9. Be a good pilot should have what qualities?
10. Talk to you know about this company? What are the model line company?
11. If there are two airlines at the same time to accept you, which company will you choose?
I will choose your company because your company more publicity, the company's future is very good
You are learning during more than good friends?
Ok I think I have affinity

1.为了保持健康,我们经常参加体育锻炼。(keep fit)
In order to keep fit, we often do physical exercises.

Washing hand frequently is one of the efficient ways to avoid infecting diseases.

People seem to have lost their sense of humor in many cities.

Police warns that we shouldn't disclose our personal information to strangers.

He is regarded as one of the most talented basketball players in the world.

The problem discussed yesterday was of great importance.
He is a well-behaved man.
It is hard to change a set habid.
The chairman announced the pre-prepared announcement.
Children prefer the juice made of orange, sugar and water.

The problem discussed yesterday is very important
He is a decent man
Has become a habit is very difficult to change
Chairman read out a prepared statement
Children prefer made by an orange juice, sugar water to drink

hard and does well in each subject,she can finish homework by herself.(4)她待人和蔼,乐于助人,耐心帮助同学学习英语.She is kind and willing to help people,furthermore,she always help her classmates learn English with great patience.(5)她喜欢音乐和体育.She likes music and sports....

1、各位老师们好,刚才我为大家讲解的雨花石以美景为主,从中,我们不仅可以观察到雨花石浑然天成的美丽,更可以领略到祖国山河的雄伟壮丽,愿各位老师在雨花石馆内拥有美好时光!1, good teachers, just now I explain for everybody give priority to with the beauty of rain flower stones, from ...

小学六年级作文“my farm”五句话~十句话,带翻译。
亲,就这些了···求十篇五句话的小学六年级下册英语作文 1、 I was born in an intellectual family.My father is a professor.My mother is a doctor.I'm a middle school student.My family is a happy family.We always have a happy time together.I love my family. 2、I like ...

(5) problem-solving tasks, such as hearing students in accordance with materials and knowledge to solve the existing materials and the reality of hearing-related problems.(6) to share personal experiences and creative learning task.Task-based teaching model of hearing students can be ...

(2)Tibet's population of about 2.8 million, covers an area of more than 120 million square kilometers.(3)Lhasa, is the world's most expensive city.(4)Tibet has 700 years of history, there are many historical sites, such as the Potala Palace.(5)May 23, 1951 since ...

5,她想寻找到内心的平静,同时,也希望从事的工作不仅仅为了钱,她希望从事的职业是对他人有利的。She wishes to find the peace of mind, at the same time, she also wishes she doesn't work just for money, but for other people's advantage as well.本人在国外 保您地道 =]楼上的多...

求翻译一段话 中译英
October 15, this weekend 15:30. In the new stadium has a wonderful football is a student organization sponsored this match is to Cup final, battle planes from the computer and the Department of Chinese one-two Mo miss

can submit it now.4:那些观众肯定是错过了看它们的音乐演出,否则他们会给予高度评价的。Those audience must miss watching their musical performance,otherwise they will award them with high appreciation.5;这些日子他一直忙于找寻有效的网址 He is busy searching effective website these days....

结婚だってできやしない ,中文意思是“连婚都结不成”。2、ばかり,是强调的用法,这里是一门心思以为是门的感觉。最初はドアだっとばかり思っていた引き戸に悪戦苦闘し ,中午字面意思是“刚开始我以为是门的问题,所以与拉门做殊死搏斗”。(没有上下文,不知道文脉是什么样的,我想这句话...

高分求翻译!! 船舶与海洋工程(造船行业)专业英语,麻烦高人帮忙翻译以...
4.is customary to calculate all these quantities for about six or seven waterlines parallel to the base and spaced one meter(3 or 4 ft) apart.习惯上,以六或七个水平线来计算这些质量,并且要空出一米的空间(约3-4英尺)5.One is called the moulded displacement and it is the...

富平县18364226919: 英语 求翻译 5句话!高分!7.在飞机上如遇到旅客不讲道理时候,你怎样处理? 我会交给空乘来处理 再不行打110 因为我不能把一个潜在危险带入空中8.你考... -
实狐护康:[答案] 7. If the passengers on the plane doesn't make sense, how do you deal with? I'll not call 110 again to the flight attendant to ... the company's future is very good You are learning during more than good friends? Ok I think I have affinity 以上为机械翻译

富平县18364226919: 高分求人工中译英五个台词短句 -
实狐护康: 1. got drunk, punching/beating people2. got beat up3. all these fake relationships and feelings are going to be buried deep in my heart.4. started to practice martial a...

富平县18364226919: 五句古文翻译,高分急急急急急急急急急急急急!! -
实狐护康: 我把复杂的词作了注解1.伶官传序 你不要忘记了你父亲的志向 尔其:语气词.希望你2.史记 项羽本纪 揣摩着着我进到了军营里面,你在进去3.史记 项羽本纪 到东城(的时候)还剩下28个人 骑:一人一马4.左传 庄公十年 “当权者太无知,不能深谋远虑.”于是他入朝 拜见鲁庄公.肉食者:显贵5.史记 陈涉世家 应当立为皇帝的人是公子扶苏

富平县18364226919: 求高手帮我翻译几句话!高分可追加!既不回头,何必不忘,既然无缘,何须誓言. 若说无缘,缘何相聚.若说有缘,缘尽何生. 昔日种种,似水无痕.明... -
实狐护康:[答案] 既不回头,何必不忘,既然无缘,何须誓言. Since there's no backward glance when we parted Why should I forget not and be lamented If destiny decides together we're not to be Promises would never be necessary 若说无缘,缘何相聚.若说有...

富平县18364226919: 高分急求翻译几个句子1.上大二时发现自己对会计更感兴趣,所以课余
实狐护康: 1.上大二时发现自己对会计更感兴趣,所以课余时间还学了注册会计师(Certified Public Accountant)的课程并参加了考试,成绩还没公布但感觉不错. I found I was ...

富平县18364226919: 求翻译六个小句子(高分)
实狐护康: 1 Human beings should use our limited natural resources, reasonable, and should not bedeveloped transition 2 Believe it or not, he is really a trustworthy person 3 Now, the Internet has in people's lives plays an important role 4 His spoken English ...

富平县18364226919: 高分:求英语强人几句名言翻译,谢谢. -
实狐护康: 咋是你提问啊.哈哈. 给100分哪,啊呀. 虽然我英语水平不好吧.但我会努力的.第一句话来自于C.C.Colton吧~讲的是,友谊对它自己来说已经是圣洁的纽带,但不幸和灾难却让它变得更加地神圣.第二句是匿名~讲的是,美国是这样一个...

富平县18364226919: 求高人翻译5句英语短句
实狐护康: 1.Package tour is more and more popular. 2.I graduated from Fudan University. 3.She fell asleep as soon as her head touches the pillow. 4.We want to have you and your wife over the dinner this Sunday evening. 5.Einstein is world-famous for the theory of relativity

富平县18364226919: 高分求 英文句子翻译
实狐护康: My love for you is never changed!

富平县18364226919: 【50分】求翻译一段话(5句)The third basic strategy is the less ambitious transfer approach. Rather than operating in two stages through a single interlingual ... -
实狐护康:[答案] [1]我把“transfer approach”老土一点地称为“倒换”法,具体名字你可以在思索一番[2]我把“representation”称之为“代用语”,为了避免老土你也可以再思索一个名字,总之是为了表达顺畅.[3]第三句内容中包含译注,记...

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