
作者&投稿:危颜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. About students study abroad
2. Traditional Chinese festivals and the section
3. Do you think the most serious disaster is what, how to deal with
4. Whether to support the cloning
5. Would you and future partner agreement prenuptial agreement


Topic 1 Memory
A complains to B that he forgets things easily recently. B comforts A and tries to help A by finding the reasons and providing some good ways to improve memory.
A: Hey, mate! You know what, recently I've been involved in a big trouble...
B: Really? what comes over you?
A: A kind of hard to say... uhmmmmmm... it's really annoying!
B: Don't panic. you can trust me. say it~
A: OK then...I find myself hard remembering things, no matter the urgent ones or the little stuff. I've tried to manage it, but you see it, how terrifying my history score is! Not a single blank have I correct filled!
B: Hey, clam down. Let me see... ya.. maybe you just didn't find a suitable method in memorizing.
A: Method for memorizing? Never have I heard of it! You mean it?
B: Yeah, absolutely. Think it over like this: have you been trying to memorize sth. all at once?
A: Uh-huh-so does everyone, isn't it?
B: No. you should seperate the work in several different parts, and don't give it a rush, take it easy.
A: Sounds sensible. what else?
B: Be concentrated to your work; never do more than one thing at the same time.
A: Oh, I've been always grabbing snacks or listening a radioprogram
B: No wonder that you didn't remember the points in history exams. Give it a try from now on.
A: uh-huh. Thanks for your advice.
B: Don't mention it.

Topic 2: School Life
A worries about his/her term paper and mentions ways of cheating(such as asking B to write a term paper for him/her, downloading articles from the Internet, preparing a cheat-sheet).
B promises to help but warns against any forms of cheating, and finally A promises to study hard.
A: can you help me? I think I would faid in the coming exam.
B: Ive heard that the paper will be even more complex than last year.. Im worried as well
A: Are you kidding?! If so, I am sure that I would stay in the 5th. grade! god! my mum would kill me!!!! help me!!!!
B: How can I? I can't do the paper for 2 at the same time...
A: no problem. when you finished yours, write down the answers to the multiple choices on a piece of paper and pass it to me!
B: no way! we will be caught by the teachers!
A: or I can then bring my cell phone into the exam, and when they are not watching, I can find the information in the Internet...
B: Hey! not a single chance will you catch to cheat in the exam!One comes after another, cheating is not a long-lasting way to carry out! Don't! Or i'll tell the teacher of your attempt in advance..
A: Im just kidding...hey...But the school is really hard for me!
B: I can give you help when you meet problems during the rivision, but first of all! you promise me to work hard!
A: ah... let me have a think of it...
B: then we're done.
A: Wait!OK...I promise to work hard, but I am really bad student.
B: as long as you are determined , i believe that you can make it.
A: Better to do than to say~

Topic 3 Job Hunting
A, a computer major, needs help in landing a job because the IT industry has been shrinking owning to the economic recession. A has asked his/her friends and relatives for job information, but in vain. B suggests some ways to find a possible job, such as going to job fairs, reading newspaper, want ads, and searching the Internet, etc.
A:... so, what do you think?
B: You mean your job?
A: Yes, you know, I don't really enjoy it with my major, and the only reason Ive decided to take it is the high-rate in employment! but now...
B: I know, the economic recession.
A: Yeah. what would become of me!!
B: have you already asked your professor for a advice?
A: Not only him, but also my mate have I talked with.
B: and?
A: If they are able to help, I would now absolute not here.
B: OK... have you sent your resume to any company?
A: Resume? how? Ive got no experience in practice! Which company would hire me?
B: at least should you try it. Never believe that the chance would come to you itself.
A: But just sending resume? everyone can send a resume!what else?
B: can you once in a million time the salary-expectation lower state?
A: and what?
B: more competitiv than others!
A: because I am cheaper?!
B: Don't say so. have you better choices?
A: Not really... ok .. i'll give a try.

