
作者&投稿:禄柄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)






  扩展阅读:传统的劳动节的起源和庆祝活动 Traditional May Day origins and celebrations

  The earliest May Day celebrations appeared in pre-Christian times, with the Floralia, festival of Flora, the Roman goddess of flowers, held on April 27 during the Roman Republic era, and with the Walpurgis Night celebrations of the Germanic countries. It is also associated with the Gaelic Beltane, most commonly held on April 30. The day was a traditional summer holiday in many pre-Christian European pagan cultures. While February 1 was the first day of spring, May 1 was the first day of summer; hence, the summer solstice on June 25 (now June 21) was Midsummer.

  As Europe became Christianised, the pagan holidays lost their religious character and May Day changed into a popular secular celebration. A significant celebration of May Day occurs in Germany where it is one of several days on which St. Walburga, credited with bringing Christianity to Germany, is celebrated. The secular versions of May Day, observed in Europe and America, may be best known for their traditions of dancing around the maypole and crowning the Queen of May. Fading in popularity since the late 20th century is the giving of "May baskets," small baskets of sweets or flowers, usually left anonymously on neighbours' doorsteps.

  Since the 18th century, many Roman Catholics have observed May – and May Day – with various May devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary. In works of art, school skits, and so forth, Mary's head will often be adorned with flowers in a May crowning. May 1 is also one of two feast days of the Catholic patron saint of workers St Joseph the Worker, a carpenter, husband to Mother Mary, and surrogate father of Jesus. Replacing another feast to St. Joseph, this date was chosen by Pope Pius XII in 1955 as a counterpoint to the communist International Workers Day celebrations on May Day.

  In the late 20th century, many neopagans began reconstructing traditions and celebrating May Day as a pagan religious festival.



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犹邢庆大:[答案] -May 1 to praiseThe spring breeze spring rain across fields,Start up a layer of long green.High tower,layer upon layer on the distribution network,Suspension series line workers busy overhaul of the l...

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犹邢庆大:[答案] 关于劳动节 The origin of Labour Day July 14,1889,convened by the national socialists Marxist congress opened in Paris,France.The General Assembly,the representative of France Lavin proposal:to May 1st,1886 for eight-hour day American workers ...

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犹邢庆大: May 1st, International Workers' Day, commemorates the historic struggle of working people throughout the world, and is recognized in most countries. The United States of America and Canada are among the exceptions. This despite the fact that ...

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犹邢庆大: Labor's Day is on May 1st. Labor's Day is an international day for workers. Working is glorious, and we should respect workers. The Labor's Day is workers' holiday and workers can enjoy themselves to their heart's content. Many people choose to ...

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犹邢庆大: 下面是五一劳动节手抄报内容+图片:劳动最光荣. 劳动的光荣劳动就是幸福的开始,就是引领我们生命意义的上升. 把自己春天一样在大地上展放,在暖暖的阳光里与阳光一起明媚、一起灿烂是我们一生的梦想. 劳动,是我们生存和延续之...

安图县17622178834: 英语手抄报(关于五一劳动节)...
犹邢庆大: About BeijingBeijing has a history of over 3,000 years with a population of nearly 13 million and a lot of places of interest around it. In recent years, the city of Beijing has been advancing very quickly. You can see more museums, parks an shopping ...

安图县17622178834: 五一劳动节的英语手抄报 -
犹邢庆大: The Holiday of Labor's Day I spent this holiday very quick, on the 1st May, we went to the Zoo, there were crowded there, so many travelers coming from all over the country to have some fun during the holidays.On 2nd May, I visited my relatives with ...

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犹邢庆大: On May first, my elder brother, grand-mother, aunt and me went shopping, we bought: lollipops, bananas, ice creams, chocolates, milk, apples, peanuts, hot dogs and so on. On May second it was my birthday. I ate birthday cake and went to Juzizhou...

安图县17622178834: 要英语手抄报,五一劳动节,很好看,只要版面设计,不要内容,题目(May Day)图片 -
犹邢庆大:[答案] Labor's Day is on May 1st.Labor's Day is an international day for workers.Working is glorious,and we should respect workers.The Labor's Day is workers' holiday and workers can enjoy themselves to thei...

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犹邢庆大: 英语手抄报五一劳动节

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