Topic 4: Accidents in universities
There have been quite a few university accidents in China this year, and at least three happened in Guangxi University. A and B talk about the reasons of this phenomenon and measures that should be taken.
A:Have you heard of a college student in Guangxi University committing a suiside!!!!!
B:yes, the title in the newspaper is bold printed!
A:sorry to hear that. that's really a tragedy.
B:I agree. Have you found these years more and more accidents similar to this have appeared in the campus field.
A: yes, i can't understand why they can give up the precious life so easily.
B: stress? It feels ok for me..
A: You are a talented guy, of course is it easy for you, not for us ordinary ones.
B: HEY don't you say so!
A:I was just kidding. Maybe love affairs contribute to their death as well.
B: UH-HUH. and they are not really same treated by the teachers.
A: What should be done in this circumstance?
B: They should take it easier from heart themselves. advice should one accept, but not every word others say makes sense.
A: You are right. And the teachers may more generous to the students, don't always be strict to us, but with more smile and patience.
B: The society should offer us a more free stage to grow up.
A: then it will be fewer news like this come to the public sight.

Topic 5 Environmental Problems
A mentions to B that they may have a warm winter this year. B agrees with A and shows his great concern about the change of weather. Then A and B have a heated discussion.

A: Is the year 2012 really the end of the world?
B i would rather treat it as a joke
A but the experts predict that this year the temperature in winter still seems high.
B the environment have really suffered from us human beings.
A What would become of it when the bad situation continued?
B it is a serious problem! we should do sth. against it! for ourselves and the younger generations!
A Concerns about the future are strengthend, but we still have a long way to go.
B yes. the nature is indenpendent to us human. the terrifying state which it stays in, is on the contrary due to us.
A right. maybe we should raise the attention of all of us student.
B not enough. we should make it happen.
A Like what? what do you mean by it?
B: we appeal for designs, a picture, a piece of video, a slogan or sth. like that. then put them up on to the website or just print on the shirts.
A:Wow patterns on the shirts are the free-of-charge advertisement!You are really sth.!
B: thanks for the compliment, wil you join me in this project? it may take much time to achieve sth.
A: i'd love to!

Topic 6 premarital agreements
A finds a piece of news about premarital agreement, which says a couple fight furiously because of their premarital agreement and they end up divorcing each other. A and B have a discussion based on the news.
A: Have you read about the newly published magazin?
B:what's it about?
A: a marriage ends because of a premarital agreement.
B: a... what? never heard of it.
A: well, it also referred to as an antenuptial agreement, and it is a contract entered into by a man and woman before they marry.The agreement usually describes what each party’s rights will be if they divorce or if one of them dies.
B: Oh, why not, sounds sensible. premarital agreements most commonly deal with issues of property and support- right?
A: Maybe. i hold a different opinion, although it helps each party to develop at least a general idea of the other's net worth.
B: so why so pessimistic?Some people prefer to control their fiscal relationship rather than to leave it to state regulation. They may want to avoid uncertainty about what a court might decide if the marriage ends in divorce. For some, the answer may be “love conquers all”--the less wealthy person may just want to marry the other person and not care much about the financial details....

A: you know what, Sometimes it is difficult to make a precise statement of a party’s net worth. If for example, the husband or wife owns a business that is closely held (meaning shares of the company’s stock are not traded on a public stock market), it may be difficult to ascertain the value of the business. In that circumstance, it usually is best to acknowledge the difficulty of precise valuation in the agreement and then state the minimum net worth or the range of possible net worth of the party.

B:...but meanwhile for others, the agreement may provide ample security, even if it is not as generous as a judge might be. Still others may not like the agreement, but they are willing to take their chances and hope the relationship and the financial arrangements work out for the best.

A: anyway, In order to avoid an appearance of duress and to give the parties ample time to consider the agreement, the agreement should be reviewed and signed well before the wedding.

b: yes, and most states do not set a specific time at which premarital agreements must be signed, but the greater amount of time the parties have to consider the agreement, the greater the likelihood a court would find the agreement to be voluntary.

Topic 1 Memory

B: Hi, Fiona. You look a little down. What's up?
A: I've been forgetful these days, say, I missed an important meeting with my client, because I wasn't aware of my schedule until it was too late. When I rushed to the cafe where I was supposed to be there two hour eariler, I didn't see my client,and you know why.
B: That's too bad. Did your boss say anything about me?
A: Of course, he was in a rage. He said I've forgot a lot of things these day, and if I dared to miss such an important meeting again, I would have to pack my stuff and go for good.
B: I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe you can do something about it.
A: I hope so, but how?
B: All right. But you used to be a girl with a good memory, I don't see why you got a short memory overnight.
A:It's not overnight. I've been suffering from this for almost two weeks.
B: How come? You don't look well, do you get enough sleep?
A: Not really. You know my new neighbour, Tom, the young guy, he kept playing loud music, which kept me up all night.
B: I see, everything is wrong when you don't sleep well. Look, you've got to talk this young man about this, otherwise your life and work will be a disater for you.
A: I guess you are right. Ok, I'll talk to him later today. Wish me luck.
B: Good luck. There comes the bus, got to go, see you.
A: See you.

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王牵健朗:[答案] Topic 1 Memory A complains to B that he forgets things easily recently. B comforts A and tries to help A by finding the ...some good ways to improve memory. A: Hey, mate! You know what, recently I've been involved in a big trouble... B: Really? what ...

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王牵健朗: hello, Lilei. where are you going?你好,李蕾.你去哪里? hi, Lili. i am going to the library to study. are you coming?你好,丽丽.我准备去图书馆学习.你去吗? i'd love to. but i need to go home now. should we go there the other day?我想去.但是我现在要回家去了,我们改天一起去好吗? sure. why not?好啊,为什么不去呢? then, see you.好的,再见 bye!再见

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王牵健朗: Hi, Tom, what's your plan for the weekend? 嗨,汤姆,周末有啥计划? Jack and I plan to go swiming on Saturday. 我和杰克打算周六一起去游泳. Oh, that sounds good. 哦,听起来很不错. Do you want to join us? 你要不要一起去啊? Thanks, but I got my plan. 谢了,不过我已经有计划了. Oh,what's your plan? 哦,你的计划是什么? It's a secret. I won't tell anybody. 秘密,我不告诉任何人.

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王牵健朗:[答案] 艾伦:It's unreasonable!Why did the company fire me?不可理解!公司为何要解雇我?杰克:No reason.Your are so excellent a secretary!没有理由.你是一个很出色的秘书.艾伦:Maybe only you think that.The superviso...

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王牵健朗: A:Hello,xxx (可带入名字) B: Hello A: This is xxx (可带入名字). B: Oh, hi. Long time no see! How are you? A: Good. XXX, do you still work in the city library ? B: Yes. A: Ok, yesterday I came to the city library, but the door was not open. Is the ...

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王牵健朗: 1.What is the weather like today?It's fine.2.Excuse me,can you tell me how to get to the cinema?Go along this street.You won't miss it.3.Hello,is there Mr.Lee?Yes,speaking.4.Where are Mike and Tom?Sorry,i don't know.I haven't seen then for weeks.5.Would you like to come to our Christmas party?I'd love to.What time?

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王牵健朗:[答案] 1. A: Hi, what kind of sports do you like? B: um, I'd say basketball. A: why? B: It's kind of exciting. And I can show off my skills. What kind of entertainment do you like then? A: Well I like watching movies. I watch a movie every week. 2. A: Do you like ...

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王牵健朗:[答案] 1 A what was wrong with you in the speech competition B i do not know ,i just felt nervous when facing audiences .I am not ... Maybe there is something wrong with your methods . A could you take a analysis of strategy to learn the oral English? B No ...

濮阳市14789524918: 求一篇6句简单的英语对话.(有汉语意思) -
王牵健朗: How are you,你好吗 I am very good! thank you 我很好!谢谢How old are you? 你多少岁了? It's a secret! 这是一个秘密!Recently? 最近好吗? I am very good! 我很好! Who are you?你是谁? Don't tell you! 不告诉你!Where do you come from? 你来自哪里? I'm from Canada 我来自加拿大What are your favorite foods? 你最喜爱的食物是什么? As long as it is delicious I could eat 只要是好吃的我都吃

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